Page 103 of Analysing Her Assets

“I do, but I need more.” His friend insisted. Aviad, Ilan’s IT man cleared his throat.

“Go ahead,” Ilan said.

“So...I listened to the recordings, all of them, and...”

Aviad’s dark eyes met hers for a second, then shifted away as if he was embarrassed.

“And...?” his boss prompted him.

“This Danny Golan likes Tamar. He asked you out, right? I heard it.” Aviad said quickly.

“Is this true, Tamar?” Ilan asked. Tamar’s neck and face heated when she met the penetrating brown-green stare of the private investigator.

“Yes,” she answered.

“He really likes her,” Marina said. “He asked you out, what, like four, five times. And he forced himself on you.”

“He can’t take no for an answer,” Tamar wished Marina had kept her mouth shut.

Ilan’s mouth thinned.

“He is huge, this guy. Were you hurt?”

Tamar shook her head silently. She tried not to think of the vile kiss Danny gave her, because whenever she did, she would get nauseous.

“How bad do you want to take him down?” The PI talked directly to her. “I’m going to help you, but it will be up to you.”

“I want to take him down,” she answered with all her heart. Danny tarnished her reputation, caused her to lose her dream job, lied and hurt Gideon and his family, and ultimately led to their separation.

“Good. We will. I’m starting an investigation, with or without your consent,” he said to his friend. “We’re going to hang Danny Golan, and he’ll be the one tying the knot.”

“How?” Eran asked.

“This is a man who is very successful, very handsome, and no woman has ever said no to him. He was humiliated by Tamar’s repeated refusals, which is why he went to great lengths to hurt her. We’re going to use it to our advantage.”

Tamar thought that Danny’s ire had intensified when he realized that she broke her no-dating rule for Gideon. That it hurt his pride even worse to be slighted in favor of another.

“How?” the head of Investigations asked again. Ilan ignored the big shot from the ISA speaking directly to her.

“You can take him down, Tamar,” he said, “but it won’t be easy. It might be dangerous.”

“How?” Tamar asked.

“By wearing a wire,” Ilan answered. “You’ll call him and ask to meet. I think he’ll agree. Then you’ll get him to admit on record what he did.”

“Fuck me.” Marina said.

“No. Fuck Danny Golan,” Ilan said, green light in his eyes.