Page 73 of Threads of Fate

“You’ve got a couple minutes to round up your brain cells and then we need to go through that portal.” He throws a thumb over his shoulder. I crane my neck to look behind me. What portal? There isn’t a thing here.

“Do we have to draw it?” I ask sitting up and looking around again. “I don’t see anything.”

“You won't, we–well, I have to say some words and then we step into it. Then, we will be there.”

I nod and rest my head in my hands. “Let’s do this. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can see our woman.” I look over at Aavin and find him staring at me. We really are getting closer to making those bunk beds.

“Maybe you can be forgiven.” He stands up and dusts the sand off his pants. “Let’s do this.” He sweeps down and grabs his bag, throwing it over his shoulder.

I stand up and do the same. We walk up the little island hill and come to a stop at the top. This island is tiny. Aavin starts muttering words I don't understand and I feel a wave of air.

“Woah, what the hell was that?” I look around with trepidation.

“It’s open.” Aavin steps back and then I’m shoved into the sand, where I don't land but keep falling. Fuck.

I scream and try to slow my fall. It’s all in vain of course. There’s no slowing a fall unless you have wings. Or, you know, a parachute. Between my screams I can hear Aavin laughing. I’m able to flip my body in the air and I see Aavin not far from me falling.

“If I make it out of this alive, I will kill you Aavin!” I try to push down the overwhelming fear of my imminent death when I come to a sudden stop. I take a moment to realize I’m floating a few inches off the ground. That is until Aavin slams into me with a groan.

Then, immediately after whatever was holding me up let’s go. Thus, having Aavin squash me again. I groan in pain and try to roll him off. I can feel his body shaking from laughter.

“You thought I was going to kill you?”

“The thought crossed my mind you fuckwad.” I punctuate that with gathering all my strength and throwing him off my back. Aavin lets out a “oof’’ as I push back on my knees and let my head hang back between my shoulders. I stare at the stone ceiling and then take in the rest of the cylindrical building. I take a couple calming breaths and stand up. Holding a hand out for Aavin. When he grabs it I pull him up with way too much force and practically throw him into the wall behind me.

“Now, now, Noah. Temper-tantrums don’t look good on grown men.” Aavin chides. I’m going to strangle him. I shake my head, I can’t strangle him. Dana will be upset. Shifting my bag on my back, I look around for an exit and find a door. I head straight for it and come to an abrupt halt.

Blue. So much blue. I hear Aavin walk up behind me.

“Woah, this world is definitely different.” I nod my head as a big ass bumblebee drones by. It’s huge. Like the size of my fist. I follow it with my eyes and see some neon birds flitting about the trees.

“What rabbit hole did we fall into?” I mutter my mouth gaping at all the colorful and crazy animals and trees.

Is that a Jackalope?

“I’m not sure what we’ll find when we get there but he said to just head to town.” He points down the cobbled path. I nod and head down the path not waiting for him. The path leads down a small hill. The whole area is heavily wooded.

When we make it into town it looks like any rustic small town I have ever been to. Which is not many but they are all quaint, clean and quiet places. There’s always hustle and bustle but not much and never like a city. People mill around the streets as we walk down the last of the pathway. Kids are playing around in the streets. I don’t see a reason for the streets though. I don’t see a car in sight. Maybe they use carriages?

We turn down a pathway and head towards the shops. Aavin and I look like a couple of black sheep in a flock of white. Everyone is wearing billowy clothes. Some are brightly colored, some are neutral. While Aavin is wearing all black and I am wearing jeans and a gray shirt. We get some curious stares on our way to wherever Aavin is taking us. We stop in front of a store and Aavin pulls the door open for me.

I step inside and see a couple of people behind the front desk chatting. It abruptly stops when they spot us.

“Get Ferrick or Lyra now.” One woman tells the man.

“Well, that sounds ominous.” I whisper to Aavin who grunts and stalks forward.

“We’re looking for Kreed. I’m not sure of his last name but he is with Dana Greenback if that helps.” The women behind the desk just stare at him blankly.

“Aavin, maybe we should go somewhere else.” I tug on his arm but the woman sitting down decides to speak.

“How about you stay here and our friends Lyra and Ferrick can help you. Please have a seat.” She gestures to the chairs behind us. I don’t like this. Something doesn’t feel right.

“Did Kreed tell you anything about who to talk to when we got here?” I ask as we take a seat. What else can we do? In a foreign world and don’t know where we are.

“He just said to go into town and ask for him. He didn’t say anything else.” I sit back in the chair and huff.

“Of course.” I sigh and rub my face. Hopefully, we’re not killed on the spot. I look over at the ladies behind the desk and they are unsubtly watching us.