Page 112 of Secrets of Euphoria

“Same, bro,” Declan chimed in, “but a little pissed you didn’t invite me.”

Ian reared back in his chair, lacing his fingers together behind his head. “We’ll also celebrate tonight after we close if you guys can hang out for a bit.”

Luke and I nodded, and he replied, “Maddie’s at a birthday sleepover tonight, so we’re good.”

“It’s great you were able to get the launch bumped up,” Tyler said.

Luke nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. “Thanks to Gia, we were able to pull it off.”

Tyler became serious again, shifting uncomfortably as Giovanna avoided all eye contact with him. Those two were driving us insane, but she was valued and had proven herself and he was… well, he was family.

“Gia,” Ian lifted his chin at her, and she met his gaze, “I need to speak to you alone at some point soon about what was said downstairs.”

“Yes, sir,” she nodded.

Luke and I strode to the side of the room so as not to block Ian so he could address everyone together. He leaned on the wall, positioning me in front of him, then enveloped me in his embrace. I laid my head back on his shoulder, giving Ian my full attention.

He rocked up, steepling his fingers together in front of him on the desk. “Tonight’s the soft launch of Luxe. Kirsten, I appreciate you stepping over there to help tonight with check-in.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied with a wide grin, looping a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.

“After she and Annalise check our guests in,” Ian continued, folding his hands in front of him. “they’ll be escorted through Luxe and given a tour, then will sign their agreement with Gia and Ty present in the office should they decide to stay.”

Gia raised her hand hesitantly. “Excuse me, can I make a small change to that plan?”

Ian and I both arched a brow at her.

“I think we should give them a free night to explore the bar area only, before we make them sign anything. I just don’t think they should be given the tour until they mingle and see if it’s the right place for them.”

“Because?” Ian asked, lifting his hand to his chin.

“Well,” she shrugged a shoulder, “you run a better business than my old boss and I think you’re more likely to attract the people who want to be here if you do it this way. Mingling is a powerful tool for persuasion. It allows potential customers to experience the atmosphere before committing. Like offering a free trial, and everyone knows the best things come after paying the price. It’ll create a sense of desire and exclusivity.”

After a moment of contemplation, Ian gave a single nod. “You make a valid point. Fine.” He looked over at Luke. “You okay with that?”

“She knows her shit,” Luke replied.

“I sure hope so,” Ian smirked before turning back to Giovanna. “And is your own room?—”


All eyes turned toward the door as Kirsten stood to open it. With a gasp, she took a step back as Roxy breezed in with a grin on her face. “Mr. Knight,” she greeted, scanning the room. “Everyone else. Hi.”

Jenna’s face lit up with excitement. “Oh my God, hi!”

“Ah,” Amber chimed in, “so good to see you!”

The rest of us murmured short hellos before Ian’s commanding voice cut through the noise. “Come in and have a seat.” He gestured toward the chair in front of him.

It’d been so long since she’d been back to the club. She carried herself differently than before. She was poised and confident now; as if she’d never been injured at all. Thank God, I breathed. She was also no longer the eighteen-year-old girl who’d been hired by Ian out of pity to keep her safe years ago.

“Thank you,” she replied, her head held high. Her copper hair swayed back and forth, her ivory skin shimmering under Ian’s office lights as she swayed to the chair in front of his desk and sat.

“Is she wearing body glitter?” I whispered to Luke.

“Looks like it,” he chuckled lowly.

“Good to see you again,” Ian said as she sat.