“Get a fucking life,” I growled when she grabbed for my cock, and though she pouted her pearl-pink lips at me, I had a feeling all I had to do was bend that ass over to have it. Even if I wasn’t a Reed, I was me and could get anything I wanted. I’d gotten something of a rep since coming to Pembroke University. I got into whatever the hell I felt like, and my family donating obscene amounts of cash to this university had nothing to do with that.

I really shouldn’t mix booze with the weed, but I did. I was just taking my second swig when a flash of white caught my eye. It followed up by something silver, and I lowered my bottle.

A girl danced over by one of the neon towers, a black girl with warm brown skin and hips that knew what to do with that music. She had her fingers pushed into a blonde wig, the flash of white I saw, but there was nothing blonde about it. It was Marilyn Monroe style, but it was stark white like the dye job my buddy Wells did. His roots were dark, but everything else was platinum.

A small crowd had formed around the girl and rightly so. She swiveled those hips in a way that had my cock at full mast, and the territorial fucker in me couldn’t help but clear the floor around her. Some guys had wet their lips like they wanted a taste, and when they started to take their cell phones out (I assumed to record her), I quickly made sure it was just this girl and me on the floor.

All it took was a look.

It probably would have taken less had they seen me coming. Though, I didn’t know it was possible for me to enter a room period without being noticed. I was a big enough fucker for people to know about me, whether I wore full black tonight or not.

Fuck was I hard.

This girl made it easy, all that beautiful flesh glowing under the neon lights. Her thick thighs exposed every gyration she made to the music, but because she danced with her back to me, I couldn’t see her face. I wanted to, though, and angled with my bottle in my hand. I may have approached her and erased the five or so feet between us, but then, I saw her.

No fucking way.

The beer was forgotten about. I handed it off quick and sobered the fuck up. I also put more distance between us, and right away, I tugged my skull neck gaiter up over my mouth. It was cool tonight, but I wore it sometimes to fuck around with no names. Girls could be clingy bitches at these raves.

Between my neck gaiter and my backwards hat, I was nothing but an anonymous face in the crowd, but the girl in front of me wasn’t.

She was fucking famous.

It’d been years since I’d seen this girl in person, but a dude had to be living under a rock not to know who Aspen Davis was. The chick went on tour with people like Beyoncé and had topped some charts just herself with her cello. She mostly did hip-hop in classical style, and everyone knew who she was.

You know who she is.

I did and well. Gone was her baby face, but then again, so was mine. I resembled nothing of that snot-faced twelve-year-old who had changed both of our lives.

Mostly hers.

I was aware of that, again keeping my distance. It was easy to do since I’d cleared the floor, and with no one looking, I took advantage. Still stunning, Aspen Davis was always a pretty girl. She was a pretty woman now, her lips full, glossed and pouty. Again, she’d lost her baby face and nothing was left now but large brown eyes, a pert button nose, and a body with generous if not copious amounts of tits and ass. Said tits currently swelled above her glittery, silver dress and caught all the light around her, that warm brown skin like dark honey.

What are you doing here, snowflake?

She hated that name. I saw her wince every time I said it, but I couldn’t help it back then. It was relevant at the time and kept her from being a person to me. She couldn’t be a person back then. She was just a girl and…

Full hips swayed in front of me about the time I caught the whiff of peppermint and cocoa. This girl smelled like Christmas, sweet, savory…

“What are you supposed to be?”

I got too close, fucked up. I knew because the smell of peppermint bark was right in front of me and so were deep dark eyes that narrowed harshly, questioningly. Aspen Davis wanted to know why some dude was all up on her.

I followed her.

Like an innocent to the Pied Piper, I’d literally followed this girl behind the neon towers. We were basically by ourselves now, but the thing was, I wasn’t looking like the innocent one in this scenario. I was like three of this girl between my height and general bodily dimensions. I crushed dudes on the football field weekly. My friends and I played for Pembroke’s team, and it was lucky if I didn’t leave guys in body bags after I was done with them. Then there was the fact I was wearing a mask in front of this girl.

Nah, I wasn’t looking innocent, but at least masks weren’t much of a thing on the dance floor. A few guys were wearing them tonight.

Aspen approached, all that chocolate sugar in my nose again. I had to say she was brave stepping up to me. Especially since she didn’t know me, and something flashed in my mind that I had seen her face lately. Though, obviously not in person. She’d been in the news recently.

She’d been threatened at one of her concerts.

She wasn’t acting threatened, her head tilted as I assumed she waited for answers from me. She asked me a question, and I hadn’t answered. The tone of her wig brought out the vibrancy in her eyes as well as the few crystals she wore to the side of them. They were flecks of silver just like the material of her dress. “Well?”

So, I wasn’t going to answer her. My voice had changed just like the rest of me during those nine years since we’d seen each other, but I wasn’t taking any chances. Aspen Davis definitely didn’t want to know who she’d approached at some random rave in the Midwest.

Especially if she’d been threatened.