Page 4 of Bad With Love

I trail off as Mother shakes her head. “No, darling, you are not grasping the situation. The life we lead takes funding. Funding that’s now gone. Yes, we can sell a few of our properties, but that will take time, and the longer we go without, the farther we fall in society.”

“Katheryn giving up the penthouse in Rockhaven will save eleven-thousand a month. More without having to pay for all those parking spots for the cars she never drives,” I reason, and my sister turns red with fury. “There’s the Bentley in the garage that I never accepted. It can also be sold.” I glance around the expensive dining room with the three crystal chandeliers and the silk wallpaper. “You can move to one of the vacation homes and sell this place for a few million.”

“Stop.” Mother holds up a hand. “We are the Heardst Family Alphas, and we will not be selling off our estates just because some middle-management stooge stole from us. We have a position to uphold in society. People look up to us to set an example. We weathered your father leaving us because our name meant more than the scandal, but if this gets out, everyone will turn their backs on us.”

I shake my head. “But, if we’re broke…”

“As you said, we have options.” She reaches out and cradles the teacup in her hands. “First, you will move back to the family house. We will sell the tea shop to get us through the next few months.”

“Excuse me?” The blood drains from my face, leaving me light-headed. “That’s my business.”

“It’s our family’s investment, and one that has drained enough of our funds,” she says coolly.

“But it’s turning a profit!” I protest. “It pays for all of my expenses now, my apartment, my groceries, my car?—”

“Yes, your car.” Her lip curls in disgust. She’s never approved of my choice to drive a modest four-door sedan over the expensive car she bought me for my twenty-fifth birthday. “It’s time you stop playing at working for a living, darling. It’s fun to spread your wings a little, but the family needs you now. Both you and Katheryn are at the age to marry, and I’ve already made arrangements with suitable matches.”

“As long as I get to keep the penthouse, I don’t care who I marry,” Katheryn snaps. “But if they expect more than two children, I’ll need monthly bonuses. And I want a full staff of nannies.”

As Mother nods in agreement, I stare at my sister in shock. How can she be so ruthless? A penthouse isn’t worth selling your life.

“I’ll have our lawyers put it in the marriage contract. The man I’ve selected for you comes from a good Alpha family, guaranteeing our line will carry on. I have someone of means selected for Warren. A young man who will easily rebuild our family fortune.” She turns to me and tsks loudly. “Don’t look so horrified, Warren. You always knew you’d be expected to marry for the family. You’ll get along with your new husband. You’ve actually already met.”

My lips feel numb as I ask, “Who?”

“Young Herold Freely. He just turned twenty.” She lifts her cup to her lips without drinking. “You remember him, don’t you? You met at last year’s Christmas party.”

“The banker’s son?” I shake my head in denial. This can’t be happening. “He’s barely legal.”

“But legal he is.” She sets her cup down with a click. “You should be thankful. It’s not easy to find a male Omega who comes with enough money to buy our family name. If not for him, you’d have to accept a female, which I know you would struggle with.”

Struggle with. As if being gay is an inconvenience I can just set aside. “I won’t do it. You can’t make me.”

She arches one perfectly plucked eyebrow. “Stop being so childish. This is an honor, Warren. And a duty to your family.”

“I don’t need this mansion, though. Or our family name. My shop can support me just fine.” I push my chair back from the table. “I’m sorry this happened, but I won’t be sold so you can keep living to your ridiculous standards!”

“Sit down.” The quiet Command knocks my knees out from under me, the weight of her Alpha control taking away my ability to move.

Even Katheryn whimpers and ducks her head.

I struggle against the need to obey, but I’ve never been a strong Alpha—I’ve never even Commanded someone—and my muscles shake with the effort before I sag in defeat.

“Now, then,” she says as if she didn’t just subjugate her own children. “I’ve already arranged to put the family’s shop up for sale, and I’ve informed your apartment manager that you will be vacating the premise at the end of the month.”

My mind scrambles for alternatives even as my body forces me to nod.

“And before you think about refusing your obligations, consider where you’ll be if you fight this.” She folds her hands on the table and leans forward. “Your shop will be sold, your apartment will kick you out. Your bank account, however paltry it is, belongs to the family. Your trust fund is gone. You have nothing if you leave here. You will be homeless and without a job. You will be on your own, begging your friends for a place to sleep, and how many of them will support you once they learn you are no longer a Heardst?”

My knees shake, and though the weight of her Command no longer holds me down, I can’t force myself to stand.

She smiles in a perfect curve of red lips. “Now, let’s have dessert while I tell you about your betrothed.”


“Do you have any snicker-doodles?” the customer in front of me asks.

Shaking myself out of the stupor I’ve walked around in all day, I offer her a tired smile. “I’m sorry, we’re all out for the day. Would you like a chocolate chip instead?”