Page 8 of Bad With Love

A thrill runs through me as I push past him, my blood buzzing with the high of finally getting one up on Roman Markham.


As the night wears on, Herold’s clinginess and not-so-subtle innuendos grate on my nerves. It doesn’t help that the heat in the room continues to grow, and I make so many trips to the bar to refill my water that I earn more than one pout from my date.

Does he think I’m trying to escape him? He’s not wrong if he does. I feel sticky and uncomfortable with sweat, and my glass of water empties too fast to keep me cool.

Roman hovers on my periphery, but for all the openings I give him, he never takes his chance to swoop in and woo Herold away from me. The one time I want him to steal someone, and he chooses now to find a conscience.

After dinner, I escape to the bathroom, driven by a full bladder and a desperate need for a few minutes of silence.

Once I take care of the immediate problem, I linger at the sink, splashing cold water on my face and over the back of my neck. My face in the mirror looks flushed, my eyes glassier than they were earlier today, and I worry I really am coming down with a cold.

Taking tomorrow off is a good idea. Maybe I should see if I can take the day after off as well.

Last week, I never would have considered it. Rain or shine, healthy or sick, I was at the shop, even if it was just as support in the office. The tea store is my baby, my hopes and dreams. But now that my dream is being ripped away, I’m struggling to dredge up the determination to make sure it continues to succeed.

Behind me, a stall door opens, and a man stumbles out, his face red and his steps uneven. I passed him multiple times in line for the bar, and it looks like all those drinks finally caught up to him.

I turn off the water and grab a few of the paper towels from the neat stack in the basket. They’re softer than the ones at my shop, cloth-like, and I feel guilty throwing them away after I pat my face dry.

Despite an entire row of options, the man stops at the sink directly next to mine and eyes me in the mirror as he washes his hands.

His eyes slip down my body with interest. “You here for a hook-up?”

“No.” I turn away.

For the second time in one day, a man grabs my arm to stop me from leaving. But unlike Roman, this guy doesn’t try to be gentle as he pulls me closer. “Come on, you’re obviously here looking for someone to take care of you tonight. Why not me?”

Booze washes over my face as he leans in close, and my skin crawls. “I’m not interested.”

“What, you don’t think I’m Alpha enough?” He yanks me closer, and my senses flood with his sour scent. “The stalls are nice and private here. Come with me.”

The Command shivers through me, and my foot inches forward before I stiffen my muscles. “What the hell, man?” Anger rushes through me, and I yank myself out of his grasp. “Did you seriously just try to Command me into fucking you? You think I won’t report this?”

“Hey, I’m just trying to help you out here.” His face flushes redder as he takes a step forward. “You come here like that, you’re looking for this.” He grabs his crotch in a crude gesture. “You shouldn’t be so picky.”

“Can’t you understand when a guy says no?” Roman demands from behind me, and I spin to find him in the doorway, his eyes fixed on the guy accosting me. Fury fills his face, turning his blue eyes steely, as he Commands, “Get out, and report your actions to security.”

My knees tremble with the need to obey, and the Command isn’t even directed at me. The drunk doesn’t have a chance. Steps robotic, he marches out of the bathroom, leaving me alone with Roman.

We stare at each other for a few rapid beats of my heart before he storms forward and cups my face in his hands. “Did he hurt you?”

Unlike with the drunk, Roman’s touch doesn’t make my skin crawl. Far from it, in fact. The fire I had managed to quell with the cold water flares back to life, a furnace set to burn me alive. My already weak legs threaten to buckle with the sudden fever, and I reach for the counter to stop myself from sliding to the floor.

Roman’s nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath. “Warren?” His thumbs sweep over my face. “Are you with me?”

I blink, my fuzzy head struggling to follow the conversation. Of course, I’m with him. He’s touching me, for God’s sake, and my skin burns hotter with every second that passes.

I lick dry lips, my throat parched. “I think I’m sick.”

“You’re burning up.” One hand moves to my forehead while the other slips beneath my collar at the back of my neck.

The tremble in my legs worsens, and I lift a hand to clutch his lapel. “I need to go home.”

“You don’t have that much time.” He slips an arm around my waist. “Come on. I have a room upstairs. I’ll get some medicine sent up.”

“Why are you being nice?” I demand as he half carries me out of the bathroom. “Aren’t you missing your opportunity to get with Herold?”