Page 49 of Secrets of Euphoria

Within a split second, I reached behind my back, drawing my gun. Aiming it at him, I cocked a brow. “What if all I do is stick this up your asshole and pull the trigger?”

“That’s much worse!” he snapped.

“Is it?” I tilted my head. “Because if it’s all I do, it makes my assault less severe, doesn’t it?” He opened his mouth to speak but I didn’t give him the luxury. “You’ll leave here right now, and you will not breathe a word of this to anyone.”

He lifted his hands. “What the fuck, Jade?!”

“And in return,” I continued, “as long as my dancer doesn’t want to press charges we won’t. But if she decides she didn’t like that touch, you’ll be hearing from our attorney, Tyler Prescott.”

“Wait a second!” he gasped. “Tyler Prescott’s your lawyer?!”

”And no amount of money,” I ignored him, “is going to save your ass in court because you know exactly who my boss is and the fear that flooded your eyes at the mention of our attorney tells me everything I need to know. So, if I were you, I’d zip my fucking mouth and walk the fuck out of this club before you find yourself in the wrong place and I sew it up for you.”

Shocked, he slowly backed toward the door, before turning and hurrying out as fast as he could. I slipped my gun back in the holster and pulled my phone out from between my breasts, pressing James’s contact photo.


Can you personally see Mr. Lambert out this instant and add him to the list of people who are banned from the property?

You got it.

Thank you. I hung up.

Examining the room to ensure nothing was out of place, I scooped up the money from the stage, then went to find Lacie. She was backstage, getting ready to perform, and I pulled her aside into a dark corner.

“I heard what happened.” I laid a hand on her shoulder. “I know no one here’s a stranger to getting groped once in a while, but it’s a little different when penetration is involved. Are you okay?”

She snickered, and I withdrew my hand. “Yeah, I’m fine. To be honest, that pissed me off a little, but I know sometimes these things come with the job.”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t make it right.” I sighed. “You don’t have to accept it.”

“I promise I’m fine, but if I change my mind, I’ll let you know.” She looked up at the stagehand, who pointed to his watch. Bringing her gaze back to mine, she shimmied her breasts. “Right now, I have to go be Queenie.”

“Have fun. And please don’t sprain your ankle.”

She lifted a brow in return but I didn’t bother to explain. I spun on my heels, hoping that the drama was done for the evening. I just wanted to sit down for one second. Checking my attire, I made sure everything was in place as I made my way back toward the Blue Lounge, but my phone vibrated. I slipped it out, scrolling to my messages.

We’re at the booth if you want to join us

Putting my phone away, I hurried upstairs. Unlocking one of my desk drawers, I laid the money in, then closed and locked it. I’d divide it up for them later. As I rushed back downstairs, I kept up the alluring appearance, and sashayed out of the back, over to VIP.

The bouncer pulled the rope back as I approached, letting me through. When I came to the booth, I noticed Ian, Luke, and Tyler’s demeanor matched, but Chance appeared to be his unbothered self. He stood, letting me in the bench between him and Luke.

Luke put his arm around me, pulling me to his side, pressing his lips to my cheek. “I haven’t forgotten about our alone time.”

Smiling, I gave his thigh a squeeze under the table, inching my fingertips up toward his cock, but stopped. I shifted my gaze to Ian. “Is everything cool in the Lounge?”

He bobbed his head, shrugging. “Vito’s feelings are a little hurt because I embarrassed him in front of our friends, but he’s fine. We’re cool. We extinguished the Giovanna fire, too. Then, we had a talk with Lonnie and everything’s cool with her. If we can just get her to dance full time, I don’t think there’d be a problem.”

Tyler took a drink from his glass and set it down on the table. “As long as she keeps that vag vacant at work.”

Ian, Chance, and Luke chuckled. Normally, I would’ve laughed as well, but everything that just happened in the room was something I needed to address with Ian when the time was right.

“Maybe she’d rather work for Luxe?” Luke commented. “I mean, it’d make sense after tonight.”

Flickering my gaze, I fanned a hand at him. “She’s just always had a really big crush on Vito, and I don’t think she’d want to sleep with other guys. I think it’s just him, so yeah, if he was her only client at Luxe, then I could totally see that happening.”

Ian tapped a fingertip on the table, shaking his head with pursed lips. “I know Lonnie’s corrupted enough all on her own, but the last thing we’re doing is completely pulling anyone from Euphoria and putting them over to the other side because I’m not losing employees over here to fill in what’s over there. We’re going to hire mostly all new people.” He lifted his brows at Luke. “And if you think Gia’s worthy of your own trust in assisting you, I’m fine with her helping.”