Page 17 of Secrets of Euphoria

“Are you uncomfortable?”

Flickering my gaze, I shook my head. “Of course not, but you don’t want me dancing.”

He lifted his hand, strumming his chin. “Emilio never wants just a dance. We both know that. Who do we have on bar tonight besides Aurora?”

I pulled out my iPad, checking the schedule. “Her and River.”

“And who’s got VIP with Amber?”


He twisted to Tyler. “I’m pulling Jenna, Amber, and Lonnie for the Blue Lounge, so you might want to just hang out in the showroom for a while. Nico, you’re with me in there.” He turned back to me. “Put Trina on the bar while Aurora’s with Emil. Tell Trina no pyro tonight.” He rolled his eyes at the last time she almost burned down the club. “And put Lacie in VIP with Trina when Aurora’s done.”

“Do you need my help with anything?” Tyler asked me directly.

“Can you watch the cameras in room three while Aurora’s in there and step in if you have to?”


“You shouldn’t have to.” I placed my hands on my hips. “Anything he does will be consensual, so just kind of keep an eye on them for protocol.” I glanced up to see Lonnie greeting Amber as she and Jenna waltzed by her. “Come on,” I grabbed Tyler’s wrist, marching down the hall with him.


Amber and Jenna stopped at Lonnie’s desk. The three of them twisted to me. Jenna leaned into her brother’s side, giving him a hug, then pulled away, lifting her brows curiously at Lonnie.

“Yeah, I know I’m still here,” Lonnie giggled. “Mr. Knight asked me to stay.”

“What’s up?” Amber asked, glancing back and forth between us.

“Mr. Knight wants the three of you in the Blue Lounge for the Italians.”

Jenna pulled her bottom lip into her mouth.

“Rovati, Greco, Vitelli, and Aggio and their people,” I corrected. “No one you need to worry about.”

Amber and Jenna breathed a sigh of relief together.

Lonnie’s brow knitted. “I didn’t exactly bring stuff to dance in.”

Jenna grinned. “I got you don’t worry. I have a ton of extra stuff.”


“Amber,” I continued, “he has me moving some of our girls around for the night so Trina’s on bar, no pyro for fuck’s sake, while Aurora’s with Emilio Rovati.”

“Oh wow,” she snickered, “someone won’t be able to walk for the next week.”

The four of us laughed before I continued, “Trina and Lacie will work VIP when Aurora returns to the bar.”

“How’s my husband’s mood?” Jenna asked Tyler.

He smirked. “He’s actually in a great mood tonight.”

She smiled with approval and nodded, leading the way toward the stairs with Amber and Lonnie following closely behind. Tyler made his way through the lobby, holding doors open for passing dancers on his way to the control room.

In the showroom, I spotted Aurora immediately, polishing glasses before stashing them away. Bouncers were scattered throughout the room, greeting me with nods and smiles as I made my way toward the bar.

“Hey, Jade!” Aurora pushed her loosely braided blonde pigtails behind her shoulders.