Page 12 of Pretty Like A Devil

Once more, I pressed my chest against her arm, which effectively pinned her in place. Right away, she jutted her shoulder, but she was a petite little thing, and I, well, wasn’t.

I grinned.

“You’d know if I was after you, snowflake,” I said, noticing the tremor in her full lips, but also the tremble in her body. A slight flush bloomed beneath her brown skin, the rose tint warmly coloring her cheeks, her chest. My grin widened. “And something tells me you might not mind that.”

If last night was any indicator, that was true, and her lack of response for a beat only backed that up. It was like she was in a haze before she blinked, but then, she was shoving at me.

“You’re unhinged,” she growled about the same time I grabbed her hands. Instinct once again had her gazing around for a social connection, but she was getting no resources from the folks around her. People bent to me here. My friends and I were kings and queens, and she was far away from her world of paparazzi and privilege. Here, I reigned supreme. Period.

I think Aspen quickly discovered that. Her brow jumped half the width of her face when eyes averted from us. Aspen Davis was realizing where exactly she’d placed herself. She was in the belly of the beast here at Pembroke University.

And I was the lion.

She forgot about her lack of help when I used her hands to pull her toward me. Her breath expelled, our hands between us, and something told me this little snowflake was all bark and no bite.

“I think your crazy matches mine, snowflake,” I said, watching the tremble wrack through her body for a second time. I got close to her cheek, that flush. “And I think we both know you proved that last night.”

She had fucked me, and she one hundred percent didn’t know me. I wasn’t going to let her forget that, and before she could respond and tell me off, I flicked my tongue across her cheek. I got a full drag down that flush, unable to help it. She looked so sweet and smelled even sweeter.

I was always a sucker for candy.

The sharp taste was worth the sock in the chest the maneuver got me. Aspen Davis was sweet as far as my cock and tongue were concerned, but everywhere else she was hellcat. She socked me in the chest (twice) before I let go, and the only reason I did was because I was too busy laughing. I physically had to fight the sound down as to not draw attention. My cell phone also happened to buzz in my pocket, and I fell out of my laughter enough to pull it out and see who was getting at me.

“You’re a creep, and I’m calling the cops,” Aspen said, threatening me, and I wished she’d try. There was no police precinct in the area where she could actually get assistance. My family’s name meant something around here. No matter who the fuck she was outside of this place. She snarled. “I’m fucking serious. As soon as I get out of class…”

Her voice was lost, and this was fortunate for her because I didn’t have to threaten her after what she said to me.

Gram: Can you bring some milk when you come home, darling? We’re out in the fridge. *smile emoji*

My finger hovered over my device, the text. I’d make sure my grandmother got her milk. I’d do anything.

I swallowed.

Me: Actually, it’s going to be a little while before I get home. I’ll make sure you get the milk, though. Nurse is always happy to help, and I’m sure she can get you some.

Nurse was my mother and the one who spent the most time at the house. My mom used to have a career, but now, she was a stay-at-home mom. She was even though both her kids were out of the house and at college.

My jaw shifted, knowing the reason for that, and Aspen was still barking at me. Well, it was more like a muted rant considering where we both were, and somewhere in the far-off spaces of my mind, I heard her continued threats about the cops. She obviously didn’t know why I wasn’t responding and taking her seriously.

I wasn’t right now, focusing on the text message bubble on my cell phone.

Gram: You treat me so wonderfully. Take your time, Nighty. I’ll see you when I see you and love you.

I loved her too, and that was the only part of her message I responded to. It was the only thing I could that didn’t leave my chest searing, locking.

After I told Gram I loved her back, Aspen became more audible.

She huffed. “I’m not joking, Thatcher. I swear to God. I’ll get a restraining order on your ass.”

Aspen’s family had tried that before. Again, after it all went down with the kidnapping. It hadn’t worked then, and it wouldn’t now. It really didn’t matter what kind of clout and fame she’d acquired since then. She would never be able to stand toe-to-toe with me. My family held too much power.

Whatever she’d been about to say next escaped from her glossed lips. Shifting, I pressed my body right against her. A quick gasp left her full mouth. Her throat jumped, but she was once again saved from a response from me when I noticed my phone. The text message bubble popped up on my phone once more.

I directed my attention away from it but only for the time being to handle Snowflake. I studied her quivering throat, her mouth. “There’s no cop in this town that would hear you, snowflake. Again, if I wanted you, I’d have you, and no fucking cops would keep me from you.”

Her dark lashes flashed, and that rose tint from before fired hot across her face. Her honeyed skin glowed, and it may have fired hotter, but I was forced to draw back. My phone buzzed again, another text about the milk. My gram asked for it as if she never had, and she called me by the same nickname.
