“Huh?” Kreed leads me to the bathroom. He turns my back to the mirror and pulls my shirt over my head. Along my whole spine is a giant tattoo of all the elements. At the base of my neck is a vivid and fiery sun, flames shooting off in all directions. Below that are swirls of clouds, gently moving back and forth. Thorny and bright colored flowers and grass sit below the clouds. Last is waves of water violently crashing into the bottom of the flowers. The whole piece is bright and vibrant. The water and winds slowly move back and forth on my back. Along my ribs colors speckle along the sides of the tattoo. Yellows and oranges. Then a pearl color you would never be able to achieve on earth. Brights pink and purple and greens followed by blues. “Wow,” I whisper. “I always did want a tattoo but this is–” I stare at the tattoo in complete awe, “more than I could have ever dreamed up. This is a masterpiece.”
“Yes, you are.” I snap my eyes up to Kreed who’s gaze bores into mine.
“Let’s go to bed S’rella we have someone to interrogate in the morning and you need sleep.”
“Yes, sleep sounds good.”
Chapter 24
“What do you mean you're leaving for a while?” Lord Kanes steward asks with a baleful eye. Neamon is a pain in my ass. He’s great at what he does but if something comes up suddenly that is not what he had planned, he makes us all suffer. Not the people of the land, just the ones who work with him. “Who do you expect to cover you? Who is going to go on the missions?”
Literally anyone can go on them. It just reconnaissance, making sure the greedy realms stay on their side of the fence. There are many of them unfortunately and it is a full time job. One that I am compensated well for and so is my team.
“Jonie will do fine. She has proven herself time and time again. Let her lead the team. She has been doing it for a while now anyways.”
“Then what am I paying you for?”
“My charming personality.” I quip. I love to push his buttons when he is like this. The old man is tall and burly. When he gets mad you can see the red crawl up his neck and onto his face. The red really offsets the black and gray hair. Just like it is now. We have been friends for many, many years. I sigh, “I’m sorry Neamon but I have to go. I am asking you to trust me. Please. I can’t tell you right now what is going on because I’m not even sure what is happening. There is someone that will need my help and it’s not something I can ignore.” Neamon huffs but looks resigned.
“Alright, just make sure Jonie knows her duties. How long will you be gone? Will you be able to check in?” I rub my neck and start pacing.
“I don’t know how long and I can try to check in. It may not be often.”
“So be it. I look forward to learning what this mysterious happening is. Hopefully, it is not brought to our doorstep either.” He raises a bushy brow.
“That’s also why I’m going.” Neamon nods and waves me off, not one for goodbyes. I turn on my heel and head out.
Today is a bit cloudy, not the usual bright vibrance. Other realms may call this the ‘shadow realm’ but it’s brighter and cleaner than other realms I have been too. Some worlds are down right dark and dreary. I nod at fellow shades as I make my way back to my house. I need to pack and hopefully make it to Bathaile in one piece. I have the directions but it still makes me uneasy shadowing places across oceans without ever having been to that specific place.
I spent the last week tying up loose ends, finding someone to watch my house and completing everything for Dana’s house. I have everything completed which makes going home and packing to leave easier. Getting to Dana is the only thing on my mind now. I have this nagging feeling something is going to happen. Whether it’s bad or good remains to be seen.
I walk up the pathway to my house. It’s nothing extravagant. There's a porch on the front, bay windows on either side and a large door at the front. The front yard is covered in various plants and flowers. Most yards around here are the same. Most also have their own vegetable gardens. Fruit trees are spread out everywhere, free to anyone.
I walk into my house and straight to my room. I pull my bag out and toss it on the bed. I don’t know what the hell to pack for. Sun? Rain? Magma pits? Guess I will just pack a little of everything. Gems and gold are a common currency. I could buy clothes there if I needed to. I rummage through my clothes and my safe. Pulling things out I may need and tossing them on the bed.
I throw several pairs of jeans and shirts in my bag along with a jacket. I rummage through my drawers pulling the rest of what I need.
“Aavin!” I hear my name being yelled from the front door. “Aavin its Jonie!”
“In my room!” I holler. Guarantee she’s here to just be nosey. I hear her boots stomping down the hall. Soon, she’s standing by my door.
“Where are you going Aavin and why have I been left to lead this ragtag team of misfits?”
“First they aren’t misfits and two, I can’t tell you.”
“Why?” This is why Jonie is good at what she does and also is very annoying. She is thorough and wants to know everything. Which is why when we stopped seeing each other she drove me fucking crazy needing to know what it was that she did. The “It’s not you it’s me” line did not work on her. I couldn’t very well tell her I found my half-human soul bond now could I? Not when we have a no contact rule with humans. The only exception is when we were out in the field, trying to make sure humans stuck to their own world.
“It’s not for you to know. That’s all I will say and nothing more. Now, make sure the team doesn’t die while I’m gone.” I stalk into my bathroom and grab my toiletry bag. When I return Jonie is going through my bag. “Can I help you?” She doesn't even look guilty, just looks at me and shrugs.
“Can you tell me where you’re going? Are you going to be checking in? Are you coming back?”
“No, yes and yes.” I pull my bag from her with a disapproving glance. I put everything in my bag and zip it up. I look down at what I’m wearing. This should be good. I think. When I look back up Jonie is right in front of me.
“How about some farewell coitus?” I bark out a laugh.
“First, no. Secondly that sounded about as enticing as a minced meat and fish sandwich. Go lay it on thick for someone else. I have told you time and time again, you and I will not work. We had our fun but I’m just not into it. Not even for just sex.” Jonie takes a step back.