Page 61 of Secrets of Euphoria

I set my cash on the table, slipping on my bottoms, securing them back in place. “Try to keep an eye on things when you go out there.”

Startled, she lifted her brows. “Are you serious?! You want me to go on right now after what just happened?”

Placing a hand on her arm, I gave her a small squeeze, then pulled on my top, tying it back in place. “Business as usual. I have to go find the guys.” As I sped by, Blitz grabbed my elbow, and I spun around. “I know you were probably given specific orders that I don’t know about, but as one of the people in charge of the club’s operations, I need to go.”

Tightening his gaze, it was clear he wanted to protect me, but he knew better. He was Chance’s bodyguard. Not mine. He needed to be with Amber if he wasn’t with him. And I didn’t answer to him, anyway.

I was without my phone, I didn’t have my weapon, and didn’t have a clue what I was about to walk into. Disregarding any caution, I knew I needed to get to the guys, so I hurried back down the hallway, my ankle giving way, causing me to trip.

“Fucking stripper shoes,” I grumbled.

Leaning against the wall, I snatched the shoelaces out at the same time, releasing the bows. Tugging them off one at a time, I picked them up, speeding down the hall toward the Blue Lounge. It was the only place they could be, or so I hoped.

The voices on the other side of the door were muffled but angry. I didn’t care whether they wanted me in there or not. It was my fight, and I’d defend my daughter and me while protecting every single person I cared about. Opening the door on the right, I sped in, coming to a stop. My shoes fell at my side.

The guys turned around. Brow creased, Ian scowled at me. His expression was the only one I could process as I took several steps further in, furrowing my brow at him in return. Something I shouldn’t have done. Luke stuck his hand out, stopping me from going any closer.

“Stay back,” he ordered. “this guy’s talking crazy about you.”

“Let me by right now!” My gaze shifted to the stranger on the floor. What the hell? “What are you doing here?!” Pushing Luke’s hands back, I sprinted toward him, dropping to my knees. “Oh, my God!” Swaddling him in my arms, I twisted to Luke, darting my eyes at each of them. “Which one of you hurt him?!”

“Who is he?!” Luke squatted down next to me, trying to tug me back, but I jerked away from him.


“He said he was here for Melanie Connolly,” Ian retorted, confused.

My blood ran cold as I twisted to Tyler. “Will you please get him some ice and maybe a few first aid supplies?” He was the only one I knew would listen. He and I had grown much closer lately, but I knew Luke wasn’t dare going to leave my side, Chance was too nosy, and Ian… well, he was Ian.

Tyler squinted ever so slightly. I could tell he wanted to help but was skeptical. He looked at Ian for approval.

“For fuck’s sake, he’s not going anywhere, yet.” Ian spat. “Who is he, Jade?”

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath.

Kieran pressed his fingers to his wounded lip before licking it, puzzled. “Who’s Jade?” he murmured.


Luke stood, crossing his arms as he glared down at him. “She’s Jade and?—”

“Guys, he’s my little brother.” Carefully letting Kieran go, I stood.

“Did not see that coming,” Chance muttered, but his voice was full of taunt. Chance hated drama, but the actor in him lived for it at the same time; as long as that drama didn’t involve him or Amber whatsoever.

“God,” Ian growled. “Ty, get him some ice and meet us upstairs.”

Tyler nodded once, then glanced down at me, empathy in his gaze before he marched out of the room.

Without a word, Ian spun on his heels, stomping toward the door, pressing the earpiece in his ear. Cian, we’re on the way up. Tell Mila to take Cargo into four.

Cargo was code for the kids and room four upstairs was the fourth room on the right in the hallway off the executive lobby. It’d been turned into a small media and art room for now until we could add to the unused rooms.

Call Nico and tell him to come here just in case.

“No!” I gasped.

Ian’s sudden movement caught my attention, and I could see the anger in his eyes as he pivoted to face me. He gnawed on his cheek before storming out of the room. Kieran stood up slowly, looking around with alarm. Luke’s expression turned serious as he placed a hand on my back and led me toward the door with Kieran and Chance close by.