Was it ironic the dog was the only thing Kane had in his life right now?

“Kane? Is everything all right?”

Ginger had poked her head around the corner.

“Yeah. Great. I should probably be goin’.”

“Now that we’re finally alone…you’re bailing on me? I thought we could make out on the couch for a little bit.”

“Good plan.” He towed her into the living room, tugged her onto his lap and smothered her squeak of protest with a kiss.

She melted into him, running her hands up and down his arms. “God. I want to touch you everywhere.”

He dragged his wet lips across the smooth expanse of her throat. “I want that too, Red, but I think we oughta talk.”

Ginger lowered her head, her eyes connecting with his. “You’re serious.”

“Yeah.” Kane threaded their fingers together and kissed her knuckles. “I want to keep seein’ you. I realize you’re in a tricky situation with Hayden and your dad.”

Those expressive hazel eyes tapered to fine points. “Are you suggesting we sneak around?”

No. I want everyone to know we’re a couple and you’re mine. “Sneaking around sounds a little tawdry, don’t it? How about if we call it a private preliminary test drive?”

“You sure you haven’t had law classes?”

He slapped her ass hard. And wasn’t that interesting? Ginger didn’t yelp. Or protest. She sort of…moaned.

“I want to keep seeing you too, Kane, but the issue is where? I can’t spend the night at your place.

You can’t spend the night here. It seems high schoolish to have you show up after Hayden and my dad are in bed. And as totally hot as it was for you to f**k me in my office, I do have clients show up unannounced during the day. I can’t make them wait in the reception area while we’re going at it on the floor.”

He’d take the floor idea as a challenge for a future hook-up. “But you get a lunch hour, right?”

“I usually eat lunch at my desk.”

“I could eat you at your desk,” he offered with his best big, bad, wolf growl.

She whapped him on the bicep. “Stop derailing my train of thought with that suggestive tone, mister.

Keep it G-rated tonight since XXX ain’t happening.”

“Sorry.” But he wasn’t. Kane smoothed her hair over her shoulder. “Our nighttime options are limited, Ginger.”

“So are our daytime ones, especially since my dad is here during the day.”

“Not every day,” he pointed out. “There’s always my place. It’s further out, but it’d be more private.”

Kane placed a kiss on the hollow of her throat. “Or we could meet halfway and do it in my truck.”

She giggled.

Damn her and that charming, girlish giggle.

“I’ve never done it in a pickup before.”

“As a dedicated, lifelong pickup owner, it’s my sworn duty to show you the kinky pleasures of the flesh that can be performed in a pickup, while tryin’ to avoid bangin’ your head into the steering wheel, and smackin’ your ass into the dash.” He grinned. “It’ll be all kinds of fun poppin’ your pickup cherry, sugar.”

“Okay. Lunch. Tomorrow. Here. We’ll save the truck rendezvous for another time. Will one o’clock work?”

“Be here with a hard-on.” He pulled her closer and teased her mouth with his until her lips trembled.

Then he kissed her soundly and released her. “I’ve gotta hit the road.”

At the door he switched out his ball cap for his cowboy hat. He rolled up the cap and stuck it in the inside pocket of his coat.

“Hayden was pretty insistent you needed a new hat. I’m glad you liked it.”

“I like everything he gives me. He’s thoughtful. Not many kids his age are.”

Ginger smooched his chin. “You are thoughtful too, Kane McKay.”

“Must be because mine and Hayden’s mamas raised us right.”

“Such a silver tongue. See you tomorrow, cowboy. Drive safe.”

“Night, Red.”

On Monday, Ginger had been so frantic to get her hands on him that Kane had found himself flat on his back, in the middle of her bed, with Ginger going to town on him like a Pony Express rider—almost before he’d even said hello. He went with it, because hey, there were worse things than a smokin’ hot woman moaning his name and bouncing on his pole until he came. But she seemed to have forgotten his

“in charge” rule and he intended to remind her on their next lunch date.

So Wednesday, he brought his handcuffs. At first Ginger balked at being bound, even slightly. He’d waited for her to accept his control by spending several long minutes just kissing her bare arms. Sucking on her fingers like he sucked on her ni**les. Once he’d earned her trust and promised not to tickle her, she relaxed.

Kane spent half their allotted time toying with her br**sts, just because he could, just because it made her crazy, made her wet. After he’d wrung one orgasm from her, he straddled her chest and f**ked those luscious tits, sliding his dick in the tight valley until he couldn’t hold back. He finished by jacking off on her chest and belly, fighting the urge to roar with male satisfaction at seeing her marked with his seed. Then he settled between her legs and sucked on her clit until she screamed.

Yeah, the counselor was a little late getting back to the office that day.

On Friday, Kane had walked into Ginger’s house and saw her naked on the living room rug, getting herself off with a vibrator. After witnessing the live floorshow of her oh-so-sexy act of self-pleasure, he stripped and f**ked her, right there on the floor. Twice.

Then he’d confiscated her vibrator, knowing the weekend loomed without the prospect of another naked lunch. He informed her that if he wasn’t getting off, neither was she.

Lunch was becoming his favorite part of the day.

When five o’clock rolled around the following Friday, Ginger gathered her paperwork and separated the piles into appropriate folders.

A knock sounded and her assistant, Rissa, poked her head in. “I’m going. Need anything else?”

“I’m good. Have a great weekend.”

“You too.”

She sagged deeper into her chair. She had another splitting headache. The other symptoms had been building all week and she faced the truth. The little sniffle she’d noticed last weekend wasn’t a simple cold; it’d morphed into a full-blown sinus infection.