He rapped on her office door four times. “Ginger?”

Footsteps on the other side, then the door flew open. “Kane? What are you doing here?” A stark expression crossed her face. “Has something happened to Hayden?”

“No. He’s fine and your dad is fine.” Kane understood he might have to cover Dash’s butt. “I was in town and I noticed your office lights were on. Then I saw your car and wondered why the hell you’re workin’ this late on a Friday night.”

Ginger lifted her eyebrows. “You just happened to be in the neighborhood? Bullshit. Did Hayden send you? Or my dad?”

Busted. Before she flew off the handle, Kane pointed out, “Dash worries about you, Red. He feels pretty helpless. He couldn’t check up on you himself, so I volunteered to make sure you were okay on his behalf. It’s damn cold out there tonight. Sub-zero.” His gaze swept over her. She looked fantastic in a figure-flattering suit jacket and matching short skirt the color of coffee. Tan lace peeped from between the lapels of the jacket and her nylon-clad feet were bare. “Please tell me you brought more weather appropriate clothing to wear home?”

Those brown-green eyes narrowed. “Don’t start on me.”

Kane stepped closer. “Answer the question.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Such a sassy mouth. Damn, I missed it the last week.”

Her face softened. “Kane—”

He fused his lips to hers, stopping her protest. He groaned softly at the dark, sweet taste of her and deepened the kiss.

Immediately Ginger melted into him. Both arms circled his waist as her mouth clung to his in a kiss that was both sweet and compelling.

When he went to touch her face, he realized he hadn’t even taken his damn gloves off. He broke their lip-lock and studied her. “Where’s your sling?”

“Off. Doc said I only have to wear it at night. I’ve actually gotten pretty proficient at attaching it myself.” She pointed to her right calf. “The cast is gone too. No ligament damage. She was shocked about how fast I healed up.”

Both of those bits of good news should’ve warranted a phone call. “No need for me anymore?”

Ginger flirtatiously kissed his soul patch. “You almost sound sad about that, McKay.”

“I am.” He let her think on it for a few seconds before he said, “You about done here so I can follow you home? Or am I takin’ off my jacket and stayin’ awhile?”

“Maybe you should take off your pants too,” she teased.

“What would you do if I did?”

The humorous light left her eyes; they turned liquid with pure sexual heat. “I suppose I’d be forced to service your needs.”

“Forced?” he repeated.

Her gaze dropped to his crotch, then returned to his eyes. “Last night I dreamt of you. We were at some party and you got this…hungry look in your eye, the same one you’re sporting right now. You took me by the hand and led me to a bathroom. You locked the door, leaned against it and started to unbuckle your belt, all without saying a single word.”

Holy shit. Kane swallowed the ball of lust stuck in his throat. “What did you do?”

“Waited until you gave me the signal. You put your hand on my shoulder and pushed me to my knees to suck you off. Then I woke up hot and bothered and pissed.”

“Pissed? Why? Because of my highhanded behavior? Or because you liked bein’ obedient?”

“Neither. I was pissed because I was horny as hell. I knew if I’d been allowed to finish the dream you wouldn’t have left me wanting.” Ginger placed both palms on his chest. “You would’ve seen to my needs.”

“I can still see to your needs, sugar,” he said with a silken drawl. “Right after you see to mine.” Kane tugged off his gloves and threw them aside. His coat hit the floor someplace behind him. Keeping his eyes locked to hers, he unhooked his belt buckle. He lowered his zipper. He dropped his jeans and boxers mid-thigh and pulled out his fully erect cock. “You know what I want.”

Without hesitation, she lowered before him. She kissed the head of his penis, grabbing it at the base with her right hand. She stroked, and outlined the flared rim of his cockhead with her tongue.

Kane hissed in a breath. He about shot his load when Ginger gave him that vixen-like smirk and sucked him to where her hand circled his dick.

He let her play. Tease and retreat. Taking his full length into her heated mouth while she rolled his balls between her fluttering fingers. He had to clench his butt cheeks together a couple of times to keep from taking over and f**king that sassy, sucking mouth.

Ginger slid her hands around to cup his ass and stopped. She allowed his dick to slide free from her mouth. “Holy crap. Your butt is like ice.”

“Told you it was cold out there,” he murmured.

She tongued the tip and smiled cheekily. “But it’s nice and warm right inside here.” She canted her head and swallowed him to the root.

Kane thrust his hands into her hair, keeping her head in place as a not-so-subtle reminder that he was in control.

Their eyes met. The surprise he saw reflected in hers morphed into heat. She knew. She handed him the reins.

He released the tight grip on her head and pulled back, thrusting in, showing her his preferred rhythm.

This blowjob wouldn’t take long. Between her sexy-ass dominant dream and the fact she’d dropped to her knees—well, he was hard and ready and that pretty much guaranteed he’d be quick on the trigger.

When Ginger started sucking him harder and squeezing his ass, Kane grunted as his balls grew tight.

His c**k lifted in anticipation of release. Instead of driving deep and feeling her throat muscles working him, he withdrew halfway, resting the sweet spot on her tongue.

“There it is. Goddamn.” He let his head drop back, keeping a firm hold on her head so she couldn’t move. Spurt after spurt fired out and he felt her swallow every time his dick contracted. The pleasure was so potent his legs began to shake, rattling the loose belt buckle around his knees.

Then he felt a humming sensation, which he attributed to her laughter.

As he eased out of her mouth, he warned, “Two can play at that game.” He cupped her left elbow and helped her to her feet. His mouth enclosed hers in a forceful kiss. A primitive noise escaped when he tasted himself on her tongue.

“Take off your nylons. Those ankle-breakin’ heels you prefer are around someplace?”