Page 60 of Ariel's Ruin

It’s gotta work. So there’s no use thinking what if it doesn’t.

He’s so close I can see his face.

I’m just about to spring into action and pounce on him. My whole body’s poised, halfway into the leap already when I have to pull back.

He’s not alone.

Eden is with him.

He’s leading her out by a chain which he wrapped around her hands and her throat.

Her hair is nicely combed, her white dress is clean and looks freshly ironed, but her eyes are red from crying.

“What the fuck is this?” I ask.

Eden’s eyes fill with hope as she looks at me.

“This is my message,” Joker says. “You tell Ice that I have his daughter. And now I’m taking her somewhere he’ll never find her.”

His guys take that as a command to ride. Most of them head for their bikes, except for the three that surround Joker and Eden on their way to the van. A couple more steps and he’ll be out of my reach.

“And what?” I ask. “What’s your demand?”

He stops and grins at me. “You just tell him I have her and he’s never getting her back. That’s my message.”

This guy is insane.

I don’t think, I just move, elbowing a guy out of the way to get to Joker. Ariel moves with me, we’re as one.

The first part of my plan works. The handcuff chain is firmly around Joker’s throat.

But now several guns are pointed at me. And one is pressed to Ariel’s temple and another to Eden’s.

“It’s fine, Ruin,” Eden says. “Release him. I’ll go with him. No one has to die for me. This was my mistake.”

Her voice is firm, resolved. There’s a lot of Ice in both his daughters, I always knew that. But that doesn’t mean I can just let this depraved psycho take one of them without a fight.

Trouble is, I’m out of options. I failed to grab a gun of my own and even if I had I’d never be able to kill all of them before they murdered Eden and Ariel. I could maybe murder Joker. But no one will thank me for sacrificing two of our women for this one psycho. Also, I have a lot of deaths on my conscience, but these two I couldn’t live with.

“Fine,” I say and start to release him, just as the roaring or bikes fills the courtyard again.

“What the fuck?” one of the Sons mutters and my heart fills with burning hope that it’s the Devils come in the nick of time.

But it’s Karma that rides her bike at the guy holding a gun to Ariel’s head. He stumbles back and lands hard on his ass, his gun going off but the bullet thankfully flying straight up into the air.

The other four Forsaken are with her, guns raised, firing into the Sons.

Joker pushes me away, grabs Eden’s chain and pulls her towards the van.

“Let’s ride! Now!” he shouts at his men and runs for the back of the van.

Karma turns and aims her gun at Joker, but I push her away. “Don’t shoot.”

She could hit Eden.

Joker jumps into the back of the van and pulls Eden in after him. Another guy gets behind the wheel. Shots are still ringing out all around as I sprint towards the back of the van, Ariel right on my heels. But the van is already moving and I never get close enough to even try and pull Eden out. I just get close enough to see the fear in her eyes. But also steel that tells me she’s got this, that she’s not broken and never will be. I just hope I’m not only imagining that.

Several bikes join the van as it exits the lot and Joker finally manages to slam the back of the van shut.