As soon as the curtain closed, Kane’s mouth devoured hers. The need ignited between them. Ginger was surprised steam didn’t rise off her body wherever his greedy hand roved.

Water pounded on her back as Kane kissed her, and kissed her, bringing the kiss to a level of passion where she thought of nothing but his lips, his tongue, his mouth. The synchronized beating of their hearts.

She whimpered when he tore his mouth free and buried his face in her neck.

“God. Ginger. I—” His labored breathing flowed across her wet skin, causing her to shiver. His entire body was rigid—not just his hard c**k digging into her abdomen.

Finally, after holding her as if he couldn’t bear to let her go, he lifted his head and kissed her softly on the lips. “Sorry. Just needed a second to get control.”

“I don’t mind. In fact—” she walked her fingers up his chest, “—your ‘my way or the highway’

attitude really does it for me.”


“Oh yeah.”

He gifted her with his devastating grin. “I’ll give that idea a full test drive later. For now…how about if you let me wash your hair?”


Kane turned her. “Be easiest if you brace your hand on the wall.” He placed her palm above the soap dish. “Now tilt your head back and close your eyes.”

Warm water cascaded down her scalp, soaking her hair completely. Droplets hit the plastic covering her cast, making dull splat splat splat sounds. Then Kane’s big, strong hands were gently massaging her scalp, surrounding them with the sweet scent of her lavender shampoo. Soapsuds flowed down her back, over her bu**ocks and the outside of her legs.

He rinsed. He even repeated.

“I need conditioner—”

“I know sugar. I’ve got it right here.” He smoothed it through her hair from roots to the tips. “Turn around.” He pressed her back against the wall. “Now where else do you need scrubbed while we’re lettin’

the conditioner set?”

Ask him.

Don’t be an idiot.

Kane leaned closer. “What’s wrong?”

A blush crept up her neck. “I need to shave. And if I attempted it with my left hand, I’ll just cut myself.”

His lips quirked. “Can’t have that.”

She knew he was waiting for her to ask him. “Even though it might be kind of weird…would you mind shaving my legs and my underarms?”

“There. Askin’ me for help wasn’t so bad, was it?”


He smooched her wrinkled nose. “Suck it up. Lift your left arm above your head.”

Kane circled her wrist with one hand and soaped her armpit with the other. His concentration was absolute as he passed the blade across her skin. Once. Twice. Three times. He held the razor under the shower spray. Then he cupped her right elbow and held her arm out chicken wing style. More soap, three quick passes with the razor and her underarms were smooth again.

“Legs next?”

“Uh-huh.” But the suds his hands created were mesmerizing.

He noticed her focus was on his hands on her tits. “I figured I’d give you the whole body treatment.

You know. Makin’ sure you were clean everywhere.”

“You just want to soap up my tits.”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” He started on her neck and quickly moved across her clavicle and shoulders. Then he coated his hands with more suds and swept them over her br**sts. Under her br**sts.

Cupping and squeezing. Rasping his thumbs across the beaded tips of her ni**les. Over and over.

Ginger watched him. The absolute lust in his eyes as his slippery hands mapped every inch and curve of her br**sts.

“You have the greatest tits I’ve ever seen. Just so damn perfect. Responsive.” He pinched the left nipple a little harder than she was used to and looked at her to gauge her reaction.

The initial sharp sting mellowed into a delicious heat. “Oh.”

“You like that?”

“I’m not sure. It surprised me.”

“You ever worn nipple clamps?”

She shook her head.

While he talked, he continued lathering every inch of her br**sts. “I’d like to get them hard with my mouth and put clamps on. The kind with the chain between them. Then I’d f**k you. Slowly. Every so often I’d yank on the chain. When you were ready to come, I’d remove the clamp and suck hard until all the blood returned. Suck until you came again. Then I’d do the same thing to the other side.”

A rush of moisture trickled from between her thighs. Moisture that owed nothing to water from the shower. “Kane—”

Kane’s dark eyes searched hers. “There’s so much I wanna do to you, Red. I wanna make you forget every man’s touch but mine.” He kissed her again, with the brutal intensity that stole her sanity.

Then just as quickly, he backed away. He snagged the handheld shower and rinsed her; his gaze tracked the rivulets of soap.

Her stomach cartwheeled when he dropped to his knees and the stubble of his closely shorn head brushed her belly.

“Hold still. I’ve never shaved a woman’s legs before and I don’t wanna cut you.”

Right. He was down there to shave her legs. Not to bury his face in her pu**y.

Ginger’s whole body became a mass of goose bumps as his hands stroked her legs. She even forgot her embarrassment about being hairy. The plastic wrap around her cast rattled as he maneuvered the razor above it.

“There. Done.” He rinsed her legs. As he stood to replace the handheld showerhead in the base on the wall, he looked at it, then her. “Do you ever get yourself off with this?”

Dammit. She was a thirty-seven-year-old woman. She wasn’t supposed to blush.

Kane crowded her. “Do you?”


“Do you use the pulsing option full blast on your clit?”

“Yes. If I’m getting myself off, I want it to happen as fast as possible.”

“No buildup?” he asked silkily. “No teasin’, enjoying the feel of the warm water flowing over your cunt, makin’ it wetter? Softer?”

Her pulse raced. Was there a question in there?

“Are you wet right now, Ginger? After havin’ my hands all over you? After me tellin’ you all the raunchy things I wanna do to you? After havin’ my mouth—” he placed his lips on her ear, “—this close to that sweet, sweet pu**y?”