And then he revved her back up, with his sexy whispered, “How about if you let me take you to bed?”


Feeling guilty about her impure thoughts, she said, “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” to Hayden and then shot a questioning glance at Kane.

Kane shrugged. “I wanted to swing by and tell Libby you were goin’ home, so I just picked him up early.” His gaze moved over her at a snail’s pace and she shivered. “You ready?”

“I signed myself out. Got my cache of drugs. Just waiting on the wheelchair.” She scowled. Seemed an unnecessary rule in her opinion.

Hayden’s eyes grew big. “You have to be in a wheelchair?”

“No, sweetie. They’ll wheel me out in one, that’s all.”

“Too bad. I thought maybe you and Gramps could have wheelchair races.”

“He’d beat me for sure. He’s pretty speedy.”

Hayden crouched over the pink plaster. “Buck said you had a cast. Can I sign it?”

“First thing when we get home.”

The nurse wheeled in the chair and Kane left to pull his pickup around. Hayden didn’t say a word as the nurse helped Ginger into the chair. At least they’d removed the full bandage on her left hand so she wasn’t a total invalid.

Face it. You are completely helpless for the next few days.

Once they reached the patient pickup area, Ginger debated on how she’d climb into Kane’s monster truck. Hayden had no such qualms; he clambered into the back seat like a monkey. Good idea. Maybe she should just go for it. She attempted to stand and Kane was right there, gently shouldering aside the nurse.

“Thanks.” He smiled at the nurse. “I got it from here.” He put his mouth on Ginger’s ear. Tingles ran from neck to her midsection, tightening everything in its wake. “Trust me?”

“I guess.”

“On three I’m gonna lift you.”


His arm slipped behind the bend of her knee. He gently cradled the right side of her body to the hard strength of his. “One. Two. Three.”

Then she was airborne, efficiently being stuffed in the front seat of Kane’s truck. “You’re lucky you didn’t wind up in the hospital yourself, McKay, with my weight straining your back.”

“Nah. I’m used to movin’ around heifers.”

She would’ve snapped at him if not for the twinkle in his eye and the smirk curling his lips. “You are a regular riot.”

“So you can take a joke,” he murmured. “I’d wondered. Besides, you smell way better than heifers and you didn’t try to knock me on my ass. That’s always a plus.”

“There’s always next time,” she said sweetly.

“Lookin’ forward to it.” He fiddled with the seatbelt. “I’m thinkin’ we’d better put this strap behind your head so it don’t strain your shoulder and only use the lap belt.” The intimate way Kane’s fingers straightened the belt across her abdomen sent her heart galloping and a small gasp escaped.

Mr. Twinkling Blue Eyes was right in her face. “Shit, sorry, I thought I was bein’ careful. Did I hurt you?”

“Umm. No.”

He squinted at her. “Then what’s wrong?”

I just discovered my whole body goes haywire from your slightest touch. “Ah. Nothing. I’m just anxious to get home.”

He smiled. His damn smile was as sexy as his teasing eyes. “Once we get there, don’t bail outta the truck on your own. I’m here to help you, and that includes carryin’ you into the house if I have to, understand?”

“And if I don’t?”

“Red, you might learn firsthand exactly how good I am with ropes.”


Kane grinned and spoke to Hayden. “All buckled in?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Let’s get your mama on home, hmm?”

Hayden filled the air with chatter, which Ginger mostly tuned out due to the reappearance of a vicious headache.

Once they’d reached her house, she couldn’t wait to crash in her own bed and sleep. She depressed the seatbelt locking mechanism and turned toward the door.

“Ah ah ah. My threats ain’t idle, sugar, so stay put.”


The man lifted her out and wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her tightly to his side.

“I can manage.”

“No, you can’t,” he argued with entirely too much cheer.

Glaring at him didn’t cause his sexy smile to slip.

“You’re gonna have to learn to lean on me.” They took three steps. “There you go. See? That ain’t so hard.”

“Yes, it is.” But Ginger wouldn’t admit the hardest part was being pressed against Kane’s muscular body and feeling the need to surrender to his raw magnetism.

Definitely loopy from the drugs.

Kane stopped on the top step. “You okay?”

“Sleepy. Sore. Starving. And crabby about being all three to be real honest.”

“That’s totally understandable. Let’s get you inside.”

In the kitchen, she sagged into a kitchen chair. “Give me a minute.”

“No rush.”

Ginger heard the soft squeak of her dad’s wheels on the wood floor and looked up.

This aged version of her father caught her by surprise. During her childhood, this soft-spoken man had loomed larger than life. Tall, slender, with a shock of red hair. Now that red hair had turned white. His frame had shrunk, leaving his shoulders hunched, his arms and legs slightly shriveled. The arthritis confined him to a wheelchair, destroyed his body, but not his will, and his mind was as sharp as ever.

Ginger had always adored him. Even when her mother used lies and manipulation to keep them apart.

He’d given up his position as a federal prosecutor in California and retreated to Wyoming after the demise of his marriage to Ginger’s mother. Although they both regretted the years they’d lost, she was grateful they’d worked to build a new relationship.

She attempted a smile. “Hey, Dad.”

“Dearest daughter.” His shrewd eyes took in every injury and assessed it before moving on to the next. “You all right?”

“I’ve been better.”

“We’ll talk about what happened after you’ve rested.” He tapped his fingers on the arms of his chair.

“Maybe it’s none of my business, but who’s going to help you get undressed?”