Page 111 of Secrets of Euphoria


He gave me a quick kiss, then stood, taking my hand in his and pulling me to my feet. Leading me to the throne, he dipped his head. “Sit.”

My heart skipped a beat as I sat down. It was taboo for me to sit in his special chair. Even in the time we’d been together, one of the most important rules he had for the room was I wasn’t allowed to sit on the throne. Only ever on his lap.

Marching across the room, he tugged open a drawer. I watched him in awe as he returned, holding a small black box. Bowing his head, he lowered himself to his knee, facing it toward me. “I’ve been hiding this down here because I know you’d never come down here and snoop around.”

Tears sprang to my eyes once again as he opened the box, revealing an enormous jade-colored marquise diamond with many smaller white diamonds framing the stone on a gold band. My breath caught in my throat at its beauty and rarity. And then it hit me. It was the same ring he had shown me when we first met. It belonged to his grandmother.

“It’s only destiny that my grandmother wore a jade diamond,” he murmured. “And I want you to have something special from my family.”

“It’s stunning,” I sniffled, wiping my tears away.

“I think it’s pretty obvious I’m madly in love with you and it only made sense I’d do this in here, with you naked,” he chuckled, “on my throne where you belong. I’ll only ever bow to you. You’re my balance, my peace, my sexy little slave,” he winked, “and my Queen.” He took the ring from the box, slipping it on the tip of my left ring finger. “Jade Sinclaire, will you marry me?”

“Yes!” I threw my arms around him, kissing his cheek over and over as he slipped the ring on my finger. He pressed his lips to mine, but I pulled away. “We don’t have wedding bands for today!”

“Yeah, we do.”

Confusion painted my face, and I arched a brow.

“We’re getting wedding band tattoos, so you may have to wear that on your other finger until it heals.”

I snickered. “And you don’t think we’re jinxing ourselves?”

With delicate precision, he removed the collar from around my neck and placed it on the arm of the chair. Standing, he took my hand in his, hauling me to my feet. Hands gripping my waist, he peered deep into my eyes. “Pretty sure if we can handle everything else, a tattoo isn’t going to ruin our marriage.” He pointed to his neck. “You’re both mine forever.”




After rushing into Ian’s already crowded office, I couldn’t contain my excitement when Luke and I made our grand entrance. “Sorry, we were late.”

“It’s not like we’re opening another club tonight or anything,” he snapped from behind his desk.

Ignoring his irritation, I scanned the room, relieved to see that we were among friends before casually dropping the bomb.

“Ian,” I sighed, “I’m sorry. We didn’t get much sleep last night and today we had to take care of something.”

“You know I hate when you’re late, and he’s in charge of?—”

“We got married!” I blurted.

The room erupted in shocked gasps as Amber, Giovanna, Kirsten, and Jenna all reacted at once. Beaming with pride, I held up my right hand to show off my engagement ring while taking Luke’s left hand in mine to display our matching ink. “And,” I continued, “we’re planning on having a reception so all of you can celebrate with us, but it was just a spur-of-the-moment decision.”

“Holy shit,” Amber exclaimed as the girls crowded around to hug us both, “congrats! I wish so badly Chance was here for this!” She took a step back.

“Where is he?” Luke arched a brow.

“He had to go to New York for a meeting, but he’ll be back in two days.”

“Damn,” Luke replied.

Amber and Giovanna sat on the couch with Tyler while Kirsten perched on the arm of the chair Declan was sitting in.

“I’m so happy for you guys!” Jenna cooed.