Page 71 of Tiny Dark Deeds

Slowing behind me, Dorian lifted my jaw. His hold tight, I couldn’t look away even if I tried. He dampened his mouth. “Always?”

Emotion lined his rough voice, and it contracted my throat. I nodded. “Always.”

Fear was a weighted thing because even as I said it, I was scared. He could shatter us.

He could destroy me.

Because that was how much power he had over me and how much he meant to my world. He told me he wasn’t going to let me forget him.

If only he knew, he never had to try.

His lids lowering, Dorian sealed our mouths, his kisses breathless, his tongue light. He hugged me to him. “I love you,” he said, his tongue sweeping, voice cracking. “Fucking always, little fighter. Fucking always.”

He rocked behind me, still inside me. He didn’t let me go under his mouth, and I was foolish enough to never want him to again. He could hurt me.

I just didn’t care.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“I have to say, Dorian, I wasn’t quite sure where we’d be at this point with our sessions,” Dr. Singh said. “But I’m happy to say it’s a good place. A great place.”

I panned away from the downtown office window, snow flurries on the other side. It was the first snow of the season.

Dr. Singh smiled at me. “In fact, I’m comfortable in saying the frequency at which we hold our sessions can definitely be reduced. I’m happy to talk to your parents about that if that’s what you’d like, as well as your progress.”

I was eighteen, and technically, my parents couldn’t make me go to therapy. The proposal had merely been strongly suggested by my parents. Basically, that meant I had to, and though Dr. Singh couldn’t share the details of them, she was allowed to tell my parents general things if I gave her permission. She was well aware my parents were making me see her. They’d booked the fucking appointments.

She closed her notebook. “You’ve been doing so well, and I’m happy to talk to them. It’s really amazing how far you’ve come in such little time.”

Had it only been a month or so since we’d really started diving deep into these sessions?

Had it only been a month or so since she’d been back?

I glanced out the window again, trees covered in light snow. “I’d like that. And you can talk to them. That’s fine.” I knew she’d be general about it and always had since I’d been seeing her.

“Of course, we’re not done here.” Our gazes clashed when I looked at her. She placed her hands on her notebook. “I’m merely going to suggest to them that you be allowed to be in charge of your own care.” Her head tilted. “I think you’ve realized how important it is and do feel you’ll make the right decision as far as the frequency of our sessions go.”

This was a test the good doctor was giving to me, and I was happy to say I was about to fucking pass that shit. I smiled. “I want to get keep seeing you, and regularly this time.”

It’d been sporadic before, and I’d been bad about it.

“Good.” Her legs crossed, her glasses above her head. “I worried about all the changes in your life recently, but you seem to be doing so well with them. Actually, you’ve been thriving despite them, and it’s so good to know things are going so well with Noa.”


“She’s bringing out the best in you.” She leaned forward. “And maybe you should consider talking with her about the summer with your grandfather. You said you haven’t yet. It might be time, I think.”

My attention broke away from the window. It’d wandered again. I was thinking about what I was going to do once I got out today. How I was going to go see Noa. I swallowed. “Doc?”

“You know how important trust is, Dorian, and you have mentioned it’s been an issue with the two of you before.”

It had, but it was no fault of hers. I’d given her reasons.

“I think you should trust her to be able to handle what happened that summer with your grandfather.” The doctor pulled her glasses down, a tight concern on her face. “And well, what happened after.”

My legs crossed, they were rocking at this point, restless. What had happened after had been fucked and had ended with my grandfather on the floor.