Page 47 of Secrets of Euphoria

“Girls, get your clothes on and get the fuck out of here now!” I glared at Vito. “What the fuck was that? You know better.”

Lonnie stepped up next to me. “I wanted to do that.”

Eyes wide, I turned to her. “Do it at home, a hotel, anywhere but in this building and definitely not during business hours!”

“Luke,” Vito began, “I’m sorry. She was leading the situation. I didn’t want to disrespect her, but if you speak to me like that again, I’ll?—”

“You’ll what?!” I clenched my fists at my side. “Kill me?!”

He took a step closer, glaring deep into my eyes.

“You’re unarmed and your guards aren’t in here.” I pulled my jacket open, revealing my holstered pistol, which was one of the three weapons I kept on me throughout my shift. “So, I suggest you not speak to me that way.”

Rolling his tongue over his top teeth, he scanned the room, then took a step back, raising his hands. “Fair enough. Your club, your rules.” He pulled a cigar from his inside coat pocket and a butane lighter, lighting it. “Ms. Wilder, if you want to come back to my hotel suite after your shift, I’ll be happy to give you a ride back home.”

I spun to the girls who were scrambling to get dressed. Amber was way less flustered than Lonnie, who was sniffling as she struggled to turn her panties right side out. Jade sped over, helping her. Amber situated her top and gave me a nod.

The moment Lonnie was dressed, she lifted her gaze to him. “Thanks, but?—”

The double doors burst open, and Ian strutted in with Tyler and Ice Man close behind. His posture and expression showed his readiness for a confrontation. As he reached me, he placed his hands in his pockets and glared at Vito. Meanwhile, Tyler positioned himself between Jade and Amber, while Lonnie stood nearby.

“What the fuck is going on?” Ian asked calmly, but those who knew him knew he was anything but calm inside. He shifted his focus to me, then around the room at the other men, before bringing his attention back to Vito. “Am I to assume that you inappropriately touched one of my girls, breaking the rules?”

“Mr. Knight,” Lonnie took a step forward, summoning his attention, “I initiated it. And I apologize. I’m just a receptionist, not a dancer, so I was trying to make up for it by being extra sexy and I guess I got carried away.” Ian scoffed, but she turned to Vito. “Mr. Aggio, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shut down your party or create an issue.”

“You’re a damn good dancer,” a voice came from the back of the room.

She smiled, ready to thank his friend, but Ian lifted a hand at her. “The club’s going to take the blame for this one. She’s right. She’s not a dancer and she shouldn’t have been in here at all. And that’s on me, not Luke, Jade, or Lonnie.” He pivoted to Lonnie and opened his mouth to speak.

“Jade!” Giovanna called out from the door, summoning everyone’s attention, “Kirsten said come get y… hi… dad.”




“Jade, get her out of here,” Ian commanded.

Obeying, I stretched my arm out, ready to take her wrist.

“Wait,” Vito stepped toward Giovanna, then tightened his gaze on Ian. “What’s my daughter doing here?”

“Dad, I?—”

“Giovanna Elena Aggio,” her father pinned the cigar between his fingertips at his side, “I thought you were out in L.A. You shouldn’t be here.”

She huffed. “I assure you I’m much safer here.” Pulling her hair out of her eye, she pointed. “You can barely tell in this lighting and because Jade helped me cover it up, but I got a black eye from my former boss. So, Luke actually saved me and brought me here to work. No surprises, and no one meant to upset you. It was my choice, and they just wanted me safe.”

“Who the fuck hit you?!” he barked.

She fisted her hands on her hips. “We can talk about this later if you want to but right now,” she twisted to me, “some of the girls are fighting in room four and Kirsten said to come get you because Amber would be busy dancing so I’m not sure which of you I’m supposed to get now?” She skimmed back and forth between Amber and me, slight panic on her face. “I’m sorry for interrupting whatever this is but?—”

“Jade, Amber, get her out of here,” Ian ordered. “I’ll handle this.”

Without saying a word, I rushed out of the room, followed closely by Amber and Giovanna. Our heels made a sharp clicking sound as we hurried down the hallway. Once we reached the bustling lobby, we turned right and headed straight for the private rooms. We could hear a commotion coming from a few doors down, causing us to pick up our pace even more as we veered into room four.

Three dancers were screaming, scratching, and swearing at each other. Kirsten stood over a man who lay flat on the floor, his hands above his head in sheer terror. She glared down at him with her stiletto heel aimed at the front of his neck.