“Yes, I do. Don’t sneak on me, man. It’s dangerous for your health.”
“I’ll definitely keep that in mind.” He rubs his jaw some more. Dramatic.
“Since you're here I need you to pull those carvings down so I can see what's going on. Kreed doesn’t want me down there which I understand. I’m useless in a fight but I can’t just sit around. That hallway has the perfect vantage point and I can maybe see if there is something you guys can’t.”
“Okay. Let's pull them down.” I walk out the door and turn the corner. I grab one side of the first panel. I wait for Ferrick but he just grabs both sides and heaves it off the hook. He sets down behind him against the wall. Then grabs the rest leaving me standing there…useless. He removed them all with ease. When he’s done he looks out the window to see if he can see anything. I stand next to him and look out. I can’t see Kreed. He may be a speck or he’s laying in wait but what I’m really after is if I can see any shadows or ghosts or whatever the hell else. I run and grab my little wooden chair. I plop it down in the hallway and sit. Ferrick stands, watching too. We don’t say anything to each other for a while.
“So, you come from Earth. What’s it like?”
“It’s beautiful but filled with shitty people.” I say, keeping my eye outside. “I mean, I’m sure it’s not as a whole but the town I grew up in is filled with judgmental people. I was ostracized for being able to see things others couldn’t. I was either blamed for lying for attention or I was a Satan worshiper.” I let out a wry chuckle. “Noah was the only one other than my mother who loved me for who I was. I’m glad I had them while I did. They will never know the depth of the love I hold for them. Just for understanding me.” My voice cracks and I try to clear the lump in my throat.
“Your mother was something else. That woman did not have a mean bone in her body but could put a man on his ass easily. She always gave kindness but she had a firm hand on those who needed it. Which was always us young whippersnappers.” He chuckles. “She taught me how to throw daggers and how to whoop someone's ass with a staff. I have missed her.” He says wistfully. I can hear the love he has for her. Makes me wonder how much love there is for her. He looks young and boyish but that says nothing about his actual age. The conversation lulls as I think about my mother as I keep my lookout.
“Can we get closer? I can’t really see anything. Especially since it’s getting dark.”
“He will kill me and not in the metaphorical way. Like, maim me. Murder.”
I shrug my shoulders. “Okay.” I get up and walk through the parlor to the living room. I get to the glass doors before Ferrick comes running.
“Dana. No.” I turn around and glare at him.
“Did you just ‘no’ me like a dog?”
“A dog?”
“A house pet. An animal you keep in your house and feed it, love it and take care of it. A dog.” I growl at him. “Do not make the mistake that you can order me about. I will go and get a closer look because I do not want anything to happen to Kreed or anyone else down there.” I turn around and open the door and start across the patio.
“I’m sorry Dana. I didn’t mean to order you. Well, I did but not like a dog. More like a soldier. I just don’t want to die, you know? There’s so many foods I haven’t tried. Many women I haven’t bedded.” I roll my eyes and keep stomping towards Kreed. “You have to understand that right?!” He yells as he speed walks to keep up with my fast pace. I get to the log I had to hurdle earlier and crouch down behind it. I peer out and find this is a much better spot. I pull Ferrick down beside me.
“Shh.” Is all I say and keep my eyes out towards the broken dome. Not there is any evidence of it now. We sit in silence for a while, the sun sits right above the horizon. I scan the area. I can see the other two domes on either side of the one I broke. I keep my eyes peeled when I see something moving across the field. I squint my eyes. Maybe it’s Kreed or another fae?
“Can you see that?” I point out, towards the figure. From here I can’t really tell if it’s shadow or fae. “Looks like someone is walking from the dome on the left, towards the one I broke.” I see him squint out there. He shakes his head.
“Shit, we have to tell them.” I get up and Ferrick grips my shoulder, shoving me back down. I’m about to give him a piece of my mind when he gets up and runs. When I say run, he is a blur. I barely even see him. I see him slow down and drop to the ground next to Kreed. I wait, my hands tapping my thighs as I stare out for any other shadows. I see none but the shadow gets closer and closer. I lose my calm and start making my way to Ferrick and Kreed, keeping low to the ground. He looks at me surprised and then slowly turns back to Ferrick with a glare.
“You brought my tether out here? What the fuck is wrong with you?” He whisper yells. Flinging his hand out towards me.
“Oh, please, Kreed. Stuff it. I came out here on my own. I didn’t give him much of a choice. It was either follow me or leave me alone. He chose life.” I scoot in closer. “There is a man walking this way. Can you see him?” I point out at the man who is coming closer and closer.
“No.” They both say in unison. Damn, this is going to be hard.
“He’s gray, all gray. He looks fuzzy. Around the edges. Not fur but like he isn’t contained in a certain shape. His face is hard to see right now but it looks like it’s blank right now. He is just staring ahead. He’s not even trying to be stealthy.”
“He must think he can’t be seen by anyone.” Ferrick says. Kreed grunts in agreement.
I start to shift around Ferrick to move closer to the broken dome. There isn’t anything to hide behind but since he isn’t paying attention to what's going on around him maybe he won't notice me. Before I can move past Ferrick, I’m being pulled backwards. I grunt when my back meets the ground. Kreed's very angry face fills my field of vision.
“What in the gods' names do you think you're doing S’rella? Are you looking to be punished?” I think about that for a hard minute. What kind of punishment? A spanking? Is he gonna deny me? I shake my head and remember why I’m on my back.
“I was getting a closer look at the guy you twatwaffle. Why are you manhandling me?” I hear Ferrick whisper ‘twatwaffle’ questioningly.
“No. This is fine from here.”
“Then how do you expect to see what this guy looks like from here, when you can’t even see him. I’m trying to help. Give you a fuckin police sketch. Godsdamn.” Kreed doesn’t look happy at all with my attempt at help.
“And what happens when it sees you?” I sit up and look for the shadow. I don’t have to look far. Because he’s about ten feet in front of me. Staring down at me. A face like TV static. Darker areas show what may be eyes and a mouth. I stiffen and crawl slowly back.
“Move. Back. Now.” I say and crawl backwards on my hands and feet as the shadow walks closer. It bends down and walks towards me on its feet and hands. Fear and curiosity have rendered me immobile. I look over at Kreed and Ferrick who are looking around very confused. Not seeing this freaking static man. I look back at the static man and it tilts its head, far to its left. I can feel a warmth crawling down my forearms. Heat burns into my palms. I quickly look down at my hands and back up. The static man is right in my face. Inches from my nose. My heart comes to a stop and I choke on my next breath. The gaping black static mouth opens wider and the same low, moaning scream falls from its throat. One part of my brain said “run”. The other said “catch it”. I shifted myself back out of its reach quickly and I threw my palms towards it when it tried to reach its hands after me. My green smoke wrapped around it, pulling it off the ground and away from me. I pictured the smoke wrapping it up like a burrito arm and legs pinned. I see Kreed and Ferrick stand up on either side of me. Kreed hooks an arm under my arm and helps me up while I hold the static man.