She kept her eyes riveted to the fire blazing in the blue depths. She finally understood his need for control—because his sexual hunger could be overpowering. All encompassing. Addictive.

“But you can let go of my dick now. In fact, sugar, you’re teeth are startin’ to hurt a little.”

What? She was keeping his c**k in place? Not him? That was new. She relaxed her jaw.

Kane’s greedy gaze was locked on his semi-hard c**k slipping from between her lips. “Soon as you catch your breath, we’re goin’ again.”

She nuzzled his hip, breathing his musky scent deep into her lungs. Her fingernails were still embedded in his thigh with enough force she’d marked him.

He seemed content to stroke her hair, brushing back the tendrils sticking to her sweat dampened face.

Several insistent knocks on the door brought them both out their sexual trance.


Ginger’s head snapped up.

Kane said, “Shit,” and quickly—and rather comically—dragged on his pajama bottoms and pulled on his tank top, inside out.

Good thing she had her clothes on and she looked sleep tousled, not sex-ravaged. Kane unlocked the door, ending up behind it as it opened.

Hayden rushed in and started to fling himself at her, but Kane deftly stopped him mid-leap.

“Gently, sport. Your mama still ain’t up to tackle hugs.”

If it surprised Hayden that Kane was in her room, he didn’t show it. He burrowed into her.

“Sweetie? What’s wrong?”

“I had a bad dream. And you died and Grandpa changed into a tornado, with robot arms and he chased me in his wheelchair. He was gonna cut off my head!”

“Sounds scary. But I’m thinking no more Transformers before bed,” she murmured, looking up at Kane.

Kane mouthed, “Sorry.”

“Can I sleep with you?”

Hayden rarely asked to crawl in bed with her so she knew he was shaken up. She kissed the top of his head. “Of course. Do you need a drink or anything first?”

“No. Just need you, Mommy.”

Her heart tumbled. “I’m here. Not going anywhere, okay?”

“Okay.” He released a heavy sigh. “I’m tired.”

“Maybe Kane can tuck us both in.”

“No problem.”

Ginger rolled back onto the mattress. Hayden snuggled beside her, heeding Kane’s warning not to jiggle her sling. They wiggled until comfortable positions were attained.

Kane tugged the blankets over them. “Do you want pillows to prop up your cast?”

She shook her head.

He clicked off the lights. “I’ll leave the door open in case you need anything.”


Usually Hayden was a restless sleeper but it didn’t take long before his breathing leveled. He mumbled, “Love you, Mommy.”

“Love you too, baby.”

She thought she’d be too keyed up from the sexual shenanigans with Kane to fall asleep right away.

But right after closing her eyes, she drifted off.

Chapter Eight

By the time Ginger hobbled into the kitchen the next morning, Kane had already showered, shoveled the steps and the wheelchair ramp and brewed a pot of coffee.

Yeah, he was a little anxious.

She didn’t wait for him to bring her a cup; she walked right past him poured her own. “You’ve been a busy bee this morning,” she said, gazing out the window.

“I’m used to getting up early. Did Hayden settle down all right last night?”

“Surprisingly, yes. He’s still completely sacked out.”

“I checked on you guys about three and you were both sound asleep.”

Ginger turned around. “Why’d you check on us?”

“Habit. I’ve been checkin’ in on you at some point every night since I got here.”

She stared at him. Hard. “So? Do I drool? Snore? Babble in my sleep?”

“You’re not usually this cranky before you’ve had your first shot of caffeine. Something botherin’


“Just…never mind. Drop it, okay?”

Kane stopped in front of her. “No. Talk to me.”

“You’re doing everything. I’m doing nothing. I’m tired of being helpless. I need a real shower so badly I can smell myself. I look horrible. I hate the way the pain pills knock me out. I hate that if I don’t take them I hurt.”

“Anything else?”

Ginger lifted her head. “Like my total helplessness, my total dependence on you isn’t enough reason for me to be cranky?” She scowled at him. “Why in the hell are you so damn chipper this morning?”

“Do you want a blow by blow account of what’s put a big ol’ grin on my face?”

“Smartass.” She hid her smile behind her coffee cup. “I didn’t expect you’d be happy. I thought you’d be upset we were interrupted.”

“I didn’t expect anything less than you givin’ Hayden your full attention when he needed it.”


“Uh-huh. I thought maybe you were peckish because I hadn’t kissed you good mornin’ yet. Come to think of it, I didn’t kiss you goodnight, either.”

“Slacking on your caretaking duties, McKay.”

“Do you want me to kiss you?”

Her gaze darted to Dash’s room.

“I checked on him too. He’s still snoring away.” Kane set her coffee cup on the counter and held her face in his hands. “Good mornin’, beautiful.” He kissed her with as much tenderness he could muster, needing her acceptance. Her surrender.

Ginger tried to crank the heat up, but he wouldn’t allow it. He gently bit down on her lower lip and briefly held it hostage between his teeth. “Ah. Ah. Ah. My pace. And I’m wantin’ slow, wet and sweet kisses from you right now, counselor.”

“Kane. I want more than kisses.”

His cock, already stirring with interest, went fully erect. “Same goes, but I ain’t gonna start something we can’t finish. Neither your daddy nor your son needs to see me bending you facedown across the counter as I f**k you like a madman.”

The pulse in her throat jumped.

With deliberate slowness, Kane bent down, breathing on the spot before he placed his lips on it. “I love the way you taste right here.”

Ginger shivered, releasing a husky moan.

“I want you under me, on top of me, in front of me, every which way I’ve ever thought about takin’