Her wide eyes met mine, and she faked a small smile, one I could see right through. She didn’t want me here, nor did she need me anymore.

“Hey,” she said, dropping her hand from Snyder’s. A look of guilt skimmed her eyes, like I was going to punish her for loving him.

That was one punishment even I wouldn’t enjoy, unfortunately.

“I just saw the baby,” I informed them. “She’s got Axl’s hair.”

Snyder nodded. “I had a feeling the baby wasn’t Clash’s. Has Axl seen them yet?”

I nodded, reliving that awkward moment when Axl and I suddenly appeared in the delivery room and a look of sheer horror fell over Ramona’s face. Unlike Shasta, she didn’t seem happy to see us. You could see the fear in her eyes—it was an emotion I knew all too well.

“How’s Ramona doing with him being here?” Snyder questioned.

I shrugged, refusing to budge from the doorframe. I knew where I stood in her world, and coming here to fight for her was a mistake.

“Can I talk to Wasp alone?” she asked, her big brown eyes meeting mine.

“Sure,” Snyder agreed, but you could see him hesitating to move. Finally, he did, giving us space.

Moving to the chair next to her, I took her hand, forcing myself to smile even though I knew I was losing her.

“Thank you for coming,” she said, staring deep into my eyes. That submissive look was gone, and I could see a strength that wasn’t there before.

“Did I ever have a chance?” I asked, chuckling


We both laughed, obviously sensing the tension in the room. I was an idiot for even thinking I remotely had a shot with her. Not when someone like Snyder already held her heart.

“Probably not,” she said, patting my hand. “You’re a good man, Wasp, but I don’t think I’m the right woman for you.”

I knew she was right, but it didn’t stop the bitterness that filled me. Moving my hand away, I slunk back in my chair, trying my best not to be an asshole.

“Are you going to come back with us?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “I like it here. It’s safe, and there isn’t any drama.”

Laughing, I called her bluff. “The big burly dude in the waiting room says otherwise, Shasta. We both know that he’s in love with you.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“The question is, do you love him?”

She shook her head. “I care for him deeply, but no, I’m not in love with him.”

“But you are in love with Snyder?”

She sighed, then weakly bobbed her head. “Yes, and that’s why all of this is so damn confusing. I don’t want to return to that life, Wasp. It scares me.”

I couldn’t blame her there. At times, it scared me too. Especially with the Crows reforming.

“Then you need to decide what will make you happier, Shasta. Returning to that life and having Snyder by your side, or staying here and keeping safe with that big, burly beast out there.”

“Ramona won’t leave,” she mumbled, changing the subject. “I don’t think I can leave her, not when she just had the baby.”

“She looked like she has help.”

“She does. Josie loves her very much.” She didn’t need to cover her mouth and pretend like she just divulged a secret to me. I already knew how much Ramona loved pussy. I was the one that fed those cravings and filled all her deep, dark desires.