Gideon’s eyes were glued to Tamar’s face. She seemed okay. Her voice didn’t waver.
“That’s our Tamar,” Marina said.
“I’m not taking any risks. You might have bugs in there I won’t recognize. I’m taking everything out of earshot.”
“Are you satisfied now?” Tamar asked.
“Show me your ears.” Danny’s voice hadn’t lost his edge.
“What? Why?”
“Move,” Ilan told Aviad, who gave the PI his place at the powerful telescope.
“There was a debate whether to supply Tamar with an earplug,” Tally breathed in his ear. “She said that way Ilan could give her instructions. But Ilan was against it, for the same reason he wrote off the button. Danny was a suspicious son of a bitch.”
“I want to check if you have one of those ear things,” Danny answered.
“Danny, this isn’t a spy movie. I came here to apologize and ask for your help. Why are you so suspicious?”
“Let me see your ears,” he demanded and came to stand behind Tamar, his large frame blocking her from view. He brought his big head to one side, bending forward, and then to the other. His voice was louder now, even though he spoke in a near whisper.
“Your ears are the cutest. I’m dying to lick them.”
“Shit, I don’t like it,” Tally said. Gideon hated it. He clenched his fists, needing to punch something, starting with the guy across the street.
“She is safe enough,” the PI’s cool voice sounded.
Tamar reappeared, putting the kitchen island between them.
“I need a favor from you, but if you think I’m going to fuck you for it, you’re wrong!”
Danny laughed. “I like it when you pretend you don’t want it. That you don’t want me. I had a girlfriend who used to read romance. I took one of her books once and skimmed through it. I noticed that whenever the guy did something right the heroine shivered. Let me tell you something, a second ago, when I kissed your neck, you shivered.”
“We need to get in there.” Gideon was already walking towards the door, his blood boiling. “He’s harassing her.”
“Stop! You don’t make her decisions for her,” Ilan’s voice was pure ice. “She has a safe word if she feels threatened and she didn’t say it.” Gideon stopped. He stood by the door, the binoculars in his hand, watching the distant scene.
“Her safe word is Giddy,” Tally told him.
“I’m sorry I blamed you for something you obviously didn’t do. But you did it as well. You told Keynan that I asked you to help me with the competition. That was a fucking lie.”
The love of his life was fighting like the lioness she was.
“I did it in self-defense, Tamar. I planted the idea in your head just to mess with you. You looked so frightened whenever me and Nir joked about betting on you.”
“Oh, I see. Hilarious. Now you’re the only one who can undo this. And Keynan will listen to you. You have him in your pocket.”
“God, the man is such a moron.” Danny’s voice was filled with disdain. He walked around the island, getting close to Tamar.
“Don’t move, Tamar,” the PI muttered. Despite his revulsion, Gideon lifted the binoculars back to his eyes.
“He is. You know he called me Tammy and asked me to speak more softly? And smile more.”
Danny laughed. He brushed his large hand over Tamar’s sleek hair, down her neck. Gideon’s stomach clenched in a green rage. His Tamar didn’t move.
“You hate being called Tammy.” His voice deepened flirtatiously.
“I need you to do me this favor. I need to get my job back. Danny. Please.”