
He whispered, “Liar.”

“Okay. You’re right. It’s not all bad.” She sighed and relaxed into him.

Kane didn’t seem to mind holding her. “Since I’m the only one who didn’t get a goodnight kiss, I’ll take a rain check.”

“Maybe you could come and get it later.”

His eyebrows lifted. “You invitin’ me into your room, counselor?”

“Is that so surprising?”

“I’m not sure if that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard or the worst.”

Ooh. Rejection. “Forget it. Kissing me goodnight is not part of your caretaking duties.”

“Now, don’t go and get all pissy on me. We both know there’d be more between us than just one kiss.”

“That’s what I want. Don’t you?”

“Like you wouldn’t f**kin’ believe.” He sighed. “Look. I’ve kept my hands off you because of Hayden. That’s it. You and me bein’ together, especially now, would confuse him. He’s a great kid. I won’t hurt him, Ginger. Not for anything in the world.”

Right then, her heart stumbled. She knew she should’ve probably left it at that.

But she couldn’t.

Ginger wanted to explore this sexual sizzle, a one-two punch of lust she’d never experienced with any other man. “I won’t hurt him either, but I’m more than just a mother. Didn’t you tell me you required an invitation? Well, here it is. And…” Dammit. She sounded needy. Horny. Stupid. She turned her head away.

Kane placed a finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him. “And…what?”

“I want you like crazy, Kane.”

“Since when?”

“Truthfully? Since always.”

“You find me appealin’ because I’m the only man around here that you ain’t related to?”

Smartass man, tossing her words back at her. She drilled him in the chest with her index finger. “Not.

Even. Fucking. Close.”

Kane blinked at her, slowly, sexily, gifting her with the captivating grin that transformed his face from merely handsome to devastatingly gorgeous. “I’m likin’ this sneaky, wild streak, Red.”

“I’m trying it out; it’s brand new.”

“Lucky me,” he murmured. “I’ll accept your invite. But you oughta know I have a condition if you wanna f**k around with me.”

“Which is?”

Kane loomed over her. His eyes darkened. His entire posture changed. “I’m in charge of what goes on between us behind closed bedroom doors. Period. Leave the lawyer out of it because there ain’t gonna be any negotiating for a more even split of who’s in control. You need to be fully aware of what I am.”

“What are you?”

The bad-boy smile he gave her rivaled the devil’s. “In bed? About as far from gentlemanly as you can imagine. Think you can handle that?”

Hell yes, she was on board with handing over all sexual responsibility to him. But the lawyer in her had to poke him. “No humiliation and pain games. Because if that’s what you’re into, I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”

“Good pain is subjective as well as erotic. But when I’ve got you nekkid and at my mercy, the last thing I’m gonna be thinkin’ about is humiliation. I’ll be too focused on seein’ how many times I can make you come.”

A man with his purported sexual experience could afford to brag about his inventiveness. She swayed a little.

“You’re fallin’ asleep on your feet. Let’s get you in bed.”

Once she was settled, Kane brushed his warm lips from her temple to her ear. “Keep your door unlocked tonight. Try to get some rest.” He shut off the lamp and left her in the darkness.

How was she supposed to sleep now?

Chapter Five

Kane felt like a horny teen as he snuck down the hallway toward Ginger’s room. He almost turned around and climbed back into the bottom bunk.


He slipped inside her bedroom, pressing his back against the door as he shut and locked it behind him.

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Would you look at that?

Ginger had fallen asleep on her back with her left arm gracefully curved above her head. The arc of her hip mimicked the angle of her arm, creating the impression of a 1940s pinup queen.

Jesus. He wanted her. Yet, he knew having her just once would be like a f**king gateway drug. He’d become addicted. He’d want more from her than sex. He’d want everything.

As he debated on the best way to wake her, her eyelids lifted and she peered at him drowsily. Her shy smile proved to be his undoing. He took the kiss he craved, bringing his mouth down on hers hard.

Right away her lips parted, her tongue eagerly sought his and the kiss caught fire.

Kane groaned, lost in the rush, lost in the give and take of the kiss. Pulse-pounding passion tinged with sweetness. No roving hands. No body parts grinding together. Only their mouths touched. Wet lips.

Swirling tongues. Nips of teeth. Gliding, sliding, falling headfirst into the kiss, well past the point of no return, he never wanted to stop kissing her. Somehow, Kane eased back from the pleasure of her mouth.

Ginger stared at him, wide-eyed, tracing her kiss-swollen lips with the tips of her fingers.

“What?” he said thickly.

“I’d wondered if I’d embellished that kiss from a few months back, but I hadn’t. You sure know how to make my head spin, Kane McKay.” She reached up, letting her fingertips trail over the lower half of his face. “I love the way your mustache and goatee feel when you’re kissing me.”

“Imagine how it’ll feel other places.” He threw back the covers. “If I unhook your sling are you gonna be able to keep your bum arm still?”

She cocked her head. “Depends. What do you plan on doing to me?”

Kane grinned. “Oh, I’ve got a couple of real good ideas, Red, but sharin’ them at this point would spoil the surprise. I’d rather demonstrate than explain.”

“Then no guarantees I can hold still.”

“Then the sling stays on.”

“Fine.” Ginger gave him a head-to-toe perusal. “You wear flannel pants and a wife beater as pajamas?”

“Normally I don’t wear pajamas at all.”

Her hazel eyes enlarged when he climbed onto the bed, straddling her pelvis, with a knee on either side of her hips. He whipped off his tank top.