Page 89 of Tiny Dark Deeds

I didn’t want to know what that would do to Sloane. I got her by the shoulders as Bru opened the garage with the opener on his visor.

“You shouldn’t,” he said to her, then looked at me, Wolf, and Thatcher behind us. He faced her. “You need to be here, and it’s important for you to be.”


“I’ll be all right,” he said. “I swear I will be, and I need you to let me go. I can’t be here, but you need to be.”

She gasped, not even bothering to fight the tears. She blinked two down. “Bru, please. We can work this out. Just get out of the car.”

He tapped his wheel instead, shaking his head before reaching over to tug the door closed. This forced Sloane to back into my hands, and at this point, I glanced at Thatcher.

“Go get Ramses and Brielle,” I said, and my friend rushed away. I didn’t know what I hoped they’d do. Reason with the kid or something.

It turned out not to matter when Bru strapped himself in. He started the car and made us watch when he took off into a snow-covered world. He disappeared through thick flurries, his sister leaving my hands but not far. She had stayed, let him go like he’d asked.

But that didn’t stop her from collapsing to her knees.

Chapter Thirty


Bru: I made it over to Callum’s. And please don’t worry about me. I’m fine. He took me in. I’m at his house in town, and I’m good, I swear, so please don’t worry. Focus on you and what you have to do.

Bru: Sorry for being selfish.

Bru: We’ll send someone for my stuff.

Bru hadn’t been selfish, but he had sent someone for his stuff. A guy came over right before Ramses and Royal (Dorian’s dad) were about to pile into the car with a fleet of security to go physically get my brother. Bru’s text had come shortly before that.

I needed a drive.

I found myself standing outside of Godfrey’s Chevelle around midnight, but all I did was stare at it. I hadn’t driven the car since it’d been delivered to us, and it felt weird now to.

It was my kidnapper’s car.

I physically stared at it for so long I didn’t notice when I was no longer alone in that garage.

Not until he took my keys.

I glanced up to brown eyes and a boy who smelled too much like raw heat, his hair fingered through, his letterman jacket on over a thick hoodie. Ramses and Brielle had let the dark prince stay over tonight, but I think only because things had been so fucked up. His lips parted. “You going somewhere?”

This was obvious, but maybe it wasn’t. I mean, I was just standing outside my car. I glanced at it. “It’s his car. Godfrey’s?”

He stared at it too, his expression tight. He pocketed my keys before taking my hand and pulling out his own.

It turns out he wanted to drive.

We drove for a long time, him and me. A soft heat flew through the vents while the dark prince gripped the steering wheel of his Audi, no words exchanged between us. He didn’t tell me where he was going, and I didn’t ask.

I just let him drive.

At some point, he did the responsible thing by calling Ramses and Brielle. He told them I needed some air, and that he’d taken me to get it. He’d gotten some resistance, but not much before the call ended, and those were the final words in his dark ride.

“Can I take you some place?” Dorian’s eyes were on the night ahead, his Audi’s headlights flooding the bright snow. We’d only had a few inches earlier today, the evening clear now. He looked at me. “It’s not far from here if you wanna go.”

I didn’t care where he took me, my knees up. At this point, I was just trying not to fucking cry. I mean, I’d begged my brother to come back after he’d left. Called him. He’d ignored the calls, and the texts I’d gotten had been his last.

I nodded, my breath shallow and fucked up. I glanced away so I wouldn’t cry.