Page 37 of Secrets of Euphoria

“Nice to meet… you, Tyler.” She cleared her throat.

“You too.” His forehead creased. “Excuse me. I need to check on my kids.”

Her brows pinched together as he spun around, sauntering toward Jenna’s office.

Ian darted his eyes back and forth before crossing his arms. “Jade, can I see you in my office for a moment?”

“Yes, sir.” I turned to Amber and Giovanna. “Amber, can you hang out up here for a little while?”

“Of course, we’ll get to know one another.”

Giovanna glanced back at Jenna’s office with a concerned expression before perching on the edge of a chair facing Amber. I followed Ian, giving Luke’s hand a squeeze on the way but he followed us, as did Chance. Confused, I came to a stop in front of him.

Ian dipped his head at one of the chairs in front of his desk and I sat, crossing my knee over my leg. Luke sat in the chair next to me while Chance stood by the safe, propping an arm on it.

“Is there something I should know about her?” Ian lifted his chin at the door.

I shrugged a shoulder. “I literally just met her.”

“I don’t like the way she looked at Ty.”

“Maybe she was freaked out by his scars?” Chance asked rhetorically. “I’m sure anyone who meets him will wonder what the fuck happened to him. Only people in horror movies have X-shaped scars over the eyes and a deep one on their cheek.”

Ian waved a hand, muttering, “Fair,” before fixating his gaze on me. “Luke says she’s incredible.”

“So, I hear.”

“I trust him,” he jerked his head toward Luke, “but I want to see her in action before I give my approval.”

Luke smirked, nodding once.

“Dancer, action,” Ian corrected. “I don’t care how someone looks while they’re fucking, but that’s a conversation for another day.”

“I’ll have Amber train her ASAP then.”

“I don’t like surprises.” He leaned forward, steepling his fingers under his chin. “I want to see her before we open.”

“Like, now?” My eyes widened. “I haven’t even seen her dance yet!”

“Then I suggest you get downstairs and set it up before I come down.”

“Okay. Let me go change and I’ll meet you guys down there.” I stood.

“Kick everyone out of the showroom. I don’t want the staff seeing her dance.”

“Sure.” Knowing he hated waiting, I marched out of the office. I waved at Amber and Giovanna as I took a left toward Luke’s office. “Going to change. Be right back.”

Ian was in Mr. Knight mode now. Not wanting to disappoint him, I sped to the office, over to the black, modern armoire I kept my work attire in. Opening it, I thumbed through the skimpy outfits. This one. I pulled out a ruched mesh tube bodycon dress, laying it on Luke’s desk while I undressed. The door pushed open, and he entered, closing it behind him. Folding my street clothes neatly, I laid them on the bottom shelf and shut the door.

“Hey, baby girl.” He meandered to his desk chair, sitting, watching me.

“Hey, sexy.” I picked up the dress, ready to slip it on.

“Purple, I love it.”

I smiled. “Thanks.”

Reaching out, he took it from my grasp, laying it back on his desk, then placed his hands on the back of my thighs, pulling me to him. “But it can wait.”