“Oh, no!” Tamar shook her head energetically, making her treacherous hair band slide down the sleek locks. “Nothing like that! Don’t worry.”
She crawled on her bed, away from him, her curvy ass jiggling, the hem of her dress caressing her lower thighs. Then she turned around, took a small towel, and wiped her feet. She placed two pillows behind her back, crossed her ankles, and arranged her dress demurely around her thighs and calves.
“As I told you this morning, I’m going to remain in my dress,” Tamar said from her easy recline. “You strip, but keep your underwear on. Leave your clothes on the wooden hanger.”
He peeled off his T-shirt and hung it where she showed him. Her dark eyes inspected him with her signature focus. He never considered himself a shy person, but she made him self-conscious to the point that he was reluctant to take off his pants.
“I didn’t get to kiss you yet.” If he kissed her, he would want to strip. She shook her head.
“No kissing. What’s the matter?”
“I feel...objectified,” he confessed. “When you examine me like that.”
“Welcome to my and every other woman’s life.”
He recalled the chauvinistic exchange in the kitchen she had overheard. The way he scrutinized her. Like right now when he was lusting at her hourglass figure in this sensational dress.
“Yalla, come on, Gideon, remember, we have only until midnight. Then I turn back into a witch. Take off your pants already.”
Gideon hid his smile by bending to remove his shoes. He slowly climbed out of his jeans, rolled off his socks. Tamar bit her lips, looking sexy, and he restrained the urge to crawl to her.
“So. From now on, stop guessing what I would like. I’m going to tell you. Just shut up and follow my instructions, okay? Like we said.”
“Okay. Shutting my mouth from now on. The clock is ticking, and I turn back into a frog at midnight.”
It was a lame joke, but Tamar giggled. She drew a deep breath, her pale cleavage, surrounded by a sea of red velvet, rose and fell. The day before yesterday he got to bury his face in there, but she said the dress stayed on.
“Okay, we will start with a little massage.” Tamar uncrossed her legs and spread them a little. “Take my right foot with your hands, both hands, and draw lines with your thumbs from my heel to my toes.”
Gideon climbed on the bed and sat, crossing his legs. He lifted her right foot a little from the bed and pressed his fingers on the arch. The dress rode up her thighs a little, revealing the dark place between her legs. It was hard to tell whether she had on underwear. Tamar noticed the direction of his eyes and pulled down the hem. He averted his gaze.
“You’re very gentle, Gideon.” She stared at him. To put her at ease, he closed his eyes. He didn’t need to see her foot to massage it.
“I won’t look up your dress again,” he said.
“It’s good that you closed your eyes. This way you can hear my instructions better. Find my heel with your fingers and rub it in outgoing circles, gently, gently, yes, just like that.”
It was the same tone from when she lectured on the latest accounting tricks of tech companies. The same commanding certainty, all he had to do was take notes.
“Now up my arch. Scratch me with your fingernails, hmmm, that’s good. Yeah, stroke it. Wide circles on my heel again, yes.” He drew broad circles on her heel, and she rested back.
A tantalizing, arousing scent made him open his eyes. Tamar’s other leg had dropped to the side, and it widened the gap in her dress. It looked like she wasn’t wearing underwear. The room was semi dark, and he squinted in an effort to see better.
“You stopped. You’re not listening.” Tamar’s voice rose accusingly. “This isn’t working. I knew it wouldn’t.” She tried to pull her foot away and close her legs. Gideon held on. She gave up too fast. He wasn’t having it and he wasn’t going anywhere.
“No, no, I’m sorry. I’ll keep my eyes closed like before. Or you can put a blindfold on me.” Although he didn’t want one. He didn’t want her to move from where she was. “Tamar, I’ll listen to you. I promise. I’ll follow Waze instructions. Here, see, I’m closing my eyes, and as soon as I’m done begging, I’ll shut my mouth.”
This made her smile a little, but she pulled her dress back down, re-covering her thighs. He kept his eyes lowered and bettered his position, crouching closer to her so she would be more comfortable.
“Okay,” Tamar said. He administered pressure with both thumbs up and down her arched foot, starting with her sole going towards her toes. She liked it before. She breathed deeply.
“Okay,” she repeated.
The wave of relief that gripped him astounded Gideon. He wanted this, whatever it was, to continue, and it wasn’t all about his cock.
“Keep your eyes closed,” no one had ever ordered him in bed before, but with Tamar, it felt right. “Rub my big toe, use you thumb and forefinger and squeeze the pad,” she wasn’t using that singsong lilting voice, and her tone was quite severe. He obeyed her instructions, moving from big toe to middle toe, all the way to her dainty small toe. She sighed contentedly, and relaxed.
“Now press down towards my sole, yes, apply pressure to my arch, that’s good...” she breathed. Her gasps fired up his balls. He kept his eyes shut tight and let her words wash around him. “Right, it’s so good for me.”