Ramona’s head slowly lifted to look up at me, and I met her uncertain gaze.
“I won’t ask you to go back with me, Ramona, but I will ask you to let me stay. At least for a little while. I love you and our daughter. I know you’ll never share those type of feelings for me, but please don’t ask me to go. I grew up without a father, and I don’t want that same fate for Summer. I want to be there for her... for both of you... for all of you if you let me. You should know by now that I’m not like the others in the club. I will protect you until the day I die. Just don’t force me to walk out on my own daughter, I don’t think I’m mentally or emotionally able to do that. I’m already madly and deeply in love with her.”
Summer let out a little cry, and I gently placed her back in Ramona’s arms. She then looked up at me, those big brown eyes studying me very intently.
“As long as you can promise me that you won’t bring any danger to me or our daughter, then yes, Axl, you can stay. I'd never purposely try to keep Summer from you, I just want to protect and keep her safe.”
I wasn’t sure how to tell the club my decision, but without hesitating, I shrugged off my cut, and held it out for Shasta to take.
“Give this to Snyder for me and tell him I’m sorry. But my daughter means more to me than the club ever will.”
It was the first time Ramona had ever smiled at me without frowning at the same time.
God, I felt so naked without my cut, and even though I knew it was impossible to leave a biker club, I wasn’t about to abandon my daughter or her mother when they needed me the most.
Shasta took my cut, then smiled. “They keep losing good ones,” she whispered, patting me on the back. “But we all know this is where you belong right now.”
“And you? Where do you belong, Shasta?”
She looked out the window, staring at the big blue sky with white wisps of clouds, and big beautiful mountains off in the distance.
“I belong wherever my heart rides.”
She clutched my cut against her chest, then looked back at Ramona. “If I leave again, I’ll make sure to come say goodbye.”
Ramona nodded. “You better, or I’ll hunt you down myself, woman.”
The two girls giggled, then gave each other a hug, just as Josie rushed back into the room.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Shasta asked, looking morally conflicted.
Josie shrugged. “He will be... with time... the man has been through this before. Eventually, he’ll find the right person, one that will accept him and love him for who he truly is.”
Shasta weakly nodded, and excused herself from the room, obviously ready to mend her own fences that were damaged beyond repair.
When we were all alone. Josie eyed my leather lacking body and smirked. “I have so many questions.”
“Axl is going to stay here for a while. He wants to be a part of Summer’s life.”
Josie eyed me curiously, her eyes perusing every inch of me until they landed on the bulge in my pants. She licked her lips, then went back to looking at Ramona.
God, my soul felt like it was being devoured by the cool ice of her eyes, and as she bent down to give Ramona another kiss, I had to slightly adjust my pants. The girl was fucking sexy as hell and seeing her with Ramona made their relationship that much hotter. Too bad I didn’t have a chance with either one of them, because that’s one sandwich this slab of beef would love to be in.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
When an hour had passed and Shasta still didn’t show up at the motel, I thought I was waiting for a ghost. She had every right to not come. I wouldn’t blame her if she ran again, leaving me lusting after her for the rest of my life.
It would be the smart thing for her to do. Returning to Austin was almost like a death sentence in a way. With the Crows returning, there was so much uncertainty of the future.
A soft knock wrapped against my door, and a visible lump appeared in my chest, almost as if I was swallowing my own hope and guilt at the same time.
She stood on the other side of the door, holding a cut in her hands... Axl’s cut.
“He asked me to give you this,” she said quietly. “Ramona won’t leave, and he wants to be here for his daughter.”