Page 59 of Secrets of Euphoria

“Ooh, okay.” She picked up a lowball glass, scooping some ice into it and swiveling around to fill it with liquor.

I grabbed a Collins glass and a scooper, filling the glass with four round ice cubes while simultaneously grabbing the soda gun and topping it off with Mountain Dew. With my eyes scanning the crowd, I kept watch for any potential threats through their body language or hand gestures. Security was doing their job, but my girlfriend was about to perform on stage, and I didn’t want to take any chances. The property had strict rules against weapons and armed guards were scanning guests with wands at the entrance while checking their bags. However, it was just standard procedure.

Across the room, I made eye contact with one of our blending security guys, who also happened to be an off-duty Boston cop. We’d become friendly with him over the years through Jacob and when Ian asked him to assist in undercover police work, he happily obliged. In exchange for his services, we waived his cover fee and offered him free drinks whenever he visited. He signaled to me that there were no signs of danger.

I took a sip from my soda with one hand while using the other to pull out my phone from my pocket. Unlocking it, I checked my messages, as I knew Maddie would have her phone on her upstairs. For some reason, I felt compelled to check on her.

How you doing upstairs, kiddo?

You good? Do you need me to send up some juice or soda?

Thinking I was crazy for worrying about Jade or Maddie, I laughed to myself and got ready to put my phone away when I saw the bubbles dancing on the screen.

Doing great dad

Mila made sure we have stuff

There was that word again. The word that made me melt. That made me feel like I had a bigger responsibility tonight. My world was bigger than just me now. That motherfucker would NOT get near my girls.

Remaining alert, I weaved through the crowd, up the couple of steps into VIP and slid into the booth where my friends were already waiting. It was weird not having my brother here, but he had business to attend to back in New Jersey with Alessandro. We wouldn’t see him until the weekend, and he was missing his favorite night at the club. Irish Celebration. But I wouldn’t be celebrating tonight. At least not the way I normally did, because I needed to remain vigilant.

Green laser shamrocks danced on the walls, while staff at the showroom entrance handed emerald bead necklaces to everyone who entered. Several waitresses navigated the crowded room, passing out stickers, small Irish flags, shirts, neon green rope necklaces that glowed brightly, and leprechaun hats to anyone who wanted one for a small fee. The gifts started as a fun joke a couple of years ago but the following year the crowd flooded our social media page with comments asking if we’d have swag again this year, so we ordered twice as much.

Amber approached the table, squatting down as not to obstruct our view. “No drinking for you tonight, huh?”

“Not a chance,” I replied.

Ian lifted a hand, summoning her attention. “But in order to keep up appearances, you need to keep bringing us virgin drinks from the bar. And Jenna’s drinking water.” He stretched his arm around her, pulling her snug against him.

We all exchanged shocked gasps before turning our attention back to them.

“No!” she giggled. “No, I swear, I’m not pregnant again, for fuck’s sake. I just want to make sure when I pump in a bit, I don’t have to dump.”

Tyler, on her other side, laughed. “We’re all still waiting for the news.”

“There will be no news.” Ian rolled his eyes. “I’m getting a vasectomy soon.”

Amber snickered. “I’ll make all the drinks myself, so none of the bartenders ask.”

I shifted my gaze to the stage, watching as Giovanna wowed her captive audience again. Gracefully, she swanned, shimmied, and twerked. And her pole work was flawless as always. She made me proud.

I’d had several great talks with her since she arrived in Boston and last night, I realized just how committed to this job she was going to be. Now, Jade and I both had a great feeling about her. As a bonus, she shared our sarcastic sense of humor and fit in well with our circle. Ian seemed to like her, but he didn’t trust her, and I didn’t blame him. In time, I was sure he’d grow to accept her, but he appreciated that she wasn’t easily shaken.

Her set was over, and every light in the showroom went dark. Apart from two small neon signs and the blue LEDs framing both bars, the room was black. A few yelps and screams erupted. Several people cheered, expecting something big.

What the fuck?! For a split second, I panicked before I realized what was happening.

“Wait for it,” Tyler said.

“I better not regret this,” Ian added.

“SEXY KITTY DIOR OWW!” Jenna shouted, then giggled, and I could practically sense Jade shaking her head and laughing to herself as she was half-embarrassed by the name.

A single blue spotlight twinkled, then shone down at the pole in the center of the main stage. Rain sprinkled from the feature overhead. The light flickered out again and then back on before it went completely out. A tall white cross light bar lit up at the back of the stage and Jade was now holding the pole, her back arched, clutching her rosary in the other hand. As the crowd roared, she ripped the white chapel veil off her long, wavy blonde hair on the first beat of the song.

Slowly, she turned her head. Grinning at the crowd, she dropped into a back spin around the pole and danced to each side of the stage, taunting her fascinated audience.

“Fucking hell, bro, she’s fucking hot.” Chance placed his fingers to his lips, whistling over the crowd before nudging me in the side. “Respectfully, of course.”