Daphne frowned at Ginger prettily. “I know you. You’re Hayden’s mom, right?”

“Right. How are you, Daphne?”

“Thirsty.” Daphne dropped a ten dollar bill on the bar top when Lettie asked for her order. “Vodka sour.”

The woman was in the bar at noon, having a drink?

You’re in the bar at noon, and if you weren’t pregnant you’d be having a drink yourself.

Self-chastised, Ginger politely asked, “So wasn’t it scary when the boys got snowed in?”

“Lock didn’t go on that field trip since he and Hayden ain’t in the same class.”

“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know.”

“I’d be surprised if you did, since Lock and Hayden don’t run in the same crowd. Lock is a sports nut and he hates being in the classroom. He tells me Hayden is some kind of genius.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Ginger demurred.

“Anyway, Lock has real trouble with his homework.”

Ginger bit back her retort, “He’s struggling in third grade?”

“School wasn’t really my thing neither, so he probably gets that from me.”

“What do you do for a living?” Ginger asked.

“I’m a nail technician.” Daphne twisted a section of hair, bleached to blinding white platinum, around her index finger, which boasted a fake gemstone that nearly reached her knuckle. “How about you? You ain’t from around here.”

“I moved to Wyoming a few years ago to take over my father’s law practice.”

“You’re a lawyer?”

Ginger almost laughed at the comical look on Daphne’s face. She half expected Daphne to blurt, “But you don’t look that smart!” Wouldn’t have been the first time Ginger had heard that. “Yes, I am. Are you originally from Sundance?”

“Born and raised in Lusk. Moved to Sundance to be with Lock’s daddy, but the man took off before Lock was born so it’s just been me and him.”

“Same,” Ginger offered.

“Men. Only good for one thing. Since my daddy took off too, I wanted something different for my boy, so I signed up Lock for that Little Buddies program.”

“It’s been great for Hayden.”

Daphne gave Ginger a curious once-over. “You mean Buck’s been great for Hayden?”

“That too.”

“Did you request Buck?”

“No. Hayden was assigned to Kane from the start.”

“Well, I specifically requested him.”


“Uh-huh.” Daphne pursed her pink frosted lips around the straw and sucked. “Those dreamy McKay blue eyes, that hard, toned body, that sexy grin? The man is prime. And now that he’s officially dropped out of the Little Buddies program? He’s fair game.”

All the air left Ginger’s lungs. “What?”

Daphne smirked. “You didn’t know Buck resigned from the program?”

Stunned, she shook her head.

“He called and left a message on our home phone yesterday. Supposedly to let Lock know he was quitting, but I can read between the lines.” Daphne leaned closer and confided, “He was letting me know he’s free. There’s always been a spark between Buck and me, even when I knew he’d never act on it because of what’d happened with Brandi.”

For Christsake. Who the hell was this Brandi person? And why did it seem everyone in town knew more about the man whose child she carried than she did?

“You don’t know what happened with Kane and Brandi?” Daphne prodded.

“No.” Ginger waited, expecting Daphne to confide in her.

But Daphne just gave her a smug smile and grabbed her drink. “See ya around.”

Ginger huddled into her coat and left the Golden Boot via the side door. Arctic wind gusts blasted her face as she returned to her office, but she scarcely noticed because she was absolutely numb. Maybe Daphne wouldn’t tell what the hell had gone on between Kane and Brandi, but she knew someone who would.

She dialed Stacy Lynnwood, director of Crook County First Start, which oversaw the Big Buddies/Little Buddies program.

Stacy’s assistant patched Ginger through. “This is Stacy Lynnwood.”

“Stacy. Ginger Paulson. How are you?”

“Great. Are you all healed up from your accident?”

All except for the accidental pregnancy. Ginger cleared her throat. “Yes, I am.”

“I hope you’re not calling me on an official legal matter?”

“No. A little more personal. Kane has been Hayden’s Big Buddy for two years and I’m wondering why he resigned without warning. Was it his choice? Or was it a decision the board handed down because he’d violated the board’s policy?”

A long pause ensued and Ginger assumed Stacy was mentally composing a brush off. Papers shuffled in the background.

“I’ve heard there’s been disciplinary action taken against Kane before. Is that true?”

“Yes. I suppose it doesn’t really matter now, anyway,” Stacy grumbled. “Kane McKay was put on notice from his very first Little Buddy assignment. He almost got kicked out of the program.”


“Inappropriate behavior.”

Rather than jump to conclusions, she said, “Meaning what? Inappropriate behavior on whose part?”

“One of the boy’s mother’s exhibited inappropriate behavior toward Kane. He immediately requested her son be transferred to another Big Buddy. The woman turned belligerent and accused Kane of punishing her son because she’d turned down Kane’s sexual advances.”

“What happened?”

“Kane was cleared because it was a lie. Several people substantiated Kane’s side of the story. Sadly, the woman’s son was banned from the program because of her actions.”

Ginger paced in front of the window. “Kane’s been in the clear since then? No misconduct?”

“He’s been an exemplary mentor. We are very upset to be losing him.”

Too bad for you, but I’m not going to lose him.

Ginger wasn’t about to wait around for Kane to come to her. Screw that. For the first time in a long time she’d be proactive, instead of reactive. No more keeping her heart hidden, afraid that Kane might crush it or break it.

No, Ginger was going to throw herself on his mercy and hope like hell he wouldn’t sentence her to a life of misery without him.