Page 34 of Threads of Fate

I look over at Noah who shrugs and gives me a ‘I don’t fucking know’ face. I look at Aavin who is staring at Kreed's hand like it's a snake ready to strike. I look back at Kreed and nod my head. I reach my hand out tentatively. Staring him in the eye. Looking for a change in his demeanor. My hand gets close to his and I pause for a moment. Looking back at Noah and then Aavin. Looking to see if they will stop me. I look back at Kreed and he is just waiting for me to close the distance. My fingers slide across his palm and I watch as shivers crawl up his arm. I rest my hand on his and his pupils blow wide. A gentle humming started to vibrate around us. I look at Kreed with wide eyes. Kreed looks at me with something I can’t place until I feel a warmth seeping from his palm into mine. Not unlike what I felt earlier but this is almost softer. He looks down at our palms. Then quickly looks back at me.

“What is going on?” I vaguely hear Noah say, I feel palms touch both of my thighs.

As soon as they do, Kreed's demeanor changes. Anger. He snarls at Noah and then turns his head to Aavin. He jumps up and slides over the table grabbing Aavin by the throat, slamming him into the floor. Aavin makes a choked noise as I get up and grab Kreed by the collar pulling him up enough to punch him in the temple with my other hand. Kreed falls over a bit before he jumps up and grabs me around the waist. I scream and punch him in the chest. Aavin gets up and puts his hands up.

Aavin chuckles. Though it’s a deep menacing sound. “Oh, Dana, darling. Look at you just collecting males from all the worlds.” I stop hitting Kreed's chest and try to look at Aavin. Hanging in Kreed’s grip. “Kreed put her down. No need to act uncivilized. Your mate is just fine.”

“What?” I ask sharply. “Oh, no. No, no, no. Look here buddy. Noah is mine. He is the only mine I will have. Put me down before I find a way to peel the skin from your fucking body.” I seethe. I turn my body as much as I can to look over at Noah who is undeniably angry and hurt. He rubs his fingers viciously across his eyebrow before he chuckles wryly, shakes his head and storms out of the kitchen.

“Noah. Noah, please!” I kick and try to push out of Kreed's arms. “Let. Me. Go.”

“No. You are my tether.” Is all the big oaf says.

“No? No!?” I have never felt fury like this. I pull both my hands back and slam them into his chest, palms connecting with his black shirt. Dark green smoke billows from under my palms. I can feel it seeping from my body. A cold refreshing caress. I heady feeling rushes through my body. One I want to latch onto, feeling the rush of endorphins screaming through my body. Kreed let's go with a hiss of pain. I stumbled back but caught my footing. He grabs his chest and winces. “Shit! I-I’m sorry. Oh, my gods.” I step over to him, pulling his ruined shirt up and over his head. “I didn’t know. I didn’t mean to.” I get his shirt over his head and gasp at the marks left behind. I back away quickly. Staring at the perfect red, blistered handprints. “I’m sorry. Let me get something.” I rush to the kitchen to grab my first aid kit. I don't think I have anything in there though for whatever the fuck I just did to him. I walk back over to him and set the kit on the table, scouring for something that will possibly help the pain, the scarring or maybe blistering.

Fuck, Noah. Gods dammit. There is too much going on at the same time. I look over to see if Aavin is still in here. He’s looking at me with a furrowed brow.

“Can you get Noah back in here?” I growl at myself, “Fuck I should do it. He’s already having trouble with the knowledge of you and you don’t even want me.” I put my hand to my forehead and pull back all the emotions that are rampaging through me right now.

“It’s not a matter of wanting you or not Dana.” He says softly, the complete opposite of his menace minutes ago. “I will go make sure Noah is safe.” Without another word he walks out of the kitchen and then I hear the front door open and shut. I let out a sigh and look up at Kreed who is just staring at me with longing? Wonder? Maybe constipation? He looks mildly annoyed. I grab the burn cream, placing some on my finger. He jerks back before I can even get my hand near him. “I’m sorry. I’m not going to hurt you again.”

“Will this heal it?”

“I don’t know. It just soothes burns. But I don’t know what I did to you so I am just assuming this may work.”

He gently grabs my wrist, holding my arm in place. “I would rather you not.” Oh. He doesn’t trust me. I get it. I don’t trust myself at the moment either. I hand him the cream.

“Just put a thin coat-”

“No. You don’t understand. I want the scar.” Yeah, I don’t understand. I look at him like he’s lost his mind. “You are mine and a warrior, clearly. It would be an honor to carry these scars. We carry our scars proudly in Bathaile.” I give him a questioning look.

“Bathaile is our world. We enter it through Bermuda as humans have named it. That is where the Allway is located.”


“I’m sorry...Bermuda? Like the triangle?” A disbelieving laugh comes out of me. He doesn’t say anything, just nods. “Fuck. Really? That’s the portal? Is that why so many people have disappeared?”

“I don’t know about the disappearances, well, we have had a few humans fall into our gateway. None recently though and the ones who had have already passed away. The Allway goes to many places. Not just to Bathaile. So humans could have been falling into other worlds.”

“Huh. I mean, there’s some huge conspiracy theories about the Bermuda Triangle. Many people have died and also have disappeared there. Airplanes, jets, boats and ships.”

“The portal is southeast of what you humans call Florida.”

“Yeah, that sounds right.” I shake my head slowly. Realizing the theorists weren’t far off.

“Now that the Allway is stabilized there shouldn't be random disappearances. It was absolute chaos. Opening and shutting at random. Then, it just stopped. Now that it has been stabilized it will open only at command. No more random disappearances”

“Well, that’s good.” I nod my head once in affirmation and then I sit silently for a second. “So, I won't be leaving Noah. Like I told Aavin, you will leave me alone or all of you are going to have to get real cool being in a harem.” Kreed's face screws up in anger. “Look, buddy, Noah is everything to me. He has been here for me through everything. He has protected me through so much. I will not let him go. He is mine. So either tuck tail and leave or get real cool with sharing. That will be the end of this discussion unless it’s you asking where you fit in mine and Noah's life. Got it?”

“Noah is human.”

“...and? I’m human.” Kreed nods, waiting for me to continue and it dawns on me. “I’m not human. Fuck. I’m not human!” I pace the floor and pull my hair. What the fuck? Why didn't my mom tell me anything! This is pretty fucking important. I thought she would tell me everything!

I turn to Kreed. “Why didn’t she tell me? She had so many opportunities. Anytime would have been fine. It’s a bomb that should be given to me by my mother. Not two strangers who know nothing about me! I shouldn't be blindsided by two soul bonds, tethers…ugh! Whatever.” I take a deep breath in. “I shouldn’t be blindsided that my mother is not human and neither is my father! A crown! Other fucking worlds,” A manic laugh escapes me, “that I knew nothing about. Please tell me you don’t expect me to go back and lead in my mother’s stead? Please tell me you have the wrong fucking person.” Anger burns through my veins. What the fresh hell was my mother thinking?

“You are needed home because your grandparents want to step down and your oldest aunt cannot take over and your youngest does not want the crown.”

“Wonderful.” I say sarcastically.