Page 32 of Threads of Fate

“What the fuck is happening Aavin? Are these of your world?” Dana asks, scooting closer to me while still wrapped up in Noah.

“This is not something we can do…I don’t think anyway. I have never seen a Shade work this kind of magic. We’re also peaceful. We wouldn’t be scaring you or trying to grab you. I don't understand what they even are.” I look back at the shadows and then to Dana. Dana suddenly looks determined.

“What do you want with me?” She slowly stands up. Waiting for an answer. She shifts from foot to foot. Noah and I stand up beside her. The whispers start again. They get louder and louder. She immediately puts her hands to her ears. I wonder why it is hurting her, I can hear them too but it’s not hurting my head at all. I turn to Noah.

“Can you hear them? And see them?”

He looks back at me, tearing his eyes from the shadowy chaos rippling along the walls again. “Yes, but it doesn’t hurt me. I can’t understand what they are saying. They are all talking at once.” I turn back to Dana who has stepped forward a couple of steps. Noah and I both step forward to grab her but she turns around and puts a hand up to stop us.

“Wait.” Is all she says and steps forward more. “I can’t understand you. What are you trying to say?” The whispers get more frantic. Streams of shadow reach out toward her. Noah and I again move forward and Dana throws a hand over her shoulder to stop us again. This woman is infuriating. Stepping closer to an unknown and possible threat? She has a death wish. “I can’t understand you if you’re all going to talk at once. Just one of you speak please.” The shadows slowly disperse. Then, there is only one.

“Naomi Greenback is needed home. Immediately. Where is she?” The shadow pauses and seems to hone in on Dana.

“What?” Dana snaps her gaze to him. “What of her?” She walks toward him.

“Naomi Greenback of Plains, is your mother correct?” Dana stops dead in her tracks.

“Who the hell are you and what is with the theatrics?” She steps forward and we step with her.

“Naomi is the daughter of our King Furden and Queen Li-ana. We need Naomi back, and by extension you. The portal has been fixed, she can-”

“Nah, you have definitely got the wrong girl. My mothers name was Naomi but she died almost three years ago.”

The shadow went quiet for a long moment. Then there was a pulsing wave of shadow and magic. Suddenly there was a man standing there. Taller than me and he is huge, built like a damn bear. Long red hair and strong features. Scars bisect on his right cheek. “What do you mean died?” Dana stepped back before catching herself. A strange look comes over her face and she glances down at her body. She shakes her head as straightens up.

“I mean she died. D-I-E-D. Died. She was driving and crashed into a ditch almost 3 years ago. You must have the wrong family because my mother would have told me about this.” She swings her arms out violently. “There’s no way she would have gone my whole life without telling me she was the princess of some other world. Besides, I have enough shit going on.” She starts to turn around and walk away but she turns back, finger on her lips. “Actually, you have solved at least one real big problem which was ‘Who the fuck is haunting me with shadows.’ So, thank you. Leave me alone and go away. Wasn’t nice to meet you.” She stalks out of the room and down the hall. We can hear her going to the stairs before any of us move a muscle. Red moves forward to follow her but Noah and I both stand in front of the door, arms crossed.

“Like hell you are going down there with her. Now wisp your way back from whence you came.” Noah says, sizing the new guy up. I give him a droll look, he really likes that word ‘wisp’.

“You don’t understand. This is important. If Naomi is really dead this bodes for bigger issues than previously thought. I need to bring Dana to her grandparents.” Noah and I glance at each other and have no intention of moving. Red shakes his head and holds his hand out. A saber materializes out of thin air and in his hand. I shadow my axes in both hands, spin them and then raise my arms out. Noah looks back and forth between us.


“Go downstairs with Dana, I will take care of him.” I watch Noah nod and back away out of the door and down the hall. Red shakes his head, and moves swiftly, bringing his saber up and down over my head. I lift my axes over my head and stop his blade. I throw my arms to the side, forcing him to sway just a bit.

“A warrior? Or just luck?” He taunts. I swing my right ax at his face, swinging all the way around while dropping to my knees and swinging both my axes for his legs. He ducks and jumps back in the nick of time. I roll out of his range and jump back up onto my feet. He swings towards my neck, I hold up one ax to stop the swing and kick him in the chest. Sending him flying back into a wall.

“Dana asked you to leave, you need to leave. I do not want to spill blood on her floors.” Red chuckles.

“I will not be leaving until I can speak with her. It is important. My people need her. Naomi had obligations that Dana is probably going to have to take over and Naomi’s parents will want to know of their grandchild. Naomi’s siblings will want to know their niece. We need to know what information Naomi gathered about this world.” He points his sword at me. “You will not-”

“What in the fuck is going on in here?!” I turn to Dana while still keeping Red in my peripheral. “I told you to leave.” She points to Red. Noah is running up after her. Out of breath.

“Dana! You cant just run into a fuckin sword fight!” Noah yells at her. She turns a baleful glance at him.

“My name is Kreed. I need to talk to you. Please, it is important. If what you say is true then Bathaile has bigger problems than we could foresee.” Dana looks Kreed up and down. I can see the moment she gives in.

“Alright, if it will get you out of my house. You can come down stairs and explain what the fuck you’re in my house for. Then, you will leave.” She turns around and leaves the room. “Let’s just throw a party for all the fucking weirdo’s that portal into my fucking house.” She yells, at no one in particular as she walks down the hall.

This woman I swear to the gods. Would it kill her to just let me kill him? I rub my hand across my forehead, cursing this night. I swing my arm towards the door, ax still in hand. Noah steps to the side and Kreed walks through the door. I follow behind Kreed with Noah walking behind me. Kreed stops at the bottom of the stairs and looks around like he’s cataloging everything. I push my ax into his back.

“Move.” I demand. Kreed looks over his shoulder and nods. He turns left towards the kitchen. Dana is sitting at the table with a bottle of vodka and four cups. Kreed sits across from Dana, she eyes him and takes a swig of vodka straight from the bottle. I guess this moment does call for a ‘straight from the bottle swig’.

“Speak.” Is all Dana says while grimacing from the vodka. Noah and I take the seats next to her.

“My name is Kreed Gallen. I am King Furden’s right hand man. He has entrusted me to find his daughter Naomi Greenback. That was her alias while she was here. She came over here thirty years ago on a mission. Governments of Earth were trying to breach our portals and we needed to know why. The Allway has always been…touchy. We needed to know how they were focusing the Allway on us. When we have been having trouble with it. Then, the Allway just stopped. Leaving Naomi stranded here. ”

“The Allway…that’s the portal?” I ask.