Page 44 of Ariel's Ruin

“I’m close,” he whispers hoarsely.

“Me too,” I whisper back and kiss him.

And with that I join the circle of bliss. All it takes is a few more thrusts for the pleasure to overwhelm me. I thought I’d orgasmed before. But I really haven’t. Not like this. For a few mind-shattering moments I know nothing but the pure pleasure coursing through me, firing up every nerve ending inside me, burning right through all the darkness in my mind, like flame, like a forest fire, like a nuclear explosion.

We’re both still breathing heavily once the pleasure subsides and the coolness of the night makes itself felt again.

“That was something,” he says and smiles at me.

“It really was,” I say and kiss him again.

Because I want to keep this fire going. For as long as I can. Forever, if I can. Because I can’t ever go back to the darkness after this.



The fire’s dying out, I should put more logs on it, but I don’t want to let go of Ariel. She feels too good in my arms, too soft and perfect and warm. Even the hard, needle, rock, and root infested ground we’re lying on feels like the most comfortable mattress as I hold her. I don’t know how long we’ve just been lying here, but it doesn’t feel long enough.

I never had this urge to keep holding a woman after I fucked her before. Or gotten this much pleasure doing it. And none have ever satisfied me the way she had. She’s good. A pro. But that’s not what I was thinking while she was riding me. I was thinking I want more. And more. And in the back of my mind was the relief of knowing that I never fucked her while she was a slave.

No matter how fucked up I was, I’d remember her. There’s no doubt in my mind that’s the truth.

I was sure she was asleep, but she suddenly takes a shuddering breath that sounds a lot like a sob.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, wishing I didn’t have to, fearing the answer.

“I don’t know,” she mutters.

I have no idea what to say to that, so I just hold her a little tighter. She shudders again and grows still in my arms.

“Do you want me to take you home?”

I didn’t want to ask that question. I was hoping she’d wake up and be ready for another go. But I’m thinking it’s important to let her know she has a way out if she wants it. I’m not entirely sure how I know that. I just do.

“I don’t know,” she mutters again.

I guess this is better than if she did know she doesn’t want to be here with me anymore. But not by much.

“You’re gonna have to help me out,” I say and chuckle. “I’m no good at this kind of thing.”

She moves like she means to get up and I let her go, but she just turns in my arms to look into my face. The last of the firelight is showing me tear tracks on her cheeks, but her eyes are dry.

She cups my cheek in her palm. “You’re doing fine. It’s me… I’m all messed up.”

“That makes two of us,” I tell her and she finally smiles a little.

“Truth is, I have no idea what I’m doing,” I add. “I just know I want to give you whatever you want.”

It’s something I’ve never said to anyone, especially not a woman. I never imagined I’d be saying it either. But maybe that’s just because I never let anyone this close.

She nods and caresses my cheek. Her touch is soft like a gentle breeze.

“Thank you,” she says simply. “I had a great time tonight.”

“You’re welcome,” I say and grin, hoping the worst of this conversation has passed.

But this time she doesn’t smile back.