“Hurry back,” I whisper into the gathering dusk. And I’m certain he can hear me.
Just as I’m certain I can hear his whispered reply, “Always.”
I got the word out to the MC about Eden’s abduction before taking Ariel home. By the time I dropped her off, Cross and the rest were already at Fire & Heart Inn talking to the Forsaken.
As I arrive, the place isn’t exactly empty since what looks like my whole MC is gathered in the parking lot, and all the lights in the motel part of it are on. But there’s no music coming from the bar and certainly no laughter. As it should be. They must’ve cleared the place out when they arrived.
Cross and the execs are standing in a group to the side of the main door. They were deep in conversation as I rode up, but are now all glaring at me while I dismount and walk up to them. My throat is bone dry, and it only gets worse under Ice’s hard gaze.
“I should’ve killed Joker when I had the chance,” I say to him. “I’m sorry.”
He nods but doesn’t say anything.
“We have five members of Forsaken Outlaws MC inside,” Cross says. “You say they know where Joker took Eden. Can we trust them?”
“They killed a couple of Joker’s guys while helping me escape,” I say. “But Joker likes to play games. So maybe leaving them behind was part of some game he’s playing with us. Though they seem legit to me.”
“You say Eden met him online?” Ice asks. “How?”
I’ve never seen him this on edge. He looks like he hasn’t slept in months.
“All I know is what Ariel told me,” I say. “He pretended to be just a lone biker from back east with an interest in books. She had no idea what she was getting into with him.”
Her hard, determined look as she told us to leave her, to not get killed trying to save her, flashes before my eyes. I hope to God that she does know what she’s doing.
“Tell us what happened,” Cross says. “Every detail.”
I do as ordered, talking until my voice is hoarse.
“So he lured you there just to have you witness Eden’s abduction?” Ice says. “Sick bastard.”
“Like I said, he likes to play games.”
“And he’s about to enter the big leagues,” Ice says, cracking his knuckles. “Let’s question these Forsaken and then ride.”
Cross shoots him a look but doesn’t say anything.
“We’re going, right?” Ice snaps. “This is no time for toning down the war or whatever you said yesterday. I’ll go alone if I have to.”
“And I’ll go with you,” I say.
I’m certain at least half the MC will too. A hard black look passes over Cross’ eyes.
“We’re riding, don’t worry about that,” he says. “But we won’t just rush into what could be another trap. I’ll question the Forsaken and then we make a plan.”
He doesn’t wait for anyone to speak, just strides into the bar.
The bar’s been cleared of all the tables except one in the center where Karma and the rest of the Forsaken are sitting. Twenty of my brothers are in the room with them, keeping to the shadows by the walls, but watching them like hawks.
Karma is trying to look tough as she watches Cross walk to her, but I’ve seen what her face looks like when she’s actually tough. This ain’t it. She’s scared. They all are.
“Talk fast,” Cross tells her. “I’ll give you one chance to convince me not to kill all of you just to be on the safe side.”
A threat like that from Cross is better believed and they do.