Page 64 of Threads of Fate

“Alright. I wouldn’t say they were my friends but I’ll bite.” Listening to a strange voice may be my lowest point yet. I turn around and aim for the opposite side of the dome.

“Your lowest point will be dying of starvation in this dome if you don’t listen.” The voice snaps back.

“Gods, you’re sassy.”

“Throw it, Dana.”

I pull the orb up over my head with both hands and force my arms forward. Hurtling the orb into the dome. Bright iridescent light spiderwebs along the dome. Spreading out and around the whole thing. Then the dome just falls apart. Shatters and falls to the ground like glass. My smoke dissipates now that it has somewhere to go. I turn around and look at the ground. There are pieces of shadow laying in a circle like broken glass. I jump over the shadows and search for Kreed. Before I can even make sense of where everyone is, I get swept up in a pair of hulking arms.

“Thank Haydaire, you’re okay.”

“I’m fine. Do you see those?” I ask pointing at the ground. When I do, Kreed practically drops me on my ass.

“What is this?” Kreed asks.

“I don’t know. This is new to me. I’m not a world hopper. That's you.” I answer Kreed while soldiers are gathering around the circle inspecting the shadow glass. Then it starts to disappear, until it’s nothing. “What is life right now?” I sit down on the ground and cross my legs.

“Pharaoh, we need to tell the king and queen now. Grab a few soldiers and head to their house.” Pharoah nods and grabs a few soldiers on his way out of the circle.

I hear a screech and a flap of wings. I look up and see Greer gliding down to me. She gently came to a stop on my knee. I stroke her head and look up at Kreed who is in deep conversation with Lyra and another fae.

Greer gets my attention with a small screech. I continue petting her head as she looks between Kreed and I. She squawks louder this time gaining Kreed’s attention. Kreed looks at the other fae and tells them to head back and brief the rest of the soldiers. They nod and walk off taking everyone else with them.

“Are you okay Dana?” He asks while sitting next to me.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I place my palm on his cheek. “Really. A random sassy male voice helped me.” I laugh. “I said my lowest point is listening to a random voice and he told me and I quote ‘Your lowest point will be dying of starvation in this dome if you don’t listen.’. He was like a mean big brother. I can’t be too mad though, he helped me.”

“Yes…” Kreed chewed his lip for a moment. “But, the energy orb is not something we can do. That is a god of light gift. Haydaire. Is that who was talking to you?” I stop petting Greer who lets out a squeak of protest.

“I don’t know. He didn’t say. ” Nope, no more bombs. This is not a gift from the gods.

“Okay, it’s just a thought but be prepared. Between the green mist and the energy orb there will be talk. Just, try to ignore it for now until we figure out what is going on. We do however need to get you to a seer. Maybe they can get a read on your powers so we can work on them. We also need to start on your weapons training. We also need to figure out this voice. Are you sure you heard one? Maybe it was a stress hallucination?”

“I didn’t know you were down to get neutered this early in the morning, Darling.” I hold my arm out for Greer which she accepts. Kreed stands up and pulls me up with him. Greer flaps her wings, trying to keep balance when I am nearly flung into Kreed with the force of his pull.

Greer gets her balance and squawks at Kreed.

“You’re a traitor.” He points at Greer and I can see her squint her eyes at him. Like she’s glaring. “And you S’rella, are venomous.” He says with a wicked smile.

“I’m starting to think you like it when I argue with you.”

“You have no idea.”

I laugh and shake my head. This male is a dream.

“So, question…does Greer understand us?”

“I think she does. If she could tell me to fuck off, she would. I think she just does it without words. Like when she tried to detach my head yesterday.” At the mention of yesterday her feathers puff out. Like she is proud of herself. We started the walk back to his house.

“I know you said she’s a hawk but is that really what she’s called here?”

“No, but close. She a Hakken.” I look at him incredulously. He glances at me when I say nothing and takes in my look. “Look, I don’t make the rules.” He grins at me. “I think it sounds similar because our worlds run parallel to each other, things are going to leak through. There are a lot of similarities to our worlds. The animals are all the same but they have slight variations.” I think back to the rabbit and the squirrel.

“I see what you're saying. Like the rabbit but he had antlers.” He nods.

“When I got to Earth I was blown away by how green it was. It’s beautiful. I’m used to blue. Blue everywhere. I even liked the concrete cities. Well, most of it. There’s a lot of areas where humans seem to not care what it looks like. Some do not take pride in their homes or business’. I loved the old towns though. Like Plains. Where you could see the history. We are slow to change here. Probably because we live for so long and humans shove as much as they can in their short lives. We linger. I know with the next generation there will be change. Just like there was change with mine.”

“That is true, there are some beautiful places on Earth. Maybe it just looks so magical here because I am used to the green and the cities.” I sigh as we near his back yard. “What do you think about the orb I created? Do you really think it’s a gift from the gods?” Greer moves up to my shoulder. Thank the gods cause she is heavy.