Page 23 of Secrets of Euphoria

“Go.” The man stepped to the side, allowing us to pass.

Offering him a menacing smirk, I bumped his shoulder as I entered the door. His demeanor and weapons were no threat to me. I was rarely shaken. I’d seen it all, I’d done it all, and after the Mussolini bullshit, I dared anyone to fuck with me.

A curved, black couch was positioned against the far corner wall while matching, swivel modern armchairs were arranged around a knee high black and gold marbled coffee table. A striking woman in a short, bright red dress and black hair pulled into a bun, sat in the curve of the couch, leg crossed over the other. She uncrossed her legs, lighting a cigarette, then sat back, draping her leg the other way. The moment she spotted us, she offered a smile, waving us over.

Declan plopped next to her on the couch, as if he were way too comfortable in her presence. Chance and I each took one of the chairs. Her cat eye makeup and vivid red lipstick against her olive skin was enchanting. Leaning over to Declan, she pressed her lips to his, then eyed each of us before she spoke.

“Hello, Chance. Good see you,” she said in a calm tone, her Russian accent prevalent in each word of her broken English, “and you,” she lifted her chin at me, taking a drag of her cigarette, “I don’t know you but love to.”

“Luke O’Brien.” Though I didn’t fear anyone, I knew better than to make any sudden movement in the presence of a powerful woman with armed men ten feet away, so I didn’t offer her my hand.

“Luke O’Brien,” she repeated, leaning forward, ashing her smoke into the round, yellow glass ashtray on the table, then picked up her drink. “Irish.” She held her beverage in the air and twisted to Anya, speaking Russian for a moment before the woman disappeared and Ekaterina continued, “She bring you this.”

“What are you drinking?” Chance asked.

Ekaterina cocked one of her flawless, jet-black brows. “Pivovarov Vodka, obviously.”

Of course, it is. Her father was proud of the company he owned. One of the world’s highest grossing Vodkas in sales. While I wasn’t a fan of Vodka because it usually left me with a raging hangover, I tolerated it.

Pivovarov was high-quality but dangerous. It went down smoothly and when you least expected, it hit you like a truck, leaving you crawling to bed. I could drink almost anyone under the table, as long as it wasn’t Vodka. Especially, that Vodka. Chance, knowing what happened last time I drank the liquor in a poker game, bit the inside of his cheek, trying to stifle a knowing smile. I felt an all too familiar tight feeling rising in my chest.

Declan stretched his arm around Ekaterina. “Thanks for meeting with us. Luke and his friend are expanding their club, and I knew you were the person to speak to about it.”

She raked her gaze over me for a moment, inhaling her cigarette then blew the smooth, grey cloud to the side. “Talk to me. I love help anyone related to Declan.”

Just as I opened my mouth, a topless brunette entered with a tray, setting our drinks on the table. Offering a nod, I picked it up, taking a sip to be polite before setting it back on the table. “We own a gentlemen’s club, but we’re expanding to a sex club. We’re here checking out some places. I’d like to have a few girls who can dance first and pull some of our more elite guests to the other end. They’ll give our members a more up-close and personal experience. We’ll be charging a membership fee for Euphoria Luxe.”

It then occurred to me, Ian and I hadn’t discussed a name to separate and brand the other side of the club. Luxe just came to me, like it’d been in my mind for some time now. I exchanged a glance with Chance, who gave a nod of approval. Not that it mattered what he thought, but it was nice to have the support in a strange environment.

“I’ve been working on the designs with a contractor for a while, but we came to a halt after we couldn’t agree on blueprints. My hope is to have it ready in four months.”

Intrigued, she leaned forward, snuffing her cigarette out in the ashtray.

“I have someone show you around our elite rooms,” she offered. “See what you like. Take some ideas if you need. Take some… other stuff if it suits your tastes.” She darted her sultry eyes to Declan, then back at me. “I’m sure my girls… or guys would love to get hands on you.”

Suddenly, Chance dug his phone from the pocket of his grey slacks. “It’s Amber. I need to take this. Sorry.” He stood, exiting the room with the phone to his ear.

“She’s best, look.” Ekaterina beamed, tipping her head toward the stage. I turned my chair to face the main pole and saw a woman hopping on stage. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to her. “She’s head of my bordello and great dancer. Men and women come just see her every night.”

I turned back to Ekaterina and Declan, only to find them in a heated kiss. In shock, I grabbed my Vodka, and downed it as I spun back toward the dancer on stage. Fuck, my brother’s such a player.

My eyes widened at the center of the room. “Who. The. Fuck. Is. That?” I muttered to myself, transfixed on the same tanned dancer with long, bright pink hair and a sleeve tattoo on her left arm. Another intricate tattoo stretched from her right side, down to her knee. It was hard to see the details of her exact facial features from my vantage point, but the way she moved was hypnotic.

The crowd’s eyes were fixated on the stunning woman in the black leather bra and high cut shorts, adorned with metallic belts and gold chains. She exuded a rockstar aura. As she moved to the music, her hair whipped around her face like she had just stepped into a music video. Blue, green, purple, and yellow lights danced around her, creating a mesmerizing display. The dark platform beneath her feet was illuminated with intricate laser patterns that added to her alluring presence.

She curled backward, holding the pole above her head with one hand, her thighs gripping the metal tightly as she performed the Dove. Twisting almost effortlessly, she stretched her long, toned legs into an aerial split, then hooked a leg behind her, holding the Allegra pose for a moment. Hands slipping into perfect positions, she braced herself. Moving one of her legs up the rod, she hooked an ankle around it, bending her other leg out.

Her hint of a six-pack and biceps flexed, holding her in place as she slowly rotated for her adoring onlookers. Bringing her legs above her head, she crossed her ankles, stretching her arms out as if she were hanging from an upside down cross. The Nose Breaker Drop was a move I’d only ever seen Amber and Jenna perform. The rest of our dancers were nervous they’d break their face. It wasn’t named that for nothing. Effortlessly, the dancer slid down the pole, stopping just before her face hit the floor.

I need her. Not in the way I needed my girlfriend. I needed whoever that was for our club. Chance appeared at my side, handing me a full drink. I glanced down at the deep amber liquid, sighing in relief, then took a gulp. “Thanks.”

“No problem.”

“I need her, Chance.” I lifted my beverage toward the stranger. “We can’t leave without her.”


I snapped my gaze to his. “What?! Did you fuck her too?”