“Yeah, is that so?”
He didn’t intimidate me. The only thing intimidating in that moment was the bond the two of them shared. It seemed so genuine and unbreakable.
“Yes,” I mumbled, doing my best to keep my temper.
“And why exactly are you here?” His voice dropped two octaves, and you could tell his tone was meant to be a warning.Don’t touch what’s mine.
“To bring her back to Austin.”
His hand curled by his side, turning into massive fists.
“Over my dead body,” he growled as concern turned to rage in his tone.
But the click of a gun had him second guessing starting something with me, as did Wasp’s cold voice as he gritted out the words. “That can be arranged.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
The chair stood no chance against my Hulk-like rage. Picking the fragile thing up, I hurled it across the room, watching in sick satisfaction as it fractured and splintered from the blow.
“Clash, calm the fuck down!” Skid yelled.
Rage consumed me as I grabbed a table by its edges, flipping it violently until it was on its back. One of the sweet butts screamed, and quickly fled the room, but I was seeing too much red to notice which girl it was. “Calm down! You’re asking me to calm down? Three of our men just up and drove off in the middle of the night, one of them was our fucking so-called Prez, all to chase after the two bitches responsible for tearing this club apart, and you’re asking me to calm down? Why aren’t you angrier?” I turned to face all my brothers who were standing there staring at me like I completely lost my mind.
“All of you should be in an uproar over this shit! And you!” I growled, turning on Priest. “This is your fucking fault! You should’ve kept your stupid mouth shut. The club was just starting to piece itself back together, and now we’re all fractured again.”
Priest shrugged his shoulders. “We were still fractured, Clash. We just got good at hiding it.”
“Yeah, well, I was ready to move on from all this shit. Now he’s God only knows where, attempting to bring back the temptress that destroyed our club. What if she comes back, huh? Are we all just going to welcome her back with open arms, singing Kumbaya by the campfire as we become one big, fucked up polyamorous family? Because frankly, I’m not interested in re-kindling anything with her. I got enough bitches around here to satisfy any craving for pussy I may have.”
“You sound like Sabbath,” Ranger exclaimed.
“Shut the fuck up, Ranger. You know as well as I do that the second that girl returns; all hell is going to suddenly break loose again.”
“May—maybe not,” Sandman stuttered from his chair. “Sabb—Sabbath was the r—root of all the tr—trouble, not her.”
Turning to Skid, I smirked. “Tell that to Warrant.”
Skid glared at me. “Watch your mouth, Clash.”
Rolling my eyes, I returned to my soapbox with my chest puffed out and a true purpose. “If Shasta Hall returns to this club, it’s going to be a big mistake. Wherever that girl goes, trouble follows.”
Ranger cleared his throat. “There wouldn’t have been any trouble if you had just let her and Snyder sneak around and not try to throw your dick into the mix as well. You’re just as much to blame for the trouble in the club as she is. If not more. Hell, if you had left them alone, maybe none of this would’ve happened at all. Warrant would still be alive, and we could’ve overthrown Sabbath the proper way, stripping him of his rank and patch, instead of dismembering his miserable corpse and scattering it all over Austin.”
Waving him off, I continued my rant. “I’m just saying that bringing her back will be a huge mistake. We had our fun. She left the club. Why kick a dead horse?”
“Because Snyder actually loves her,” Priest answered. “And in order for him to lead this club, he needed closure. That’s why I gave him her location. They all needed to figure this shit out for the sake of the club.”
In a fit of frustration, I threw up my hands. “Forsaking the club in the process. This is bullshit and you all know it. Our Prez abandoned us when we needed him the most, taking two of our men with him. What happens if the Crows decide to attack us now, huh? Do you think we even have a fighting chance with three of our members missing?”
Skid took a step forward and cleared his throat. “Maybe I can help with that a little?”
All eyes turned to him as he pulled out his phone and fired off a text.
“Who the hell are you texting, Skid?”
My eyes narrowed as an amused smile quirked the corners of his mouth.