Page 114 of Tiny Dark Deeds

“He really shouldn’t think he can control you,” I said, and she shook her head.

“I just want to let it go, okay?” she asked, and I chewed the inside of my cheek. I didn’t really want to let it go, but I would for her. She looked up at the ceiling. “I can’t believe I threw chocolate milk on him.”

“He deserved that shit and more.” I hopped up on the bathroom sink, sitting. “I mean, is this why you don’t have many friends? Overbearing shit like this?”

She said nothing, but she really didn’t have to say it. I’d stay the fuck away too if I knew I’d be dealing with Legacy shit. I mean, I got wanting to watch over and look out for the girl since she was the Legacy’s youngest, but this was a bit much, and coming from Wells? Even more. Like stated, he was the easy going one.

I also didn’t understand what the harm was that she’d decided to eat lunch away from them at all. Especially with a teacher, and I knew she was working with Mr. Shapiro on her computer programming stuff. She’d mentioned it a time or two.

“I should get back to class,” she said, causing my thoughts to drift. She rubbed her nose. “Thanks for being here.”

I got off the sink. “Of course, and hey? Want to stay over tonight?” I shrugged. “We can gossip about how the Legacy boys like to take any opportunity they possibly can to… annoy us.”

She knew I had my own troubles. Hell, all of Legacy knew. When things were good between Dorian and me, the world knew. The same with the bad.

I hoped we’d be okay.

I honest to fuck just needed a night of girl time away from boys, and when Bow jumped excitedly, she seemed to need the same. She said she’d bring some girly flicks but promised me some slasher ones too. She’d gotten to know what I liked over the past weeks I’d been back.

Because she was my friend.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


My night was filled with tubs of rocky road ice cream, a completely cringe chick flick or four, and Rainbow Reed’s spritely laughter. I had really missed her, busy with what seemed like so many other things, and there was nothing like being in Bow’s light. She had an optimistic viewpoint of the world I’d all but been forced to shy away from lately, and though she’d had her own struggles today, she still remained positive. I’d had every intention of bringing up what had happened today at lunch with her again, but in the end, I chose positivity too, and did have a good night. Bow had actually fallen asleep right around the time we started the slasher flick I wanted, but I didn’t wake her up and give her a hard time about it.

I merely covered her up with a blanket. She’d fallen asleep on my bed and her doing that made me sleepy too. It’d been a long day for me as well. Before I turned in too, I decided to clean up my room, and as I was disposing our tubs of rocky road in the kitchen, I spotted Ares.

He was sneaking out.

I actually spotted him swiping his phone off the kitchen counter before easing his way through the dark toward the back door. I flicked the light on before he could, and he cursed.

“What are you doing?” I asked, and he closed the door, brushing past me to flick off the light.

“Keep your voice down,” he growled, but didn’t answer my question. He was obviously going out, had his coat on. He shot his thumb toward the door. “I’m just going out for a bit. I’ll be back.”

Yeah, that wasn’t a good enough explanation, and I stood there while he rolled his eyes.

“Seriously, it’s not a big deal, little. Go back to bed and don’t wake Mom. She had a late night tonight.”

Brielle had ended up wrapping up her duties at Windsor Prep early to head back into the mayor’s office. She’d already pulled a couple late nights this week, but that was okay. I didn’t mind.

I also had no intention of waking her up, but I wasn’t going to let Ares just walk out of here with no explanation. Not to mention, he knew we weren’t supposed to be sneaking around. I flicked on the light again, and when I did, Ares just about lost his shit. He shut the light off over me, and I cut in front of the door.

“If it’s not a big deal, why are you sneaking out?” I asked, basically being that sibling. Ramses and Brielle didn’t need the stress, and though we weren’t restricted from leaving, they did like to know where we went if we did.

If Ares was sneaking out, he didn’t want them to know something, and that didn’t sit well.

Ares weaved his fingers through his hair. “I’m just going to pick up Wells with the guys.”

“Pick him up where?”

“Little…” He said this but laughed a little, hushed, low. He held his curls out of his face. “Fuck almighty, how are you already making me miss being an only child?”

Socking him for that one, I didn’t stop, and he blocked himself, mock pouting.

“If you must know, Wells has been arrested,” he said, skirting away from me, but he didn’t have to. I stopped punching him all on my fucking own. Especially since he was so nonchalant about what he said. He lifted his hands. “Don’t freak. It’s really not a big deal.”