“No. The calls are too short, and the system only recognizes callers when Danny actively links it to a client.”
Tamar didn’t like it when something didn’t add up. Business calls had to be recorded. Why take them on the other phone. It violated her sense of neatness, joining the other oddities she’d noticed before. It couldn’t hurt to check.
“Yelena, can you check all the deals he did right after these odd calls?”
“No. Too much info. I need filters, funnels, something to point the data at.”
“Okay. Search for events on specific names that Danny deals on. Something major, like secondary offerings, that’s when the stock is already listed and the company offers a second chunk of its equity to the public. A warrant or a convertible expiry or conversion. That’s when a company has a warrant on the share, or a convertible, and they’re close to hitting their conversion price.”
When she got the data from Yelena, Tamar would search for two names. Israweed, that made Nir look frightened, and Lusson, whose CEO was told to call Danny’s cell.
“Okay. I’ll do that and see what I can find. It’s probably nothing.”
“Probably.” Tamar hoped.
A key turned in the door, making Tamar jump.
“Hey! I’ve got some fabrics at an excellent price!” Tally had a habit of using her key in Tamar’s place as if it were her own. “See if you like them. I want to make you four items. Three dresses and a skirt because you said you like the old black one so much. Abba will bring Eyal later, after our meeting, to play with Giddy. You don’t mind, right Tamari?”
Tally was bright eyed and Tamar didn’t have the heart to admonish her for her lack of respect for her privacy. She wasn’t thrilled that her nephew would come afterwards, she wanted her rest. And she still hadn’t forgiven Tally for her blatant lies to Gideon.
But she didn’t say anything. Tally would only get huffy and defensive.
Tally pulled her aside on the pretext of making tea.
“I’m sorry about scaring Gideon away,” she said. “But I really think you’re better off without him. I wish someone had scared my husband away sooner.”
She nodded and again, said nothing. Her sister was happy and helpful. It would do no good calling out Tally for her lies. And Tally had implicitly helped Tamar’s sex life. Gideon ‘taking a raincheck’ had angered her and prompted her to order him around. She had never done that before and didn’t think she had it in her. The beautiful way he obeyed was astounding and exhilarating. Having him drink her squirt was an experience she wouldn’t have given up for anything.
Knocks on her door brought in Noga and Marina.
“How goes the Brokerage Project?” asked Noga.
“Churning along. Yelena is building machines,” Tamar said. “How goes your PR?”
Noga was in charge of doing Tamar’s PR in the investment management department. Her neck of the woods was comprised mostly of men, and they all had great affection for Gideon.
“I tell everyone that you’re the best buy-side analyst in E.E.M.A. Moishe, my boss, told me he was fine with both of you. He’s who matters. It helps that N is a woman and is great at her job.” Noga went to Tamar’s fridge for water and got stuck in front of it. “Hey, is that the famous rules list? Rina Feynman’s list?”
Tamar nodded.
“Neat! Rules for the workplace. Do you follow all of them? So many! The famous no sleeping around rule. Never show weakness, easier said than done. Number Seven: ‘Learn to compartmentalize. Women have multiple responsibilities and worries. In order not to be overwhelmed, they need to put everything into boxes and check those one by one.’ Very zenny. There’s an interesting one, Number Nine: ‘Forgive and forget your fellow ladies, don’t hold unnecessary grudges.’ Tamar, what does Number Nine mean?”
Tamar shrugged. It was the only rule she hadn’t understood and never needed to follow.
“Your puppy is huge. What’s his name?” Noga moved to the living room.
“Giddy,” Yelena answered. “Isn’t he adorable?”
“He likes being scratched behind the ears,” Tamar instructed them.
“Seriously Tamar, to call your puppy Giddy.” Marina chuckled and joined Yelena in scratching Giddy, who lay on his side to give them better access.
“Someone has a crush...” Noga said.
“He got his name after he peed on me. I was pissed on. Literally pissed!” Tamar asserted. “Gideon is my rival!”
Tally gave her a piercing look, and Tamar answered with her own. Tally better keep quiet.