Page 28 of Threads of Fate

“What’s sex?” Both Noah and I snap our heads around so fast we could have given ourselves whiplash. Our mouths drop open and Aavin looks incredibly confused.

“Oh…oh. You, you can’t-”

“You’ve never fucked?” Noah blurts out. That’s when Aavin starts laughing.

“Gods, you guys are gullible. Of course I know what it is.” I roll my eyes. “Regardless, I’m not here to steal Dana. I’m not going to throw her over my shoulder and have my way with her. That's not how soul bonds work. We have a pull but it’s not something that is going to override my common sense. I also genuinely don't think it would ever work out.” I frown at that.

“So then, why are you here? You have checked on Dana, she’s fine. As you can see. We would like to have dinner and sleep.”

“Aavin, would you like to stay for dinner?” I blurt out without thinking, “I mean, I can ask you about these shadows. Maybe you’ll even see one. Or the ghosts.” I look at Noah who looks really irritated right now.


I look over at Aavin waiting for an answer.

Aavin looks at Noah and Noah groans. Clearly he’s butt hurt and thinks I’m going to let myself get whisked away by a strange man I have never met. I look back at Noah and roll my eyes at him.

“I can stay. It would be nice to see what you're talking about when you say shadows.”

“Okay! That settles that!” I jump my feet and wobble a little. I may have put way too much vodka in this thing.

Chapter 12


I don't want to hear another word about how horny my girlfriend, the one woman who has my heart in a vice grip, will be for another dude. I let out a defeated sigh and chugged the last of my drink. Fucking Christ. Soul bond? Am I butthurt? Absolutely. Yes I am, but I’m going push that away for now and I get off the couch. I need another drink and dinner.

I get up and head to the kitchen. I grab down the vodka and start pouring it in my cup. Dana walks in after me and starts to rummage through the fridge. It sounds like chaos. What is happening? I walk over to see what she is struggling with. She did have a strong drink and she’s thin enough to be blown away by a mediocre gust of wind. She also has zero tolerance. Just as I reach the fridge door she turns around, holding some vegetables and the chicken she bought the other day. I reach in after her and grab the juice. Pouring a little to just mask the vodka in my drink. I need something to help me along with this fuckin night because right now I just want to throw punches and rage.

I’m gonna stew on it for a moment. Of fucking course as soon as I make my feelings known something get’s in the way. A soul bond, of all things. Really? How unlucky does a person have to be? I thought she was meant for me. We have always been connected. She is the moon to my stars. She always has been. I have been there for her as she has been there for me. I have helped her through all the chaos that was high school. I was there even after her first boyfriend and I managed to not even strangle the guy at her request. I was there when her mother died. I was the only one there. She slept in my room, in my bed while I slept in my chair. I helped her pack up her life and move her into this house. I helped her through high school. I put a squash on rumors the best I could, I still do whenever I hear them. I may sound like a selfish asshole but it was me. All of it. Now fate wants to take her from me? No. Absolutel-

“Noah!” I snap my head to Dana. “Jesus. I have been calling your name for a hot minute. I need you to move. So I can get this shit started.” She waves the vegetables in my face and has chicken in the other. I put my drink down and grab the items from her hands.

“How about I cook so you don’t burn yourself?” She scoffs at me.

“That was one time Noah and I was drinking.”

“And you're drinking now.” She smiles and pushes up on her toes to kiss me. I still have to lean down. It’s a sweet short kiss but it's exactly what I needed to cool my jets for at least a moment. I look into her eyes, hers flick back and forth between mine. I smile and kiss her forehead. “Now, what were you thinking? For dinner, that is?”

“Stir Fry?” She leans back against the counter. She crosses her arms. “Are you okay? I have never seen you so mad.” Then she rolls her eyes, at herself I assume. “I mean, I know you are having a panic attack over this whole soul bond thing but I don’t feel anything. I don't feel like I need to jump his bones and I still feel everything for you.” She grabs the chicken out of my hand and places it on the counter and grabs my now empty hand. “Please, Noah.” I can see her worry. I nod about to say something when I see Aavin walk in.

“That's because it doesn't make you a mindless idiot.” Aavin says. He sits at the table, arms crossed, leaned back in the chair. His smoke is floating around him calmly.

“Yes, well, thank god for that.” She snarks. “Maybe you're wrong about the ‘soul bond’ thing.” Finger quoting soul bond. “Also, why is your smoke out again?”

I turn back to the vegetables and grab a cutting board and knife. I start chopping them into slices while I listen to their conversation.

“It’s not really smoke. It’s my magic. I can only contain it for so long before it gets exhausting. I mean, I can hold it in longer but I’d rather not.”

“Oh, is everyone’s black?”

“Varying shades of gray and black. The darker the shadow the stronger their magic is.” I shake my head, how do we know anything he tells us is the truth? “Your father is exceptionally strong too.” I turn around and eye Dana. Gauging if she’s good or not. She starts picking her at her cuticles. She’s thinking. Probably about what she should ask.

“Can you tell me about him? I mean, if he wants me to know about him. If not, it’s fine.” She looks like she has a brave face but her voice wavers. I turn back to the vegetables.

“He is…or was a lord of the ninth territory. Right now his advisor has taken over.”

“Was?” Her voice is small. She already lost her mother, now she’s preparing herself to lose another parent. Even if she has never met him. Fuck. She can’t catch a break.