I’ll have to drink a lot of beer and fuck a massive amount of pussy to make up for this marshmallow Hail Mary I’m throwing their way.
Clash is definitely not a good-doer... unless you’re talking about in bed, because in that aspect I’m definitely good at “doing her”.
Chapter Twenty-Five
My head was pounding as the bright lights swarmed my vision. I was on my back on a stretcher, in some room I didn’t know.
“Where am I?” I questioned, attempting to sit up but failing miserably at it.
“You’re in the ER,” a woman said as she was checking my vitals. “You passed out and hit your head.”
Memories of that moment came rushing back, and I had a dry tongue again. Snyder was here... he was actually here.
I wasn’t sure if I should feel frightened or euphoric about that thought. Parts of me were over the moon that he cared enough about me to seek me out, but the other part of me dreaded why he was here. Would he drag me away? Would he demand I return with him?
“There are a few men outside that seemed to be very concerned about you,” the woman stated, a hint of jealousy was evident in her tone. “Shall I send them in?”
“Can you just send one of them in?”
She nodded her head. “Which one are you requesting?”
My head swayed like a teeter-totter, moving between Snyder and Joe, wondering which way I should lean. Even though the decision was supposed to be difficult, the answer came way too easily.
She gave me another quick nod, then left me alone to go search for Snyder.
Anxiety rolled through me as I thought about him being here. Was I happy to see him? Every part of me screamed yes. Was I dreading the reasons behind his sudden arrival? Well, maybe a little.
He appeared a few seconds later, his blue eyes just as vibrant as the day they melted my heart.
“Hey there,” he said, falling into a chair he placed beside my bed.
“Hey yourself,” I replied, looking shyly down at the blanket.
“I’m sorry you hurt your head.” He gently caressed the bump forming behind my hair.
“It’s okay. I never expected to see you again.”
He took my hand, and all those familiar bubbly feelings returned. “Why is that?”
My head weakly looked toward the clock on the wall, doing whatever I could not to meet his eyes—eyes so beautiful that a girl could get lost in them.
“Because I thought you didn’t care about me.”
He sighed. “I would’ve been here sooner had I known where you went before now.”
“How did you find me?”
“Priest followed your trail of breadcrumbs. They led us right to you.”
He had to be talking about the car.
I wonder how easy it was for them to bribe that slimy salesman to give over the information?
“Are you mad that I’m here?”