Page 86 of Secrets of Euphoria

“I just came out to make sure everything’s okay,”

Tyler shot me a glare, speaking through a cloud of smoke, “Are you fucking serious?”

“I just want to make sure you’re okay,” I replied with a sigh. “You know what I mean.”

“You mean you want to make sure I’m not going to hurt Jade.” he rolled his eyes. “Bro, come on.” He glanced at her. “Sorry I poked you, I just—” his voice trailed off.

Jade placed her palm on her chest. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I felt it, but you didn’t hurt me.”

“I’m still sorry,” he mumbled, his gaze falling to the ground.

Soon, Ian and Jenna joined us outside. Jenna hooked her arm in Tyler’s free arm. Ian extended a hand and Tyler pulled out the pack of cigarettes, handing them over with the lighter. Ian lit his own.

“Is everyone coming out here now?” Jade asked. “We were kinda having a private conversation.”

Ian gnawed at the inside of his bottom lip.

“I didn’t want anyone out here,” Tyler snapped, flinching away from Jenna’s touch. “Can everyone just leave me the fuck alone? I haven’t had time to think or grieve or anything because I’ve been trying to be strong for the kids. I just need a moment to myself while they’re distracted.”

“Well,” Ian interjected through a smooth cloud of smoke, “Luke and I have to head to the warehouse and handle James. You want to come?”

Tyler arched a brow at Jenna.

“Of course, I’ll happily watch the kids. Amber, Jade, and Gia can hang out with me.”

“Absolutely not!” Jade snapped, her voice jagged, cutting through the tense atmosphere. “This is my battle and I’m going.” Her usually serene demeanor was replaced with a fiery stubbornness as she looked at me for support.

I shook my head slowly, knowing exactly what she was going to say before she even said it. “You know the rules,” I reminded her calmly, trying to diffuse the tension.

She yanked her arm away as I tried to comfort her, her eyes blazing with anger.

“Jade,” I huffed, “regardless of how much of a badass you are, you can’t come with us to this. It’s not your?—”

“I swear to God, Luke,” she huffed, “if you say it’s not my place to come, I’ll lose my shit! It’s more my place than yours!”

Her outburst caught me off guard and I could feel the confusion and hurt swirling inside of me. On one hand, it was hot seeing her stand up for herself like that. But it was insulting, and I was trying my best not to get angry. I just wanted to protect her.

“I did just fine before I met you and this is my family’s war, not yours. So, I’m going!”

Jenna snickered while Tyler watched with wide eyes. If he’d not just lost his wife, he would’ve probably laughed. However, I was protective and would fight her on it.

“Luke,” she continued, her arms crossed defiantly over her chest, “for years I’ve fought by yours and Ian’s sides and I’ve kept quiet. I’ve pranced around the club in skimpy clothes, trying my best to keep up the appearance of the innocent personal assistant so your dancers would be none the wiser.” She lifted a hand to Jenna. “Jen, no offense.”

“None taken,” she bit back with a proud smile, clearly admiring Jade’s boldness.

I opened my mouth to respond, but Jade continued, “And if you think I’m not going to face the people responsible for abusing and trying to murder my family, then maybe we don’t belong together.” Her gaze bore into mine, unwavering. “If you knew me at all,” she took a step closer to me, “you’d know that there are only two places where I’m controlled.” She pointed sharply at Ian. “In his office.” Her finger then jabbed into my chest. “And during sex.” She lowered her hand. “Ian used Amber as bait at the warehouse. If you think I can’t handle kicking a man’s ass without help, then?—”

“Okay, okay!” I finally snapped, reaching out and taking her hands in mine before turning to Ian. “What do you think?”

A faint smirk appeared on the corner of Ian’s lips. “I think I trained her well.”

Jade whipped around to face him. “No disrespect to you as my boss, but I was kicking ass long before we even met. It’s how I survived as a single mom with a man after us who wanted us dead.”

Ian raised his hand in surrender, shaking his head. “You’re absolutely right. I simply set the boundaries and taught you how to shoot.”

“Jade,” Tyler spoke up, and she turned to him. “You can have Dante, but I get James.”

“Why James?” I asked.