Page 104 of Secrets of Euphoria

Holy shit. “Ian.” I managed to catch a glimpse of the guy through the crowd. “He’s one of them! She’s pulling them out of the crowd for us.”

She leaned toward the man’s ear, whispering something before twisting toward the crowd and wiggling her fingers at the group he had just left. One of them pointed to himself in playful bewilderment before standing and making his way to the stage. I could see now that he had the same tattoo on his hand as the guy Amber had dealt with before.

“Fucking shit,” Ian leaned forward, propping his elbows on the table. “I can’t see the detail from here, but it looks like they have the same Sicilian tat with the snake,” he noted at the same time, the identical thought ran through my mind.

“Oh shit,” Tyler and Chance spat in unison.

Pressing my finger to my ear, I called out to every security guard we had with my palm covering my mouth. She’s pulling them on stage to show you who they are. Get them and take them out as soon as you get a second.

I made eye contact with Nico from across the room. He had made his way over to a nearby table where the remaining men were seated, their attention locked onto the stage. It seemed they were oblivious to the performance happening right in front of them; an act that would surely go down in Club Euphoria history. He backed toward the wall, blending into the shadows with two of Jacob’s men by his side, ready to strike.

Giovanna danced between the men who were supposed to be spying on us but were sucked into the scene and mesmerized by her movements. She traced her fingers over the outline of their cocks, then ran her fingers through their hair. Teasing them with every asset she possessed, she took their hands, placing one on her breasts before moving the others to her pants, mouthing to them. They unbuttoned them together, tugging them down for her. She shimmied out of them, revealing her entirely nude body. I tore my gaze away, examining the crowd who were all fixated on the display in front of them before shifting my attention back to her.

Shut it the fuck down! Ian’s voice rang through my earpiece and to my right as he barked out a command to security. “Luke, we need to get her off that stage before they catch on.” He leaped up, pushing Chance out of the booth.

I stood to follow and caught Giovanna’s intense gaze at me, waiting for instruction.

“Get her off the stage and meet us in the Playground,” Ian barked, pushing through us, marching toward the side door.


Loud sirens blared, and flashing lights filled the club in an instant. The fire alarm had been triggered, and we needed to act fast before anyone got hurt, especially Giovanna. Shoving through the exiting crowd, I hurried toward her as Nico and others rushed the stage, tackling the two guys, while Jacob’s men seized their group of people.

Giovanna drew her foot back, kicking one of the men being cuffed on the stage. “You son of a bit?—”

Lunging toward her, I wrapped my arms around her harshly, pulling her against me as I escorted her backstage. The moment I let go, she seethed with anger. She sprinted back toward the stage, but I yanked her by the wrist, throwing her over my shoulder. I marched toward the back hallway.

“Put me down!” she shrieked.

Standing her on the floor, I backed her against the wall just outside the dressing room. “What the fuck is your problem?!” I pointed toward the showroom. “You need to let us hand?—”

“That mother fucker killed my uncle!” she spat. “Three years ago!”

“Shit,” I muttered, lifting my chin toward the dressing room. “Get dressed. I’ll wait here.”

With a single nod, she disappeared through the door as several dancers ran by me with their belongings.

“Go home for the night, ladies!” I called after them.

“Yes, sir!” Trina replied as they hurried toward the lobby.

I pressed my finger to my ear. I’ll be right there, Ian. I’m with Gia. Pacing back and forth, I ran my fingers through my hair. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I whispered as the alarm still echoed through the club. It was piercing my ears now.

Bring her with you, Ian soon replied.

After a few moments, Giovanna appeared again, and I grasped her hand, pulling her along down the dimly lit hall. Surprisingly, she didn’t resist or hesitate, matching my hurried pace. We turned into the main hallway, where I saw security ushering people out of the building in a frenzy. From our vantage point, it seemed like the place was almost completely evacuated.

As we approached the end of the hall, I positioned her in front of me without even considering what we were about to walk into. I unlocked the door and pushed it open, silently urging her to step inside before me. But as soon as I crossed the threshold, I froze.

Chance, Tyler, Declan, Ice Man, and Nico were standing in the middle of the room behind Ian, arms crossed as they looked down on the five guys. The men were sitting on the floor with their hands bound behind their backs against the wall. Amber, Jenna, and Kirsten were on the opposite side of the room, staring in disbelief at the place they didn’t even know about… until now. Jade, however, was posted in front of the torture table to my right, ready for her orders.

“Go stand with them,” I whispered to Giovanna.

Her expression hardened as she directed a steely gaze toward the captured men.

But just as she took her first step toward them, Ian raised his hand. “Actually. Gia, come here.”

Her eyes flicked back to me for a moment before scurrying over to Ian’s side. “Yes, sir?”