Page 34 of Secrets of Euphoria

Declan’s brow furrowed as he removed his glasses and placed them on the table, crossing his arms. “Uh, won’t you leaving cause her to come after you?”

She shrugged. “While I was packing to leave, she actually fired me for lying and didn’t let me take shit with me other than my handbag.”

“Wait,” I lifted a hand, “so you literally have nothing?”

“Took an Uber here. Wouldn’t even let me get my car out of the parking garage.”

“I’ll have my brother get it for you,” I said. “We have a brother who lives out here, and I’ll have him handle it for you.”

“Listen,” she sat back, crossing a knee over the other, holding the glass to her lips, “I don’t want to be trouble at all, so let’s just leave it. I don’t want your brother getting killed over a stupid car. I’ll buy another when I get settled. I have money in the bank. I just need to make some calls.”

Declan slid his glasses back on, propping his elbow on the table, and burying his forehead into his fingertips. “I had no idea she was abusive.”

Giovanna cackled, causing us to all look over at her. “She’s a fucking bitch!” She chugged the rest of her drink then leaned up, setting the glass on the table. Chance held up the pitcher, but she waved a hand. “No thanks. Luke,” she settled her gaze on me, “about the offer, I promise I’ll work my fucking ass off for you. Whatever you and your friend need. I’m in.”

“I believe you.” And I still did. Something told me to protect her at all costs because one day she was going to prove herself to us. God, I hope I’m right about you, Giovanna. I pushed back from the table. “I need to go call Jade and get the plane ready.”

“Are we not going to see Cullen?” Declan asked.

I dropped the white linen napkin on the table and stood. “We need to get out of California. I don’t trust a single person here. He’ll understand.”

Striding through the house, upstairs, I shut myself in my bedroom. I dug my phone from my pocket, swiped over to Jade’s name, and pressed the camera. It was imperative I see her as soon as possible. It rang several times.

Heyyy! She beamed, but she appeared more flustered than happy to speak to me.

“Hey, baby,” I cocked a brow. “What’s going on?”

Well, she let out an exacerbated laugh. So, the club is opening a daycare! Upstairs actually! In the empty offices, so guess who’s cleaning all the shit out? And Jenna’s finding nannies, and apparently, I killed Dante’s cousin. How’s your nice and relaxing trip away?

“Wait, wait,” I shook my head rapidly, flickering my eyes. “What?!”

Ohhh, yeah. It’s been an interesting time here.

“Back up and start from the beginning, please.” I paced the room as she spilled details about the kids, cleaning the offices, finding nannies, and the stress over Paris. “Wow,” I replied. “That’s… a lot.” Running my fingers through my hair, I fell sideways on the bed, propping on an elbow. “Baby, I’m so fucking sorry I’m not there.”

Puckering her lips, she blew me a kiss. Not going to lie, I panicked a little for a minute, but Ty’s been great and he’s canceling his vacation to help me now.


I told him not to, but even Mila said he needed to, and she’d help too since they’re also her kids. She continued, walking into the main showroom, and flipping on a light. I guess they’re just going to rebook it for the summer. She said it’d all work out better, anyway. Her sister had some last-minute things happen so, she’s exhausted and they said the timing was off.

“Okay,” I chuckled, “well I’m glad things are smooth there then.

Nothing we can’t handle. She winked, hopping up on the stage. You’re dating a HBIC, ya know, well, second to Jenna, I guess!

I laughed again. “I know I’m lucky as fuck.”

Sooo, she wiggled her brows, you have that look like you want to tell me something.

Pursing my lips, I bobbed my head. “I’ll be bringing back a new girl for the club.”

Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell agape in a grin. Really?!

One of the many things I loved about Jade was her confidence in our relationship. It was crucial working in a club full of temptations around every corner. And it would only get more intense when we launched Luxe. Trust was an important part of our world and our entire relationship had been built on it.

I nodded. “Giovanna Aggio.”

As in? She gasped. Oh, my God!