The words stuck in his throat.

“Drive safe, Brandt. I’ll call you.”

And Brandt knew she would. Probably tomorrow.

But he also knew the next time Jessie’s number flashed on his phone, he wouldn’t pick up.

Chapter Fourteen

Kane made it to Ginger’s house in record time. Hayden stood at the door waiting for him, his face pale.

“She’s awful sick and I thought she’d get mad if I called 911.”

“Where’s your grandpa?”

“He’s having one of his away weekends…” The boy’s voice broke and his chin trembled.

“Hayden. It’s okay. You did the right thing callin’ me.” Kane shed his winter clothing. “How long’s she been sick?”

“Since she came home from work yesterday. She got up when the senior bus picked Grandpa up this morning. And after he left, Mommy went back to bed.”

Hayden had been fending for himself since this morning? “What’ve you been doin’ all day?”

Guilt colored his cheeks. “Playing Xbox.”

At least the kid didn’t lie. “Tell you what. How about if you let me check on your mama and then we’ll figure out what to do.”

“Okay.” But instead of staying in the living room, Hayden clutched Kane’s hand and followed him down the hallway to Ginger’s bedroom.

Kane didn’t bother knocking. Ginger was sprawled in the middle of the bed in a skimpy nightgown, but he didn’t allow his gaze to linger on her generous, nearly naked attributes. The tangled covers were an indication she hadn’t been resting peacefully. He glanced at the window. She had to be feverish to crack the window open when it was nine degrees outside.

“Is she gonna be okay?”

“If she needs to go to the hospital I’ll take her myself. We’ll both take her.”

Hayden leaned against him, pressing his face into Kane’s rib cage.

Poor kid. Kane gave him a one-armed hug and moved to sit on the bed. He placed his hand on Ginger’s forehead. Damn, she was burning up. “Do you know where your mama keeps the thermometer?”

“Uh-huh. Want me to get it?”

“Please.” Kane watched the uneven rise and fall of Ginger’s chest. Choppy breathing. Flushed face.

Sweat soaking her skin. He swiped away a few stray tendrils stuck to her damp neck. “Ah sugar, what am I gonna do with you? You still won’t ask for help when you need it.” He ran the backs of his knuckles down her cheek and murmured, “I’m stickin’ around to take care of you, whether you like it or not.”

Hayden returned and handed him the thermometer.

Kane hadn’t a clue how to use it. “How does this thing work?”

“You hafta put it in her ear. Probably she should be awake.” Hayden stood in front of Kane and shook Ginger’s shoulder. “Mommy?”

No response.

Hayden whispered, “I couldn’t wake her up before, either.”

It pained him to do it, but Kane pinched the underside of her arm.

“Ouch. Stop.” She mumbled, “Leave me alone,” and attempted to turn away.


She rolled flat, blindly reaching for Hayden’s hand. “I’m here. Just give me a sec.”

“We need to take your temperature.”

Her eyes opened. She blinked at Kane as if he was a hallucination. “Kane?”

“Yep. Let’s get you upright.” He supported her with a hand on her back. “Hold still.” He pointed at the thermometer. “Why don’t you do it since you know how it works.”

Hayden inserted the plastic tip into Ginger’s ear. “Is it in?”

Ginger adjusted his hold on it. “Okay. Now it’s in.”

Click. Pause. Then a drawn-out beep.

Hayden studied the digital read out. “It says 102.”

“I’m so hot. And I can’t keep my eyes open.”

“Have you taken anything to drop your fever?”

She shook her head. “Just antibiotics. I get these nasty sinus infections and sometimes I get a fever and sometimes I don’t. This time I did.”

“You want aspirin or Tylenol?”

“Tylenol. It’s in the middle drawer in my bathroom vanity.”

“I’ll get you a glass of water,” Hayden said and took off.

Kane shook out two pills and handed them over when Hayden returned with the water. “Bottoms up.”

After Ginger drained the water glass, she rolled back down on the mattress. Her eyes were still cloudy with fever as her gaze flicked between Kane and her son. “How long have you been here?”

“About ten minutes. Hayden called me because he was worried about you.”

“What time is it?”

“Almost eleven.”

She squinted at the window. “Eleven…at night?”


Shock flashed across her face. She looked at Hayden. Her eyes glazed with tears. “Oh, baby. I’m sorry you’ve been alone…”

“I’m okay. But when I couldn’t wake you I called Buck.”

“And I am mighty glad you did, sport. Why don’t you head to the kitchen and figure out what you wanna eat? I’ll be there in a sec.”

Hayden laid his head on his mother’s chest. “We’ll take care of you, Mommy. Just like me’n Buck did last time.”


Ginger broke down the second Hayden fled the room. “I am the most horrible mother on the planet.”

Tears streamed down her face. “Leaving an eight-year-old boy to fend for himself while I was sacked out in my room? What if he’d gotten hurt? What if he’d locked himself outside? What if—”

“Stop. C’mere.” Kane gathered her in his arms. “He’s fine. He’s a smart boy.”

“Oh God, Kane, don’t be nice to me. I don’t deserve it.” She muffled her cries against his chest and he felt the heat of her feverish skin through his shirt.

“Ginger, sugar, cut yourself some slack. You can’t help bein’ sick.”

“But I’m never sick. And even if I am, I can still take care of my kid.”

“This might be what you lawyers call ‘extenuating circumstances’, doncha think?”

“That’s not a good excuse for neglecting my child.”

Kane rested his chin on top of her head. “Nothin’ I say will ease your guilt?”