I said nothing, and apparently, she found that funny. Her glossed lips lifted a little, which did nothing to help the state of my cock. The fucker was still at full mast, which was just wrong on so many levels. Being attracted to Aspen Davis was fine, but wanting to fuck her?

Yeah, so fucking wrong.

It was because of our history, and I needed to get out of here and this situation asap. I didn’t know why Aspen was here, but our raves were legendary. She could have honestly just been passing through town, and she’d clearly wanted anonymity herself with her wig.

“You’re The Punisher, then?” she questioned, her voice momentarily distracting me. It was rich just like her music. She pointed at my neck gaiter. “Your mask?”

Her next move was to touch it, touch me, but I angled my head. Even if I didn’t want her to see my face, no touching was happening. At least from her end. I did the touching only.

The maneuver brought that smile back to Aspen’s mouth. She wasn’t hurt or put off like some girls would be and actually bumped a small laugh after. Like I was beneath her, and when she moved to give me her back, I got her wrist. She wanted to touch me? Well, she’d get fucking touched.

What are you doing?

Well, probably something considered fucking stupid. I was sure my friends would think that and certainly my father. He’d had to do some damage control last time I was in the same space as this girl, so pulling her into a deep dark corner to dance with her probably wasn’t smart.

It didn’t stop me from doing it, though, and I brought Aspen’s thick hips right up against my swollen cock. The fucker definitely wasn’t trying to be discreet, and at the first feel of it, her breath hiked.

“Someone’s excited,” she said, trying to face me, but I didn’t let her. The more anonymity I had on this girl the better. She wouldn’t want me touching her, not if she knew who I was.

You should let go.

My hands and Aspen’s tight little body spun a different tale. She swayed her hips to the bump and rhythm of the music. She ground into me, and at one point, I had her bent over. I drove my cock in a slow thrust against her. The only thing keeping us separated was our goddamn clothes.


This was bad. So goddamn bad, but I couldn’t stop when Aspen lifted and let me fondle her tits. This girl had some freak shit in her that called to my dark shit. It was deep, primal, and the freaky fuck only got off more because I knew for a fact she didn’t know anything about me. I was some guy at a rave in a fucking mask.


She was being bad, but then again, so was I. This kind of shit wasn’t foreign to me. I fucked more than one girl at these raves, but Aspen Davis was a good girl. I’d seen her goodness on social media. Followed her…

She was following me at this point, letting me touch her. She spun, and the next thing I knew, she was grabbing my cross necklace. It matched the sharp ones in my ears, the ends pointed, deadly.

I didn’t wear a ton of jewelry, but I never usually left the house without something in my ears or around my neck. I also wore a thick gorilla ring, something symbolic from home, and the metal of it heated on Aspen’s back when she brought herself closer to me. She did that via my chain, and when she popped up on her toes, she only got as high as my chin. She wasn’t a short girl. I was just fucking big. Her gloss lips lifted. “You want to fuck me, Punisher?”

She shouldn’t be saying such things. Not here, and why the fuck was she here? She was being foolish. If she’d been threatened like the internet said, she was being an idiot.

She let go when I got her neck.

My thick fingers swallowed her delicate throat, forcing her to back off and stop being reckless regarding her safety. A slight flick fluttered behind my palm via her neck. It was quick, nervous.


I saw that completely behind her dark eyes. Something wild ringed around them, like the very prospect that I’d do something to her did something for her. That deep primal shit came to the surface again, and I had thoughts of chasing her, pinning her down and taking her.

That really was inappropriate, and the thoughts freaked me out enough that I let go. I did only for her to grab for me. She went for my belt loops and would have gotten a hold of them and something else if I let her. No one fucking touched me unless I wanted it, but I touched her when I got her by the pussy.

Breath instantly gone, her breath, and the area got really dark when I drowned us further in the shadows. I backed her right up against the wall, that hot heat of her snatch in my hand, and all thoughts escaped me in the next moment. I knew because I pushed my neck gaiter up.

I knew because I kissed her.

The taste… was maddening. A jolt to the system by a fucking jumper cable shocked less, and I groaned, forgetting about everything. I forgot about how stupid this was, and how I definitely shouldn’t be kissing the girl I’d kidnapped when I was twelve. I’d kept her in that cabin for weeks.


Time had stopped passing eventually back then. It became a distant memory to motive and goals. Aspen Davis was an accomplishment. She was a code I needed to hack, and I was a good fucking hacker. I was taught by the best. My dad was a computer genius, and he’d passed that shit down.

Let. Go. Of. Her.