“It’s your turn. Do you have anything planned already? A favorite porn scene you want to enact with me?” She wriggled her brows at him, and he laughed.
He didn’t until a few minutes ago, but now he knew exactly what he wanted.
“Sure,” he answered. “Lurid. Really degrading to the female gender.”
She shook her head.
“I’m not really worried about you. I think your mother is a lot sicker than you are.” Gideon laughed again. How did she manage to hide her humor and sassiness at work? But it wasn’t hard. Up until a week ago, he had seen in her only what he was looking for.
“So tonight, my place?” he insisted. He really wanted to touch her. Soon. She shook her head.
“No. Tonight will be impossible.” She made a face. “I... I’m meeting friends from work, and my sister, for... eh, for fittings.” She got a little red. It had to do with her plans to get N’s job. He wondered whether she’d confront her sister about her meddling. Tamar seemed so strong-willed and sure of herself, but when it came to her sister, she seemed to cave in easily.
“Do you like having sisters? I’m a single child.” As a young boy, he had craved a brother or sister.
“I can’t picture my life without my sisters. Or without my nephew. What’s it like being an only child?”
“Everyone always indulged me.”
An only child, an only grandchild. His grandmothers’ pride and joy, his mother’s first reader, his father’s successor at the company. Except he wasn’t his mother’s critique partner anymore, nor was he taking the reins from his father. And Paulina couldn’t have been more pissed with him.
But her family wasn’t too easy on Tamar, either.
“You’d be much better off, financially, if you didn’t help your family so much,” he blurted. Underneath Tally’s feigned worry about Tamar’s heart breaking lay an actual fear that the family’s breadwinner would get distracted.
“I know,” Tamar said, the laughter vanishing from her eyes. He wished he hadn’t said anything.
“I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”
A crease formed between her sculpted brows. She spoke, almost to herself. “I like doing it, I think. I mean, it gives my life purpose when I help them.”
Gideon’s heart gave a little flip, then settled back, but not in the same place. He placed a gentle finger under her chin and tilted her head to him, so he could catch her juicy lips. She huffed into his mouth and he deepened the kiss, falling into her sweetness. He unlocked their lips, but kept their brows connected, like after she read for him.
“Looking after your family is a great thing,” he said quietly.
“You need to go,” Tamar mumbled. “Do your job, take Giddy.”
“You’re very bossy.”
“And you like it.” Yes, he did. But it also thrilled him that the next time they were together, she would have to obey him. This arrangement was perfect.
“So, tomorrow night, my place?” he pressed her.
“Okay. Yes.”
24. Tamar
Yelena hummed to herself, clicking energetically on her laptop’s keyboard. Tamar poured chips, pretzels, and chocolate chip cookies into middle sized bowls. Tally, Noga, and Marina, the other T-team members, were due to join them in an hour's time.
“He is way too big for this place.” Yelena smiled at Giddy, who was at her feet, and patted him. He was chewing on one of his toys and eyeing the bowls, which resembled his own and probably contained very interesting food.
“He hasn’t even reached his full size. Don’t feed him junk!”
“Marina was so jealous of you! Her landlord doesn’t allow dogs.”
She hoped none of her neighbors would tell on her.
“Mine neither. Unless it’s a guide dog.”