“Nope. Been waiting for her all my life.” Kane smiled because the question didn’t bother him.

“Where have you stashed Dash Paulson?”

“Room twelve.”

He skirted wheelchairs and carts until he stood in front of the right door. It was fully open, but he knocked anyway. “Dash? You in here?”

“Where else would I be?”

Kane fought his Testy much? response.

“You might as well come in and sit down.”

Not exactly a hearty welcome. Kane crossed the tile floor. It was the first time he’d been in this side of the nursing home/assisted living facility. The space had a living area with a big picture window, and a loveseat and a chair. The TV was on an end table, shoved against the wall. A kitchenette consisted of a countertop with stools beneath and a small refrigerator and a microwave on the opposite wall. No stove. A doorway off to the left led to a bedroom and a bathroom. Everything in the place was brand new and handicapped-accessible.

“Did my daughter send you here?”

“Nope. I volunteered.” Kane took off his coat and plopped on the couch. He waited for Dash to wheel to the open spot beside the recliner. “So what’s this bullshit about you movin’ in here permanently?”

Dash straightened in his wheelchair, notching up his stubborn chin. “Not bullshit. It’s time I permanently settle in a place like this.”

“Why? Is the bed comfier here?”

That gave Dash pause. “No.”

“Tastier food?”


Kane glanced around the room. “It can’t be lure of the luxury atmosphere that’s makin’ you uproot your life. This place is more bland than my trailer.” Kane’s eyes narrowed. “Is this about sex? Are you knockin’ boots with a horny widow and you want privacy to get it on?”

Dash’s mouth dropped open. Then snapped shut. “What in the hell is wrong with you, McKay? Even if I was, what business is it of yours?”

“Two days from now, what happens in this family definitely will be my business. So if you ain’t upgraded to a place that’s better, why would you wanna leave the comforts of the home you’ve already got?”

When Dash cocked his head and studied him, Kane was glad he’d never stood before this man when he’d been Judge Dash Paulson.

“Since you’re a straight shooter, I’ll give it to you plain. I never intended to live with Ginger and Hayden forever.”

“That so?”

Dash nodded. “My daughter seemed eager to create that happy family vibe she’d been denied growing up and I went along with it to make her happy. I’d always hoped she’d find a good man and settle down.

Now that she’s about to get married, it’s time for me to let her have her own family life.”

Kane looked at Dash coolly. “As long as we’re bein’ honest and all… Have I ever given you the sense that I don’t want you around?”

Another confused look. “Well, no. But you’ve got to admit taking on the responsibility of a wife, a young boy, and soon enough, a baby, is plenty to have on your plate. You’ll still be ranching fulltime too.”

“And you believe I can’t do it all…because I ain’t got a college degree? That juggling several roles is beyond my limited capabilities?”


“Then what’s the real reason for you bailin’ on your family?”

Dash glared at him. “Blast it, boy, I’m giving you an out.”

“How so?”

“By making sure that taking care of an infirm old man isn’t on your list of roles. Despite the fact I’ve hired a male nurse to assist me with personal needs I can no longer do for myself, I’d still be underfoot all the time. I can’t imagine you’d be happy about that.”

Kane counted to ten. “You think I’m that shallow?”

“Maybe at first I wasn’t thrilled when I figured out you two had feelings for each other.” He pointed at Kane. “And yes, this was before you volunteered to ‘help’ out after her accident. I worried about your previous ladies’ man reputation and I believed you’d get fed up with her after a spell and Ginger would end up getting hurt.”

Her take-charge nature appealed to him, but he appreciated that she was comfortable enough to let him call the shots.

“Since she’s established herself here, it’s not like she can run away, like she did after that rotten business in California.”

Again, he fought the urge to defend himself. “I sense a ‘but’.”

“But I was wrong to be worried. I’m glad I kept my damn fool mouth shut and let this play out between you two without my interference. You’re a good man and the best thing that’s happened to her since she moved to Sundance. You two need a chance to…bond or whatever.”

“Trust me, Ginger’s mornin’ sickness is proof of how well she and I have already bonded,” Kane said dryly.

The corners of Dash’s mouth twitched.

“What about Hayden? He’s always spent so much time with you. Doesn’t your grandson get his say about how this move will affect him?”

Sadness flickered in Dash’s eyes. “That boy can come and see me a couple of times a week. Besides, you’ll need time to build a father bond with Hayden.”

“What about the father bond you’ve finally built with Ginger?” Kane countered. “You just gonna throw that away?”

“Never.” Dash placed his gnarled hands on his knees. “But be honest, wouldn’t it be better if I wasn’t there?”

“Better for who?”

“For all of you.”

“Bullshit.” Kane gave him a long, measured look. “Did you know that my Grandpa McKay lived with us from my fourth birthday until he passed when I was almost thirteen?”

“I vaguely recall something about that.”

“Since Carson was older than my dad by like ten minutes, Grandpop deeded him the family ranch house after my grandma died. Plus, Uncle Carson and Aunt Carolyn kept havin’ all them kids and needed the space. Grandpop didn’t much like his son Casper, so movin’ in with him was out as an option. And he wasn’t too fond of my Uncle Charles’ wife, Vi, neither. So he came to live with us.”

“How’d your mama feel about that? Wasn’t there bad blood between the Wests and the McKays?”