Page 72 of Charm

I shook my head.

“Well, we should go get a test and you should take it.”

I wanted to know as well, but I'd been too scared to know.

“Where did you park?”

I rolled my eyes.

“You took the train, didn’t you?” He huffed, snatching my bag up off the ground, and took my hand in his, pulling me to his car. He opened the passenger door, and I got in. Hurrying to the other side to avoid oncoming traffic, he slipped in the driver’s seat, started the engine, and pulled away from the curb.

“We'll stop by the drugstore on the way to your apartment.”

“I actually bought a two-pack, but I haven't had the guts to take it yet.”

Laying his palm on my thigh, he drove in silence. Not another word was spoken until we were in my apartment. He followed me to the bathroom and watched while I unwrapped the test.

“Are you going to watch me pee on it, too?”

He smirked, rolling his tongue across his teeth.

“Wow,” I snickered. “I didn't know you were into that as well.”

Leaning back on the counter, he folded his arms. “I actually don't know because I've never been with anyone who was into it, but I've always been curious.”

My nerves were suddenly eating me alive. The thought of taking the test in front of him sent a fluttering in my belly. “How about you just stay in here while I take the test, but don’t make it weird. Now’s not the time to get turned on.”

He watched as I removed the cap off the test, sat on the toilet, and took it. Once I finished, I placed the cap back on, setting it next to the sink. The moment I finished washing my hands, he took my hand, pulling me against him.

“You're wrong.” He pressed his lips to mine. “There is no bad time to get turned on. And yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm into it, but there's nothing you could do that would ever turn me off, anyway.”

I giggled nervously. “Real talk. What are we going to do if I'm pregnant?”

A smile etched on his face as he stroked my arms. “We knew what we were getting into. You stopped taking your birth control and the thought of you getting pregnant turned us both on more than anything. If you are, are you going to walk away from me now that the fantasy may be a reality?”

“Of course not,” I snorted. “I’ve been missing you so much. I want it all with you and no one else.”

“Good. Because I’m never letting you go.”


Butterflies were never something I felt in my entire life. Now I knew exactly how they felt. An excited churning in the pit of my stomach. It was true love. Not an obligation to stay together for any reason. I wanted to spend my life with her. I didn't want to marry her anytime soon, but only because I felt I owed it to her to date her and give her a proper relationship before we got married one day. She was my peace.

“Ummm, J?”

I turned my head, lowering my gaze to the test. Two blue lines. Oh shit. Our gazes met with nervous delight. Gripping her hips firmly, I crashed my lips into hers. The thought of having a baby with her excited me before, but now that it was a reality, I was over the moon. And I didn't feel guilty anymore. It was time to fix everything.

“How do you feel?” I asked.

“Indescribable. Proud? The need to run outside on my balcony and shout it to the world? Is that ridiculous?”

I chuckled. “Before you do that, I think we need to sit down with both of our families over dinner and talk.”

She groaned, burying her face into my shoulder. “I knowww.” She lifted her gaze to mine “I think we should tell Eliza and Vinny before we put them in a situation where she has to keep it together at a table full of our family.”

“I don't want you to give up your apartment if you don't want to, but I’d love you to move in with me.” I looped a strand of hair around her ear. “Into our bedroom, not the guest room.”

She blinked away her tears, blotting the corner of her eyes. “Are you sure?”