“Men need their pride,” Kimi said softly. “My father hated being seen as weak. But Cal’s dad, God rest his soul, accepted he’d never be the man he was and kept a great sense of humor about his ‘failings’

until the day he died.”

“At this point…my Dad is between those two mindsets. Luckily he’s still a social guy, so he’s off to the senior center or community center three times a week. Although he’s retired, he comes into the office and helps me.”

“Cal said Dash intends to pass all the McKay legal work on to you.”

“There’s a lot more to it than I imagined.”

“Big ranch. Big secrets. I hope you’re up for it.”

That was a strange thing for Kimi to say.

The silence didn’t last long and Ginger appreciated Kimi kept the conversation rolling.

“I’m not surprised Dash kept his health issues a secret while he was dealing with Linda’s illness.”

Kimi clucked her tongue. “Linda was such a sweet woman.”

“That’s what I hear. I didn’t know her at all.”

“Is that because you were close with your mother? I don’t believe I’ve ever heard her mentioned.”

Ginger tensed up at the mere mention of her mother. “As you probably know from local gossip, my parents’ divorce was less than amicable. My relationship with my mother wasn’t that great growing up, but it worsened after I left for college.”

“Why? You’d think she’d be proud to have such a successful, smart, driven woman for a daughter.”

“Wrong. She hated I’d followed in my dad’s footsteps. Then Hayden’s birth knocked her for a loop, because frankly, she wasn’t ready to be a grandma. Plus, it embarrassed her I’d become an unmarried single mother and refused to disclose the name of Hayden’s sperm donor. She cut all ties with me when we moved to Wyoming.”

“Where does she live?”

“No clue. Last I heard it was…Australia? Or New Zealand.”

Kimi’s eyes widened. “She doesn’t have any contact with Hayden?”

“She’s never seen him, besides in pictures. It’s a pretty screwed up situation.”

“Sounds like it. But then I’ve learned that there’s no such thing as the perfect family.”

Her cell phone buzzed. She opened the picture message from Kane, showing Hayden receiving his third place ribbon. How much did it suck she couldn’t be there?

“Honey? What’s wrong?”

She passed the phone to Kimi. “Mother’s guilt. Kane sent me a picture of Hayden and his award.”

“How thoughtful.”

“I know. He’s always doing stuff like that. But it makes me feel so guilty.”

“Part of bein’ a mom.”

“Do you ever still feel guilty?”

Kimi pinned her with an arch look. “Yes. Especially when it’s pointed out to me that I don’t know my own son as well as I thought I did.”

Ginger blushed. “I didn’t mean—”

“I know you didn’t. I’m glad you talked to me. I really liked seein’ Kane through your eyes, Ginger.

And I hope…” She waved dismissively. “Forget it.”

“No, Kimi, tell me. You hope what?”

“I hope Kane knows how proud I am of him, not only for helpin’ you out, but for the time he spends with Hayden. I’ve never thought of him as overly responsible besides when it comes to his duties at the ranch.”

“Maybe you should tell him. It’d be good for him to hear it from you.”

“Maybe I will.”

Ginger’s head pounded, a byproduct of thinking about her mother.

Kimi stood. “Come on. Let’s get you a pain pill and tuck you in. I fear my son’d have my hide for talkin’ your ear off when you’re supposed to be restin’.”

“I can’t believe how tired I am.”

“Which is a sign you need to get some shut-eye.”

Kimi stayed by Ginger’s side until she drifted off, offering comfort and silent support. Her last coherent thought was Like mother, like son.

“Hey, Red.” A soft kiss teased her forehead.

“Am I still dreaming?”

“Are we nekkid in this dream?”

“Yes. Completely. Rolling around on satin sheets and you’re kissing me in that panty-drenching way of yours.”

Kane chuckled. “Maybe we’ll have to act out the good parts of the dream later. But it’s time for you to get up.”

Ginger opened her eyes, sighing dreamily that Kane’s handsome face was so close to hers.

“What was that sigh for?”

“Because you’re just so damn pretty, Kane McKay.”

His neck flushed. “How many of them damn drugs did you take?”

“Funny.” She ran the tips of her fingers down the section of skin where the blush met his goatee.

“You could have any woman in town. You have had most of them, to hear your mother talk. So what are you doing with me?”

Hurt flashed in his eyes. She could’ve bitten her tongue for her careless comment.

“My ma was here tellin’ stories about me, was she? Fillin’ you in on all the women I bedded and discarded? Did she tell you that the reason Kade and Sky ended up together was because he pretended to be me after I was an ass**le to her on our first and only date?”

“No. She didn’t mention that one.”

Kane stood abruptly. Angrily. “Don’t matter. We’ve been back awhile. Are you hungry?”

Ginger reached for his hand. “Don’t run off in a fit of pique.”

“Say what?”

“Don’t leave because you’re mad. Kimi didn’t name off your conquests, Kane. She just said you used to be quite the wild one and you’ve mellowed. Now instead of worrying about you being too rowdy, she worries about you being alone too much.”

He frowned. “Ma said that?”


“I’m alone by choice.”

There was more to his statement, but she didn’t push. Instead, she brought his hand to her mouth and placed a soft kiss in the palm. “So does that ‘alone by choice’ comment include tonight?”

“Is that an invite, counselor?”

“Yes. But I feel the need to point out it is an open-ended invitation.”

Kane’s eyes turned dark with liquid heat. He cupped her chin in his hand, sweeping his thumb across the inside of her lower lip. “Know one thing about me that ain’t mellowed? That I’m in charge even when you’re touchin’ me.”